Women’s Empowerment

Women’s Empowerment

Updates from India and Myanmar In late 2022, with $5000 in support from SowHope (a partner organization), Priya*, the head of GATE (Gypsy and Tribal Empowerment), began a job training for twenty women. These women, treated societally and legally as sub-human and...
A Month In Bangladesh

A Month In Bangladesh

It has been a very full month in Bangladesh with floods, food relief, persecution, and baptisms. Dated messages from Pastor Darpan*, our Bangladesh director, paint the picture. July and August saw severe flooding in many parts of the country. Several million people...
A Few of My Favorite Things

A Few of My Favorite Things

Our annual Summer Giving Match is well underway! This year, our goal is $45,000. As of July 24th, we are at 69%! If you plan to give, this is a great time to do it. All Summer Match donations postmarked on or before August 6th will be included, until our goal is...
Thanksgiving Special

Thanksgiving Special

Dear Friends,I am writing this letter from Nepal, the week before Thanksgiving. It’s been a very full past three weeks, as our leaders in the country have been carrying out church savings group trainings for about 75 church leaders in two different regions. These...
July 2022: The Reunion

July 2022: The Reunion

After 2 1/2 years of a pandemic, with all communication with our leaders in Asia being through messaging and video calls, I’ve been able to take two trips to visit our leaders since March. One to Chennai, India in April, and the other to multiple parts of Nepal and...