Praying Over 2021

Praying Over 2021

Next month we will publish our 2020 Annual Report, reflecting on all God has done with your partnership in this extraordinary past year. This month, we look forward to 2021 prayerfully. Below, we share a few prayer requests from pastors and missionaries. These reflect...
A Year of Purpose

A Year of Purpose

Friends,  Merry Christmas! The preparatory season of Advent, with its emphasis on waiting and hopeful expectation, seems pointedly relevant this year.  We, including our brothers and sisters in Asia, are wearily waiting for the Covid-19 pandemic to subside....
Thankful for 2020

Thankful for 2020

Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful, despite all the challenges this year has brought.  If you’ve been reading our updates, you know Harvest Bridge’s ministry has been focused on food distributions for those most in need during COVID-19 lockdowns, flood...
Citizens of Heaven

Citizens of Heaven

Throughout the last four months of the COVID-19 crisis, I have been newly struck by how powerful the church is when we take seriously God’s call to be citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20).  We work in a world where true persecution is a reality.  This past...