October 2021     Myanmar Updates

October 2021 Myanmar Updates

#prayformyanmar #justiceformyanmar Treasures in jars of clay We are witnessing many incidents unfolding in Myanmar. Over the past several months, we have received the very sad news of some of our leaders who lost their lives and others who have lost their loved ones...
Persevering Through August

Persevering Through August

As Covid-19 is still ravaging many of the communities we come alongside, there is unparalleled endurance among our partners who are more motivated than ever to share the love of God. Your immense support through our summer matching campaign, which received 130% of its...
Continuing our Calling

Continuing our Calling

This month, as with every month since the Covid-19 pandemic began last year, we continue to come alongside our leaders throughout South Asia and Myanmar as they share the Gospel in both word and deed in the midst of increasingly difficult circumstances. These girls...
Summer 2021 Giving Match

Summer 2021 Giving Match

Pastor Peter*, Kashmir Regional Director Summer Match! We are holding our 3rd annual Summer Giving Match! A generous supporter is matching $30,000 raised. That means up to $60,000 can be raised between now & July 24th! In this worst moment of the pandemic, half of...