May 2022 – Being a Neighbor

May 2022 – Being a Neighbor

Hearing God’s voice and Responding to others’ “A miracle that I witnessed in the last six months was in the life of an old woman named Junu, aged 58. Junu was also my neighbour. She was very nosy and talkative, but whenever I talked to her about the...
Persevering Through August

Persevering Through August

As Covid-19 is still ravaging many of the communities we come alongside, there is unparalleled endurance among our partners who are more motivated than ever to share the love of God. Your immense support through our summer matching campaign, which received 130% of its...
Loving Mother And Baby – Priya

Loving Mother And Baby – Priya

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” ~ Psalm 139:13-14 For Women’s History Month, we are sharing...
Gypsy & Tribal Empowerment

Gypsy & Tribal Empowerment

One of the first ministries Harvest Bridge supported was Gypsy and Tribal Empowerment (GATE). Started in the south Indian city of Chennai by our partner Priya*, GATE reaches gypsy and tribal peoples with the Gospel and demonstrates Christ’s love through holistic...
COVID-19 Education Response

COVID-19 Education Response

“Back to school” looks radically different in 2020. For many, 2020 will mark the year they never return to school.  “Since people’s economic status has been severely affected by this Covid-19 virus, most of the parents over here are thinking whether...