Pastor & Missionary Sponsorship

Pastor & Missionary Sponsorship

Using our extensive network, Harvest Bridge identifies local missionaries who are doing ministry throughout South Asia. Whether they minister in a city of 20 million or a village of 100, the men and women we work with recognize the need for every person to hear the...
Christmas for All

Christmas for All

December’s newsletter is written by one of our Myanmar (Burma) directors, Pastor Thang*, whose name is changed for security. Pastor Thang teaches at a seminary, runs a children’s home, operates a Christian book publishing ministry, and oversees a team of 30...
Five Years of Tears, Joy, and Lessons

Five Years of Tears, Joy, and Lessons

I’ve grown up with the men and women Harvest Bridge comes alongside in South Asia. Much like the story of Harvest Bridge’s formation, my story of joining the mission is one that was supernaturally led by God.  The summer before enrolling at Grove...
Turbulent Times, Unshakable Hope

Turbulent Times, Unshakable Hope

Thank you for your prayers and support in 2018! It was a rollercoaster of a year – not only in parts of the world that tend to dominate Western news headlines, but also in the countries where Harvest Bridge operates.  Yet God is faithful; our South Asian partners...
Serving with Peace and Joy

Serving with Peace and Joy

My recent visit with our partner Pastor Samuel* from Myanmar (Burma) reminded me the secret of serving God fruitfully, with peace and joy.  Before sharing the key, let me tell you a little about Pastor Samuel.  With few resources, Samuel and his wife Martha*...