People, not Populations

People, not Populations

As I pore through six month reports from our South Asian missionaries, A.W. Tozer’s wisdom comes to mind:  “God does not love populations, He loves people. He loves not masses, but men.”  Reading through stories of persecution, miracles,...
Building a Better World

Building a Better World

Dear Friends,  Ordinarily, our newsletters focus on the work of our South Asian missionary partners.  Harvest Bridge exists to be a bridge between the harvest in South Asia and the church in the West, so we advocate for our South Asian brothers and sisters,...
Resurrection Life

Resurrection Life

It was only 10AM, but the temperature was already nearing 100 degrees. Pastor Ritesh* led the way up the hill, first on a rough gravel road and then a narrow footpath.  As we ascended, I couldn’t resist turning around frequently to catch glimpses of the beautiful...
In the Ordinary and the Incredible

In the Ordinary and the Incredible

Every six months, we receive reports from our national missionaries in the eight countries where we work. They range from stories of persecution and miracles, to prayer requests and future goals.  From ordinary to heartbreaking to awe-inspiring, these stories are...