Latest News from

Harvest Bridge

Stories from Myanmar

Stories from Myanmar

Our 17 church planters in Myanmar, also known as Burma, work tirelessly to spread the Gospel, both in depth and reach. Discipleship...

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Nonexistent in India

Nonexistent in India

Imagine having no type of ID, not even a birth certificate. In fact, no one in your family has any kind of identification. Without this...

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Stories from Bangladesh

Stories from Bangladesh

Be encouraged. God is at work!  During a time of violent political turmoil in Bangladesh, in the last six months our 35 church planters in...

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You Must Have Faith

You Must Have Faith

Elijah*, in Bangladesh, recounts the testimony of a family of new believers.  "In the last months, I with my team have been sharing the Gospel...

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Pastor Jacob’s Testimony

Pastor Jacob’s Testimony

Pastor Jacob is a man with kind eyes and encouraging smile. He is a pastor of one church, and is an overseeing pastor for two other churches....

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The Lord is Our Strength

The Lord is Our Strength

We shared Tabitha and Mamun's testimonies from Bangladesh, as well as some of their ministry in two previous posts. This family of five has faced...

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