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Harvest Bridge
Coming alongside South Asian Christians to reach their own people for Christ.
We are thankful for the tools like this motorbike that make ministry possible through your support!“God has been so faithful, enabling me to connect with the locals through livestock rearing ideas. Initially, accessing this town and its surrounding villages seemed to be so difficult. Gospel literature was scarce, and relationships needed to be built. Through perseverance and prayer, I began visiting various locations, engaging villagers in conversations, and offering guidance on economic development through livestock expertise. God entrusted me with opportunities to share His love, and slowly but surely, doors opened that, I could establish relationships with villagers and share the gospel message with receptive ears. As a result, now four families have accepted Christ. I am conducting bi-weekly prayer meetings in two locations.” ~Chosui*, Male, age 48, Bhutan.
We are counting our blessings here at Harvest Bridge this month! Today we want to share our gratitude to our ministry partner SowHope. SowHope partnered with Harvest Bridge to fund women’s health clinics in Nepal, led by our country leader, Jandi*. Here is the testimony of just one of the participants:“Before the project Parta* was suffering from a prolapse which was causing her pain, and she was unable to work. She and her family never imagined she would be healed. Because of her sickness her husband and children were suffering. They were losing income which is a great loss for the poor. As a result of the project she had the surgery and now she is healthy and working for herself and for her family. She and her family understood that medical treatment can change and save lives. She started sharing her sickness and healing story to other women so that no one will suffer like her in the future.” ~ Jandi*, Female, Age 47*Names changed for safety
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Harvest Bridge connects local ministry leaders in South Asia with people like you, here in the United States. Through our podcast we want to provide a place where you can hear their voices and listen to their stories in their own words. There is a transcription available for those who prefer to read these stories.