The Joy of Tusher

The Joy of Tusher

Last June, I stepped into a village in Bangladesh whose residents, until they met me, didn’t know white people existed. At the time, over 175 people from animist and Hindu backgrounds had been discipled in the Christian faith for several months, and were ready to be...
A Journey Through The Himalayas

A Journey Through The Himalayas

2 AM, southeastern Nepal. A car carrying three sleepless occupants cruises toward Kathmandu, the country’s capital. The passengers, myself and an Indian Harvest Bridge partner, had just visited church planters in Bangladesh, Bhutan and northern India, checking on...
But I Trust In Your Unfailing Love

But I Trust In Your Unfailing Love

How long, O Lord? ~ Psalm 13:1 Immediately prior to starting work with Harvest Bridge, I lived in South Asia for a year. Far away from the expat communities found in large cities, I was culturally immersed in the rural community where I conducted research. This...