Kashmir Prayer Updates

Kashmir Prayer Updates

KASHMIR Below are the Kashmir prayer updates since the 1st of August 2021.  April 29 Sarah, Kashmir Shalom everyone 🕊By the grace of God and by the prayer of all my both daughters got admission in same school. I thank everyone for their prayers. April 29 Sarah,...
India Prayer Updates

India Prayer Updates

INDIA Below are the India prayer updates since the 1st of August 2021. February 14th Pastor Suraj*, Bihar India Good Morning! Here, the situation is getting better now and so Bihar Government has reopened schools and churches and everything! Praying for you all and...
Prayer Updates

Prayer Updates

Through the COVID-19 crisis and beyond, read prayer requests and updates directly from our South Asian leaders. To aid you in reaching the updates from the country you’d like to read about, you can now choose which country’s prayer updates you’d like...