In the Ordinary and the Incredible

Every six months, we receive reports from our national missionaries in the eight countries where we work. They range from stories of persecution and miracles, to prayer requests and future goals. 

From ordinary to heartbreaking to awe-inspiring, these stories are a reminder of how God is working in South Asia. 

Below, are several examples for your encouragement.

Tahmid* in Bangladesh: 

“In this time, as I rode by bicycle in the dark back from my church, some strangers were in the road and told me to stop. I did. 

They were searching my bag but could not find anything except my Bible…When they understood that I was a Christian, they told me to come back tomorrow and bring some money… I shared that as a Christian I have nothing to give except His Word. I asked them to come to our worship where they could receive His Word for free!

The next Sunday, they came to our worship service. They have become my friends! I can now travel safely between home and church because God changed the nature of these three youth. So this is God’s grace.”

Hong* in Myanmar (Burma): 

“In the last six months, more than 250 people have learned and heard the Gospel through our ministry efforts. The people were so excited about the salvation message…There were 32 people who confessed their faith in Christ. By the grace of God, there were 16 people who were baptized as a testimony of their faith in Christ Jesus…

There were times we faced persecution while preaching the Gospel. There were people who are really thirsty for the gospel, but there are also people who opposed us while we were preaching the Gospel.”

Myra* in India: 

“A lady, Bantu*, was suffering from a lack of peace of mind for various reasons. She prayed to all her Hindu gods, but there was still no peace in her heart. She decided to commit suicide. In that time, a believer from our church brought her to our fellowship. 

We shared the Gospel with her, and she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. She received peace, took water baptism, and is coming to church regularly. Now she is encouraging her family to follow Jesus”.

Advik* in the Andaman Islands: 

“In the next six months, we plan to start one more house church in anther village, and establish prayer cells in five places, in and around the nearby farm areas. Please pray for us.”

Thank you for supporting these men and women as they serve God in the incredible, and in the ordinary!

*Names changed for security.