Peacemaking in Pakistan

Pakistan. The world’s sixth most-populated nation, with nearly 200 million people. 

97% of the country is Muslim, and 384 of its 394 ethno-linguistic people groups are considered unreached with the Gospel. Pakistan is one of the world’s greatest remaining challenges to fulfilling the Great Commission.

In this beautiful land, full of much need and much opportunity, Harvest Bridge works on the front lines. 

Starting with the 2005 earthquake that claimed nearly 100,000 lives, our Pakistani partners have actively demonstrated Christ’s love through disaster relief. Since 2010, they’ve provided flood relief to thousands, winning the respect of local governments.

Another earthquake struck Balochistan Province in 2013. Our partners risked their lives to provide aid to remote villages in a region beset by a rebel insurgency – a dangerous area even for the Pakistan Army. 

Never seeking compensation for this effort, our partners sought only to bear witness to God’s love and mercy. In the process, bridges of understanding were built between ethnic groups in conflict, and between Muslims and Christians.

Our partners do not merely provide short-term relief, however. In keeping with Harvest Bridge’s model, they work toward long-term, sustainable transformation. In 2012, they began disaster preparedness training in the same flood-affected communities, in partnership with a large U.S.-based relief agency. 

In 2014, with a grant from this agency, they expanded their work to include Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) training in marginalized Hindu villages in the Thar Desert.

One aspect of WASH is ensuring access to clean water. Our partners are nearing completion of a well for this purpose; it will serve 2500 people in two desert villages. While digging, they encountered large rocks; it will cost an additional $5,000 to drill to break these rocks and finish the well.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us to complete this project? Our Pakistan Coordinator, Pastor Sameer*, says it well: 

“Water is life for these people, and if this project collapses, it will be a great loss.”

Your support of Harvest Bridge is a wise investment in the growth of God’s kingdom in Pakistan, enabling our partners to minister holistically through disaster relief, community development and other ministries including church planting, women’s ministry, and education for underprivileged children.

Join us in standing with our Pakistani brothers and sisters’ holistic mission of Gospel-centered peacemaking. 

Thank you for your support!

In Christ,

Andrew David

Director of International Partnerships

*Name changed for safety