The Impact of a Bible

Recently, Harvest Bridge was able to fund several hundred Bibles to be  given to new believers in Myanmar (Burma), through our rural pastors. Below are just a few stories that highlight the life changing gift of the Bible:

Pastor Daniel* says, 

“I and my family are doing well by the grace of God. I am very excited to give you a report of my ministry.

I do thank you so much for the financial support which I received from you through Pastor Paul. Your kind support and faithful prayer toward my ministry is a great blessing for me and my family and my church members. Our ministry continues and God opens the door for us to bring His Good News to the unreached people.

We see the tears of joy and peace in the people’s heart.

The Bibles we distributed bring people closer to our living God and helps people to grow their faith in Jesus Christ. We love to continue distributing Bibles as the need is great, so pray for this need. Thank you so much for the donors toward these Bibles. It’s a great blessing for us to distribute Bibles to the needed hands. People are so excited and thank God with us because of the Bibles. Some testimonies follow”:


“As a father of five family members, it is hard for my family to survive with a little income. But we all got saved and love the Lord so much. Every night, we have a prayer meeting, sing a song, and then my children used to give a bible recitation, which they have learned in their Sunday school class.

But we did not have a Bible in our home.One day, one of my children told me that, we read Bible in the church and why don’t have bible at home for reading. Really, it touched my heart as a father.

On that day onwards, in our daily prayer meeting, we asked the Lord to provide us Bible for my family. The Lord is so good to us and on the next month we have got a Bible from our pastor freely. 

He gave us a bible and prayed for our family. I and my family members were shouting like anything. God really answers our prayers. He really is concerned for our family to have His living word.

We read, we grow, and we experience His goodness day by day. Thank you so much for the Bible.”


“The Bible was a great blessing to me and my family. We read and study in our daily family prayer meeting. We are closer to the Lord. 

Praise the Lord for the Bible!”


“The Lord brought His Word to our family through our pastor. I praise His name because He knows our greatest need which is the Bible.

As my family read and studied the Bible, we all learned that the Bible is full of love and forgiveness.

God’s living word is a light to our family. Thank God for giving us a Bible to our family which makes us closer to our living God. Thank you so much for the Bible. May God bless you.”