Frank Duda (1945 – 2021)

Honoring the life and legacy of one of our founding Board Members

"On October 7th, 2021 one of our long-time board members went to be with his Lord. Frank Thomas Duda, Jr., Ph.D., age 76, of Grove City, Pennsylvania. 
He was born in Pittsburgh on March 21, 1945. He earned a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, taught at Grove City College from 1979 to 2009, and was also a researcher and engineer for many years at the former United States Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh Research Facility.
Frank believed in the unity of all believers in Jesus Christ and the value and dignity of all people, as evidenced by numerous missionary experiences in Peru, India, Uganda, Ukraine, and South Asia. In January 2008, Frank and Van Campbell were the first people to visit India with Tim Mech, founder of Harvest Bridge. Frank, Van, and Larry Fleming joined Tim as founding Board Members when Harvest Bridge was incorporated later that year. Frank served faithfully on our Board until his death.
Frank was a character in every sense of the word; a great husband, father, grandfather, friend, and teacher of many. He never knew a stranger, and always had an opinion, which he freely shared with all. He was a simple man, with a dry sense of humor, and an insatiable appetite for knowledge. He was a faithful friend and a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. He will be missed by his beloved wife, Carol, his sons Steven, Jonathan, and Michael, and their families, and by those who served with him in Harvest Bridge.
On our board, his prayers, generosity, and advice helped guide the organization for years. Frank is and will continue to be deeply missed."

Memorial Tribute Fund:

It was Frank and Carol’s wish that in lieu of other gifts, that a donation to Harvest Bridge be given in Frank’s name.

  • On a check, you can simply write his name on the memo.
  • Online, with any gift you give, there is an option to make a donation in tribute; you can put Frank’s name there.

With your gift, Frank’s legacy of supporting the work of local followers of Jesus in South Asia and Myanmar who are sharing the Gospel in word and deed in their communities continues.