Nepal & Tibet Prayer Updates

Nepal & Tibet

Below are the Nepal & Tibet prayer updates since the 1st of August 2021.  February 1st Pastor Shalva* and Jandi*, Nepal Director Jaimashi, 25 pastors are getting Backpack with ministry tools in it. Please kindly pray for it. Thanking you so much for all your prayers, support, and help. January 16th Pastor Shalva*, Nepal director I am not feeling well I suspect that I might be attacked by Omicron even though i have not tested yet but i have headache, body ache, dizziness and weak. Also dry coughing, not sensed any smell. Please pray for me. December 18th: Pastor Shalva*, Nepal director We are doing good and ministry is also going on very well. Covid cases are regularly declining in Nepal.

We are excited to give the children of the community warm clothing soon. October 25th: Pastor Shalva*, Nepal director The Savings group [which is being expanded] has many benefits however it mainly has two purposes as well as strengths as i understand that is: 1. To help people for their spiritual growth while saving a little out of their income. This will bind them together with other believers in Bible study and fellowships. 2. To generate a usable fund which can be used for uplifting poorest of poor families who can never open a bank account and save a little out of their very poor income. If they have a something in their hand they immediately save in the savings group. If they need a fund for doing a simple business like a grocery shop, tea shop, snacks outlet, goat keeping, bee keeping, chicken farm, vegetable farm, and cow farm etc.

They can borrow from savings group and they can make little more income and slowly they can come out from their poverty. But rich people may not need savings group because they can save any where but rich people’s savings will help poor people to establish some business and poor people’s active participation will help spiritual growth of both rich and poor. Eventually their is no much gap between rich and poor. It is very pure vision to build up Kingdom of God with strong tie between people and give glory to God. Thanking you so much for all your hard works. Pastor Shalva October 24th: Pastor Shalva*, Nepal director If we get $5000/ relief funds we plan to help children whose parents are unable to buy winter clothing for their children. In Nepal winter starts from last week of October to first week of March.

I have seen those poorest of poor Children are always shivering in the cold season because they have no winter cloths. I can distribute winter cloths to 300 Children of Nawalparasi district and Palpa district. I can buy one pair of woolen sweater and trouser. It is costing about $20/ however when we are buying in bulk and whole seller we can get about between $18-$16 so with that money i can provide winter clothing to 300 Children. Thanking you so much for all your prayers support and help. Pastor Shalva October 20th: Pas. Shalva*, Nepal director First day Maternity health camp and counselling went very well please pray for second day i.e. today’s camp should go well. Couple of days ago there was heavy rain and flood in some of the area but now the weather is very clear. October 6th: Pastor Shalva*, Nepal Director Thank you so much for all your prayers, support and help.

We will be maximum utilizing the funds you send mostly for the needs of Pastors, missionaries, and Leaders who have been doing the ministry of The Lord very sacrificially. September 27th: Pastor Shalva*, Nepal director We all are doing good by the Grace of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. We are continuously losing our friends and Pastors because of Covid, last week itself we lost two more Pastors but they are not our supported missionaries however we lost very good ministers of The Lord. We are very seriously praying to The Lord that all the Pastors, leaders, and missionaries may be protected by His Grace. Our children are appearing final exams and we are quite busy for the ministry please remember us in your prayers. We have experienced flood, landslide, and natural disasters during this rainy season. About a dozen churches are collapsed, more than 500 families are victimized by the flood and out of that more than 50 christian families are suffered.

We have helped some of them. These are the things i can share with you. Please remember us in your prayers. Thanking you so much for all your prayers and support. September 13th: Pastor Shalva*, Nepal director We are very much thankful to you for all your prayers and concern for us. When we pray for you and HB we always thank our God for you all. We are always concerned for helping the Church because Church is bought by the precious blood of Jesus.

During this Lockdown time we have extended saving group in five Churches.  August 26th: Pastor Shalva*, Nepal director Very sad news, one of my disciples named Rajan*, aged 44 , went to with The Lord because of Covid-19. He has established a Church with 75 members. Three years ago I discipled him for 9 months. He was doing very good ministry. Please kindly remember his family and two children in your prayers. August 20th:  Pastor Shalva*, Nepal director Thanking you from Nepal, we are actually utilizing this very difficult and hard times for helping in different ways to the Churches and Pastors and leaders especially those who are facing survival crises in the ministry. If we at least stand with them whatever we can help it will surely multiply Kingdom of God in the days to come so we are moving with them. Please continue to pray for us so that we can help as much as we can.

We will be ready to attend phone call next week as you have planned please go ahead for that. We are more than happy to speak to you all. Let us know the day and time so we will be prepared. Once again many many thanks for everything that you have done for us as brother and sister in Christ Jesus. August 10th:  Pastor Shalva*, Nepal director Thank you for everything that you are supporting us. A few days ago Jandi* had first dose verocell vaccine from China and she needs to have second dose within four weeks. Covid is still increasing again there will be lock down however we can travel short distance in our private vehicles. We are trying to help many Churches to continue in the ministry because of lockdown many Churches who had rented place and can’t pay rent so those Churches are in ministry survival crises. We were able to help more than 20 Churches to help them to at least survive in the ministry so that they can do more once the situation is normal.