Christmas for All

December’s newsletter is written by one of our Myanmar (Burma) directors, Pastor Thang*, whose name is changed for security. Pastor Thang teaches at a seminary, runs a children’s home, operates a Christian book publishing ministry, and oversees a team of 30 missionaries.

Christmas greetings and thanks from Myanmar!

As we are going to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is a great opportunity for us to witness about the Saviour of the world, for sinners to come to the Lord, and for us to bring the joy of salvation to everyone. 

Especially in Myanmar, where Christmas is known by everyone, why not take advantage to tell about the birth of Jesus, the Saviour and Redeemer?

Many Christians here think that Christmas is for only Christians to celebrate because it has to do with Christianity. But in my understanding, Christmas is not for the Christian only. It is for all people. 

It has to be for sinners, who are desperately in need of help, being lonely, isolated, and disadvantaged, and who feel that they are forgotten, have sorrow in their heart, and instability in their mind. It is for those who need a redeemer and Saviour from all the burdens of their heart.

The Gospel of Mark 10:27 says, 

“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man [being saved] is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.’” 

And in Mark 10:45, 

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

In the Gospel of John, Chapter 5, we see the man who had been at the pool of Bethesda for 38 years. When Jesus came to Jerusalem for a feast, he saw this man out of the multitude of people. Jesus knew before he spoke with him about his suffering and waiting. When He came to know this man’s heart, Jesus asked him, 

“Do you want to be made well?”

I tell people, today, Jesus has come into the world to die for you and to save you from your sins. He asks to you too, 

“Do you want to be made well?” 

Do you want to be saved from your sins? Only Jesus can forgive your sin – just believe in Jesus.

In Luke 8, after spending her living on physicians and not being healed, a woman touches Jesus’ garment and is immediately healed. Jesus said to her, 

“Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”

This is Christmas. Let us rejoice and be happy as we are going to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

On behalf of our missionary partnership, we would like to express our love and thanks to the churches and individuals who support and pray for us. 

You all have been so special and precious to us, as you have shown the kindness and love which is in Christ Jesus. This is our strength and courage that we have in being part of your family through Christ. 

Without all your support and prayer, we would not be able to do the work.

Merry Christmas and Many Thanks! 

Pastor Thang and the Harvest Bridge team