Partner Spotlight

February 2024

Sabuj* is a 39 year-old preacher in northwest Bangladesh. He is married with two sons, age 10 and 15.

When you give to Harvest Bridge, you support him, his family, and hundreds of pastors and missionaries like him. The following is his six-month ministry report, in his own words.

In recent months, I have been able to preach the Gospel in several areas. There was [a village] where I went multiple times and there, I have preached among 32 people and I had two helpers with me. In [a nearby city] I got the privilege to serve the local church where around 40 people usually gather for praise and worship. I went to another place for visiting a church and to see how the believer brothers and sisters are doing. We talked about the situation of that locality, and also whether they have any needs or not, etc. I went to [another village] many times for discipleship trainings and discussions. So far, 10 people have been attending the sessions regularly and are willing to serve. Besides this, I have been visiting houses from our local church and following up on them regularly. For the past few months, I and my assistants are going to different places to preach, help and have fellowship, pray, visit churches, etc.

I want to praise God for all the times He has used me for His Kingdom. Every journey is a blessing for me.

I went to [another village] to distribute medical help (medicine, advice), where we shared the Gospel to people as well. There was a conflicting situation and land-related issues in two of the churches, and I went there with my helpers to resolve their dispute. I praise God for the wisdom He gave me for resolving their problems. For the land issues, we are still praying that God helps them overcome the situation. At [one] church, we arranged for a graveyard for the believer families from the neighboring areas (as Christians have difficulty to get burial permission). They had been praying for a graveyard for quite a long time now. I believe these are some very little acts through which God Almighty was glorified.

Describe any persecution that you or someone in your ministry experienced in the last 6 months.

I was returning home after ending my work that day. I went to a place (not mentioning the name) to share the Gospel and while returning, I was stopped by five Tribal people. They stopped and asked me to hand my belongings over to them. I did what they asked. When they opened my bag, they found my Bible and a worship lyrics book inside. Then they asked me what was my job and where was I coming from. I answered them saying that I am a Christian and explained my duties to them. Then they saw the time and it was actually very late, and so they asked me why was I coming home this late. I told them that my cycle didn’t work rightfully to carry me to home, that’s why I was coming slowly by carrying it. They asked me a couple of more questions and I humbly answered. Finally, they stepped aside saying that “for this time, we are letting you go. And if we ever find you sharing anything regarding your religion then there will be no chance for you.” I was really puzzled and scared that time, but I started praying ever since.

I am willing to work for God even if I face these troubles. God is protecting me with His Mighty hands and I am beyond grateful to Him for that.

In what ways did you see God work in the last 6 months? What answers to prayer did you see? 

Our God is a living God. These past few months were full of new experiences for me. God has taken me to new places and helped me to talk to my people. He has continuously protected me and my family from persecution. That is one of the major thanksgivings from my side. Besides, we are healthy and are able to continue our work; that’s why I want to thank God.

What are your main personal prayer requests?

  • I want to keep a prayer request for the people of my area who are wholeheartedly serving God. Please pray for their health and protection.
  • Please pray for my children’s study and that they learn to live with the ideals of Jesus Christ.
  • I ask for more wisdom to find the deep meanings of the Scripture.
  • May God be glorified by all of my attempts and activities for His Kingdom.

What are your main ministry prayer requests?

  • Please pray that God attracts the non-believers to Him more, so we can reach out to them easily.
  • I want to see more ministry growth in every corner of Bangladesh.
  • If arrangements for local medical programs can be made, then we can reach more non-believers through our services.
  • Please pray for the safety of the ministers all around the world.

What goals do you hope to accomplish for God’s Kingdom in the next 6 months?

  • I want to keep giving my service to my local church and try to make more disciples through more fellowship, Bible studies, and discussion.
  • Another goal is to help people understand the meaning of a prayerful life and encourage them to pray in every situation.
  • I wish to continue preaching to reach more souls for the Kingdom of God, so that more people can receive salvation.

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