Myanmar Leader Spotlight

This month we highlight the ministry of Pastor Philip* in Myanmar. Recently, he shared the following report about his past six months.

November 2023

I am delighted to give you my report for the previous quarter. God has done so many things through our lives and I am so thankful to His leading thus far. The Lord has given us good health and we are doing well. Because of the coup, our lives are more and more difficult. Fighting took place more and more in our place. There were many dangers but the Lord has kept us safe till today. Because of the coup, prices of things are higher every day. More and more people are suffering and the coup affected us very badly. 

I conducted a home cell, Bible study house to house in my church. Also, during the month of May and June, there were many kinds of sickness like fever; hydrations etc. Because of those sicknesses, two of our church members lost their lives. But the Lord blessed my family and we are not affected by those sicknesses. I praise the Lord for His protection, His provision and His leading. We can sense your prayers in our daily living. Please continue to uphold us in your daily prayers. 

During the past quarter, I had a privilege to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a couple of villages. I reached to 2 new villages and shared the love of God. The 2 villages are so closed and it’s about 35 km from my place. They welcome me in a very friendly way and I had a privilege to share the love of God. In both communities, I shared the love of God with them and I stayed one night in each village. The Lord blessed my efforts and nine people have come to the knowledge of salvation (2 people from one community and seven people from the other community). I praise God for saving these precious souls. Now, I have to disciple them in a regular basis and pray that they will grow in Jesus Christ and pray that the Lord will give me more souls in those villages. They are so poor but it is interesting to learn about the love in their lives. I enjoy staying with them. One new church was started during the last six months and six people were baptized as a testimony of their faith in Jesus Christ. 

Over the next six months, I am planning to have a Bible training, more discipleship classes, to distribute the gospel tract wherever I go and to have more Bible class. 

During the last six months, I faced no persecution directly. But one of the new believers had faced a great persecution from his family. He was about 24 years old and after he was saved, his community was angry with him as some of the tribal people are very conservative in their belief. I was told that some of the young people wanted to hurt him because of his faith in Jesus Christ. His parents requested to people not to harm and finally, he was saved and was not hurt. I praise the Lord. As I heard the news, I visited him and prayed with him and encouraged him through the Word of God and I saw that he is growing in Jesus Christ instead of turning back. Through sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, nine people have come to the knowledge of salvation. I want to share with you one testimony here:

New Believer Testimony

“Pastor Philip came my house and shared with me about the love of God. Though I never heard about the living God, I was excited to hear his message. He differentiates the local god and the living God and read some passages from the Bible. When I heard the good news of Jesus Christ, I want to believe in Him because He is the only living God. I was glad to learn that Jesus paid His life for my sin; He prepares a place for me in heaven. The more he shares about the salvation message, the more I want to surrender my life to Him, Lastly, I confessed my sins before God and I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. That day was the happiest day in my life. Now, I am glad to know that I am a child of God.”

We can sense your prayers in our daily living. Please continue to uphold us in your daily prayers.

Pray for myself and family for good health

Pray that the Lord will end the civil war soon

Pray for my children and their future education

Pray the believers will grow their faith in Jesus Christ

Pray that the villages will grow in Jesus Christ

Pray for the next outreach to win more souls to Christ

Pray for spiritual blessings for the persecuted man

We will be sharing more about Myanmar in February in an exclusive recorded interview with one of our leaders. Make sure to follow our social media and subscribe to our email list!

We are so grateful to you for your support of Harvest Bridge! Thank you for your prayers and financial support for our partners in South Asia. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving!

In Christ,

The Harvest Bridge Team

*Names changed for safety