Leader Spotlight: Pastor Chosui*, Bhutan

47-year old Chosui serves in southern Bhutan, leading local churches in his region and leading ministry trips to the more remote eastern part of his country. Your gifts support his work, and others like him. The following is his most recent six-month ministry report.
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At the beginning of 2022, we had a plan for our ministry to reach new places, like [a new district], and 17 gewogs (blocks of villages), but due to Covid-19 we were not allowed to go to other districts. So, we chose two nearby villages, each with around 50 households. It takes around 6 hours by foot to reach there from our main church. The road condition is very bad.

We are showing films of Jesus Christ and providing a helping hand in their construction and farming, like pig farming, and also in pottery, by giving them training. In the village, most of the people are poor. Most of them are drinkers of wine and make it in their own homes from the crops. We helped them understand that drinking too much wine is bad for their health, and if you have frequent drinks then you will become more and more poor, which means their children’s future will not be good.

We prayed for the sick, helped the poor and those who don’t have food or skills, giving them some food like rice and oil and teaching them to work in the field. We also taught them to pray and work, helping them understand that God will bless their crops. In this place, we had around 10 households that received our Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and God.

We visited another village where there are 65 households, and we visited all the houses and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we first visited this place, we did so as businessmen to be good friends to them, helping them in their planting of rice paddies, helping in farming work, and visiting again to build trust with each other. Then we showed the love of our Lord, showing the Jesus Film in their house. We prayed for the sick people, showed the love of our Lord, and helped them understand His love, salvation, and grace toward us. We explained to them that He is the only one that gets us to heaven.

By his grace, two families came to the Lord from this village. Please pray for these villages. Thank you for your support, and for praying for us and for God’s blessing on us.

In the past six months, around 10 people confessed faith in Christ near to my place, and around 10 more people in eastern Bhutan on our mission trips. 7 people were baptized.

We are planning to have one new house church in another village also. Most people there are uneducated. By His grace, we have one brother – Mr. Purna* – that takes care of the house church. Please pray for us to open three house churches in eastern Bhutan where there are no churches. We are planning to start fellowships in three new districts in eastern Bhutan in the coming year, 2023. Thank you all for the prayers that I could visit these three places.

In what ways did you see God work in the last 6 months? For example, what answers to prayer did you see?

We prayed for a man called Drukpa*, who is 52 years old and from a Buddhist background. He was sick for 7 months and bedridden due to a stroke. We went to him and prayed for him. The Lord is so good – He touched him and healed him. We prayed for him and he received healing. Now we are sharing the love of God and we are praying for him, that our Lord will bring him to his fold. Pray for Mr. Drukpa, who is the villager leader and very influential in the neighborhood. If he comes to the Lord, then all the village will come.

What are your main personal prayer requests?
  • Please pray for my family and my son David’s education.
What are your main ministry prayer requests?
  • To reach all over our country, Bhutan, with the Gospel.
  • Along with Mr. Purna, please pray for my other two co-workers in the ministry also.
  • Pray for the leaders we need for a new district, that our workers can go there.
  • Pray for the expenses for the mission trips, that they will be met.
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