June 2022 Update

Rebuild . Restore . Renew

Dear friends and supporters,

We are launching our 2022 Summer Match starting on Sunday. This year, a generous supporter is matching up to $40,000 raised. That means $80,000 can be raised between July 3 and August 14!

After two very difficult years full of Covid deaths, illness, war, natural disasters, political unrest, displacement, increased persecution, worsening poverty, and emotional suffering, our partners are still standing firm in their faith in God and in their calling to serve their nations.

There is a sense of desire to turn the page and enter a new season of hope – a season of rebuilding the ancient ruins, restoring the places long devastated, and renewing the ruined cities (Isaiah 61:4). That is what this year’s campaign is all about.

This hope does not mean that everything is resolved right now. Myanmar is still experiencing civil war; children have not been to school for two years and require assistance for home-schooling. Parts of Bangladesh, Kashmir, and Northern India are underwater right now, with heavy loss of life, property, and livelihood. Some of our partners are affected and need our help.

In the midst of all this, visions are reemerging and dreams now have a chance. So we are working with our partners to create new ministries, while strengthening the existing ones. In Nepal, our pastors are being trained to run small savings groups that could make a big difference to their church members and neighbors. In Bhutan, they have a 50 churches by 2025 vision and are training Christian workers to help plant churches and disciple new believers. In India, many women are receiving vocational training and equipment like tailoring machines to help them become self-employed. In every region, our leaders are able to restart their ministry and need ministry tools.

By giving to this campaign you are funding our partners where needed most; for church planting and discipleship; providing ministry tools like Bibles, bags, and bikes; helping projects that benefit women and/or are led by women; sponsoring children’s education and essentials; developing communities that are neglected or under-resourced; supplying aid and relief when disaster strikes; protecting those who are persecuted and need refuge; and enabling us to journey with our South Asian brothers and sisters in Christ, both in good and bad times.

All 2022 Summer Match donations postmarked on or before August 14th will be included, until our goal of $40,000 is reached. You can give online here, fill an ACH Form, or send a check to the address below. Only donations designated to the match will be doubled. Follow us on social media for regular progress updates. Even if you are unable to donate at this time, please share this with others and pray with us over the next six weeks. We will be praying over Isaiah 61 through the campaign and the season ahead. We are very grateful for each one of you.

In the Father’s love,

HB Team

An opportunity to ‘double’ your donations this Summer!
Give to our 2022 Summer Match!

Please write


as reference and mail your checks to: P.O. Box 284 Grove City PA 16127


Click here to give online
or visit our website: harvestbridge.org/give


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to (724) 604-5771

and you will receive a link to donate online on your phone.