Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan Prayer Updates


Below are the Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan updates since the 1st of August 2021.
January 7th:

Pastor Jagan*, Bhutan-India border

Here at the border once again night lockdown and more lockdown restrictions are announced. All the school and Colleges are closed. In Bhutan also more restrictions are announced to tackle Omicron strain. Now the 3rd vaccination or the booster dose giving work is going on.
Hope you all are well. As we read newspaper as well as see the news about US COVID spread very scary and we always remember you in our prayers.
Now people here in Bhutan as well as in the borders need more prayers and possible relief that no work. Suffering is all around.

December 22: 

Pastor Jagan*, Bhutan-India border

Praise the LORD! Wishing you all a merry Christmas and Happy New year. Hoping and praying for a brand new year of hope and blessings. Thank you for all your prayers and hard work to bless all the partners. May God bless you. 

December 4th:
Sukeena*, Sri Lanka
Sister Ghadah* [wife of Sri Lanka director, Suhas*] past away. Please pray for her family.
September 22nd:
Ashal*, Sri Lanka
Greetings to you in Jesus name. 
I express my sincere thanks on behalf of  the pastors for the support rendered even in the midst of pandemic disaster we have received the support April, June and August (3 month). We very much appreceiate your efforts and the  generosity  of those who donated for this mission.
We r in lockdown from 20th August to October 1st of 2021. Churches are not functioning and we gather our believers on phone for prayers to encourage them to be firm in their spiritual life.
We understand the difficult situation in rasing funds in these days. Once again I express my Sincere thanks for all of you.
We uphold you in our daily prayer for your protection  and the country. 
May the Lord bless and protect you at this Covid 19 situation. 
Yours in Christ 
Bro. Ashal
September 1st: 
Sukeena*, Sri Lanka
My family and I have been sick for the past two weeks. We affected Covid 19. My brother Pastor Kiyansh* and my daughter went through a bad situation. One early morning we as a family fought and prayed with the Lord. Our church members affected corona virus. We prayed. Now not bad. Please pray for us.
Not only that but our missionaries have suffered:
Ps. Nirved* and family (Specially prayer request grandson Eight month), Christian rabi family, Ps. Ayaan* and family, Ps. Kiyansh* family – please pray for us.
Now there is a lockdown in Sri Lanka. Now, many people died day by day. Please pray for us.
God bless you.
August 28th:
Pastor Jagan*, Bhutan
1.    Let us pray for the redemption of Bhutan.
2.    Let us pray and listen to the voice of God in our lives with obedience.
3.    Daily corona cases in [nearby] area is a matter of concern. Let us pray that the impact of plague will be completely reduced in the country and around the world.
4.    Let us pray for the people affected by the heavy rains.
5.    Let us pray that every Lamas (Monks) – the most powerful religious body in the nation – come to know the true God Christ Jesus.
6.    Let us pray for the protection of the God’s people and all the missionaries serving the LORD in the country.
7.    God to raise up more Missionaries everywhere in Bhutan so that, the gospel sharing be abundant.