Bangladesh Prayer Updates


Below are the Bangladesh prayer updates since the 1st of August 2021.     February 25th   Pray for the below items.   A. One of our church member who got Motor bike accident and right leg have broken for 3 pieces, admitted to hospital. This is critical for life saving   B. Pray for a pregnant women who’s situation is also critical for her life saving as the doctor said.   C. Pray for the new believers communities where Satan is powerful to make obstacles as we are thinking so but need to protect by the Lord’s weapons as He commended.   D. Pray for our missionaries including their families, also for the new believers communities.   Rina* Bangladesh   Darpan* & Rina*, Bangladesh Directors   Kindly pray for Ukraine peace as the war is between two countries, may His peace come upon there pls.   February 24th   Darpan* & Rina*, Bangladesh Directors   Praise the Lord that last 22nd February God has blessed us provided more 32 new believers to the same Joda Church. Today I will share the report pls.   February 21st   Darpan* & Rina*, Bangladesh Directors   Good morning, There is a good news that in our Joda church were there will be Holy baptism for second time. Last year by bless of God, we able to baptize 56 and tomorrow 22nd Feb ’22 there will be 35 again. So, pray for the new and old believers, also for the team to see His glory.   February 18th   Darpan* & Rina*, Bangladesh Directors   Pray for the Joda* Church where we are able to Baptize 56 first time and again there will be more 35 new believers for His glory. Also another field expecting more and these would be in Feb.2022. So, pray to see His glory I believe so.   February 16th   Darpan* & Rina*, Bangladesh Directors   This month – there will be a Holy baptism and another one 2nd time Baptism as I told you before. So, pray for the missionaries and program please.   February 1st   Darpan* & Rina*, Bangladesh Directors   In including my wife knelt down with thankfulness and thinking how could we will come before Him with our empty hand as He is going to answer. Bible says Psalm 50:15 “and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me and also in Psalm 91:15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. We are thankful for your endeavor to arrange and manage the source/institution/donor for the education which is our great need of this little ministry. We know that “education is the back bone of a Nation”, like this same-without education these followers of this mission/ministry could not be success or will not see the light for future development. We were confident in His Word says the Lord is alive to answer that. So, it is a great blessing –we praise His name.   It would be more two days or little more delay to sending the blanket distribution approximately report as the Sakthira* missionaries are still have been distributing in this present severer cool which pictures and others needed time to reaching me.    January 29th   Darpan* & Rina*, Bangladesh Directors   There is a good news which is Protik’s* health situation is taking good turn and doctors are saying – this is good signal. So, praise the Lord. Tomorrow is the Sunday and will be more and strong prayer for him.   January 27th   Darpan* & Rina*, Bangladesh Directors   We are so sad and praying for his healing but his wife including kids are hopeless and crying. Other Sister who is our church member getting good signs and believing she will be okay in normal life soon. So pray for the both and wanted to see His miracle as we are believing.   January 25th   Darpan* & Rina*, Bangladesh Directors   My Respected Sisters & Brothers, Greetings and believe everyone is well by His grace. We the same.   Today I would like to share about COVID-19 pandemic mainly Omicron – which has attacked to our one missionary whom name is Provin Varoi*, admitted to the hospital, conditions is mostly serious, doctors are become hopeless but we believe in Living Lord, have been praying and kindly for Provin* and his family. We are trying for the best whatever he needed and keeping trust in LORD.   Same one of our church member named Barovi* is the same case though the both are taken the COVID-19 2nd dozes and were waiting for Buster dozes. So, pray for His protection which come upon all, as there is severe winter warning more and more which is helping to attacking the people.   In His blessings   January 22nd   Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh Director   Blankets distribution have been continuing and pray for Bangladesh. Covid-19 and Omicron have been increasing much. All the educational institutions have been closed down from today. This time remote areas also been affecting by the COVID-19 pandemic. So, pray for Bangladesh and hope so.   January 11th   Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh Director   Happy New Year 2022. Thanks for your respond. I was stopped for long time but was visiting others area and coming 13th night leaving for Chittagong to meeting few people whose are thirsted for Him and will come back on14th but Covid-19 situation is alarming. Before March it can takes more destructive and more lives threatening situation. On the other hand Govt. has not yet taken the strong initiatives and waiting to see more. Health Scientists are noticing and it would be very bad in winter (cool time and already COVID-19 has been attacking in the remotes area as the cool has been flowing. North East and North west including South are trembling by the Himalayan cool. Within this situation prioritizing His Word and the thirstiest people’s. So pray for Bangladesh.   We are always grateful to you for your continuous tremendous love and care.   Darpan* & Rina* Bangladesh   December 15th:    Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh director   Thank you so much for the little gift for all missionaries and all churches [funds for Christmas outreaches]. As I shared this message to missionaries – they showed their excitement in tears by kneeling down to Lord. We love you so much and Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas to you and all of HB and friend circles in Lord and thanks for your every time good message with encouraging us, we are so thankful and we love you.   December 11th:    Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh director   I am sorry for the delay sending the Holy Baptism report which was taken place on 8th December in Naogoan District. Praise the Lord that 63 new people came to Lord by the Holy Spirit blessing. We praise His name that He has been using our teams for His work in every areas and New Year 2022 will be more blessings. So, pray for our missionaries. Kindly observe it and let us to know your remarks and hope so.   Yours in His blessings Darpan* and Rina*   December 10th:   Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh director   Merry Christmas and thanks for keeping patience for us. We also believe everyone is well and saved by His grace as the Omicron has been searching hot to attack the people of the World.   December 6th:   Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh director   Merry Christmas to you and all in Jesus’ name and believe everyone is well and saved by His grace and we are the same.   Today I would like to share a message that the day after tomorrow there will be a Holy Baptism in  Naogoan District. Kindly pray for the program where a lot of people are ready in the Lord where the Holy Spirit has been guiding the new believers who have surrendered themselves before and worshiping in Lord from long before. So, pray for them in [this village] for the victory before the Merry Christmas and hope so.   Sincerely Yours, Darpan* and Rina*   December 1st:   Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh   Greetings. I was busy for the field as I am visiting because this is the end of the year and mentally I busy for the how to stand beside our communities in 2022. So, remember us to your daily prayers.   Today I am attaching some pictures where and what purposes mainly we spent the amount exactly provided by HB. But some pictures which are incompletion of work like Gautam* and others.   a. The amount for Manoj* and his brother with others where I including our more 2 missionaries were present with me for the money disbursement.   b. Wife of Missionary Sekhar* who received the money at my present where Missionary Sekhar and Basu* were present   c. Missionary Gautam* –the total amount which was given by Missionary Gabriel* where his wife and son were present and they started to build their tin shed tin with RCC pillar hose which is not yet finished. So, these pictures are not final but after then I will send you final pictures   d. Missionary Ajay*- whom were given the Goiter operation money by me and still today he has been following the doctor’s advice as taking medicines to reducing his goiter tissue  and coming 7th December will be final examine whether is it is okay or not for operation or operate the goiter. So, Missionary Ajay* pictures could not be present yet and we have to wait for the final report and hope so.   e. Another two students: One girl she is studying in college and another is going to appear the School final exam. So, they came from the poorest and marginal family whom needed economical compassion at this stage which could not provide by their parent. So, we are thankful to HB .   An urgent request to you if possible to provide some money because I found two churches.   1. Our Rajshahi area is one of the Church out of 17 where we baptized for two times total number 103 members – these new believers who have collected altogether around 30,000.00 taka ($350) to build a Tin shed with RCC pillar 35 feet long and 25 feet wide for worship. This Church member have a big heart for the Lord and appealed to me and I visited myself and found that they needed for more 130,000.00 approximately in US $ 1,548.00 and it would be okay to prepare. I know Lord has given you a big heart to stand beside the thirsty lives that surrendered them to Lord and appealed for His worship house as they donated the land in the name of UBCT Trust. I believe you would be kind enough to grant or arrange the said amount and come forward in the Lord to provide the amount which I believe so. So our area Supervisor Missionary Sekhar* and [other] Church Missionary Rajib* are serving there in Lord.   2. Same another Church in Dinajpur – Church where 103 new believers men and women and donated officially land for the worship, also they also collected approximately 25,000.00 taka ($291) and appealed me about the rest amount like 120,000.00 taka in US $ 1,428.00 for the worship house and they will prepare the worship house tin shed tin with RCC pillar. I believe the Lord has given you the same heart to stand beside the Tribal and ethnic peopled who have the heart for Jesus and I hope so. Area Supervisor name is Missionary Elisha* and local Church Missionary name is Rev. James*   Sincerely Yours   Darpan and Rina   November 23rd:   Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh   Greetings to you and all in Jesus name and thanks to keep patience to hear about of my visit feedback what’s I have done which are as below:   a. I visited Rajshahi area where I met to a Missionary wife Mrs. Hriddhi* who had been sufferings for her check problem which was tested and operated by the Govt. Hospital was not been cured due to the money which was taking turn for cancer but as per doctor’s suggestion and treatment now she is okay. As I requested and provided some money from our ministry in front of our missionaries and taken pictures of the family.   b. Visited our sponsored children and they have been passing crucial moment but this area children and okay. Once children left the area with her parent but will be back soon.   c. Another new missionary whom named is Bikas* who had a severe ear problem. Several times he tried to treatment but we provided some money from the ministry having a Bank receipts.   d. Visited Dinajpur- Mr. Manoj* and his brother with another who were the accused of a false murderer case and loosen their wealth with money become debt for the money as they uses to run the case. But very blessing- this ministry able to provide the lot of amount to said 3 person make free from the debtor at the present of our missionaries which have a pictures. They become so thankful to the holy hearten people whom have provided like HB.   e. We visited the widow employment program and found cows and they passed the COVID-19 situation through a big hardship and 2 widows were sold their milky cow due to the poverty but as I including missionaries present they agreed to return the cow. Same to Satkhira area: two widows sold the cow due the poverty but agreed to return at the present of missionaries.   f. Water tanks: We able to set up the water tanks 4 amongst the Southern Area Satkhira where there is no drinking water –all reserves like canal and tube well water are salty but very blessings matter is that we provided 4 tanks receiving the rain water for preservation only for the drinking purposes and these 4 have been fixed up and supplying the water having some pictures.   g. Missionary Gautam* – who have a big heart for the Lord as he was tourtured by the Muslim people at the presence of lot people on the Friday Muslim Prayers day as the Muslim people have doubt to Gautam that he converted the Muslim to Christian and they came to his home to broken the house one of the portion and this ministry provided some money or amount to rebuild or repair his house but as per Gautam plan and his thought we able to provide a new Tin shed Tin with RCC pillar house and it has been completed. A little portion were not yet completed which is recover the muddy floor with extra muddy as because the muddy till is under water. So, needed some time to recover the floor until almost is ready we visited and taken some pictures also.   h. We able to distributed some OCCI Boxes among the new believers areas like Dinajpur, Mymenshing and Jamalpur which have some pictures   i. Three of our said 4 missionaries whom are serving for rescuing of child trafficking and the said 3 like Chara*, Protik* and Saroj* who already been rescued already average 3 children-girls and boys having some pictures of each.   Bangladesh COVID-19 situation is the lowest position or under like 5% which called normal but people are using mask with sanitization, also we found last few days there is no death and Govt. has been taking preparation to open the all educational institutions from the very beginning of New Year 2022.   Hope you would be happy if I can provide some pictures of the said program; also have good news that before Christmas there will be a victory to a new area of Naogoan area. So, pray for our missionaries. Pray for Missionary Tushar* whom whole family has been attacked by the ringworm or scabies which for he could not go under sun and itching much but his treatment has been continuing. So, pray for the family.   Darpan and Rina   Bangladesh   November 20th:    Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh director   Greetings and I would like to share that I came back safely from the fields. I am little bit busy and I wanted to share many matters but not today – tomorrow. So, pray for us and hope. Darpan and Rina*.  

October 28th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

In [region we are doing a house repair] it is under construction. In lots of the photos sent to HB they are building the pillars of the house. In 2 weeks the house should be complete and receipts of all work should be sent (after completion of the work).

In [a region where to of our pastors are who were wrongly imprisoned] I have to go to handover the amount practically. I want to visit with other missionaries and go physically with them; it’s good to have witnesses so no funds can be misused for intended purpose; I will be going in the next weeks.

October 27th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Today I would like to share a very good news regarding of Holy Baptism program which was taken place at [a village] where 49 no. of new people came to Jesus surrendering themselves as a sinner and accepted Him as their personal Savior through the watering Baptism; also, they received Him by the blessing of Holy Spirit Baptism before this program. [Our organization] is grateful to the Lord as He has been leading and blessing us through your loving care. 

We had a big program today but a number of men went to Govt. relief program as the silent famine has been continuing but these people will come to Lord on coming 15th of November 2021. So, pray for the rest of the men and women who have a heart for the Lord where Jesus is present and want to accept Him as their personal Savior through the watering Baptism and hope so in the Lord.

October 23rd:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Greetings. In this moment we have a bad news though there is abidance of this source that our neighbours country Myanmar where there will be genocide again as the Runhingyas are nor in a peace. So, we need to have more prayers for the neighbouring Myanmar and we will do.


October 15th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh director

In this moment I would like to share the little updates of Bangladesh.

  1. Missionary Ajay* taking medicines to reduce his USG soft tissues to prepare him for operation level. So, he needs more time for operation.
  2. Missionary Gautam* has been preparing and bringing materials which are most needed for building a new tin shed with tin RCC pillars to his new own place/land by a little portion of money we gave. Finally we will provide the whole amout when he including our team member have to arranged the possible materials at our team members presence. So, it is on going.
  3. I will visit Manoj* and his brother’s home with out Sr. team members as much as I can and the whole amount will be delivered or hand, over sharing the blessings has came Through HB.
  4. Water tanks also a on going project.
  5. Not yet shared you but you have given me Money in September ’21 for any humanitarian focusing or priorities our Missionaries which are as below:

Missionary – Bikas* – who spent lot of money for his left ear infection as the pusses coming out including severe paining.

Wife of Missionary Sekhar* of Rajshahi: Spent lot of money for his wife cheek inflammation which has been burning including others problems. So, my plan is to stand within this token of love amount pls.

Rina & my son are coming tomorrow to [our city]- pray for them.


October 9th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh director

There is a very sad news that in this moment Rina*’s mother -who is my mother in law has expired.

Kindly pray for the family members as they’re bereaved and hope so.

October 4th: 

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh director

Greetings and thanks for your every time taking care of Bangladesh. As I returned to visited Partner Gautam* House and sharing which I understood as below: Gautam living with muddy house to his relative land and that relative told him to remove to his own land and Gautam has agreed to shift to his own land or place. So, this muddy hose – the upper side where the Muslim extremist broke the roof tins through hostility because Aadi has been preaching the Gospel people and that portion were covered by a black plastic.

So, if the muddy house could not be repaired and if the carpenter touch everything will be broken. For this reason Gautam including his wife and son wanted to go to their own land which is so close. Gautam and his family’s expectation is to build a new RCC pillar with tin shed with tin fence and it is possible within the funds we have. 

September 30th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh director

Water project and the goiter operation will take place soon. So, everything is under my supervision but delaying little bit. Kindly pray for fields- lot of centers where getting very good sound for His glory.

In His precious Jesus name

Darpan & Rina*


September 22nd:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Greetings to you.

Today- I would like to share the 2 victorious news that were taken on last Tuesday –the 14th of September ’21 where the Lord has blessed us to provide 102 no. of new souls through a watering Baptism in Dinajpur District. [Our organization] is thankful to all of the HB who have prayed to see His blessings. So, give thanks to Jesus as He has kept us to His hand, taking care when the World has been tormenting of COVID-19 fear.

Same- having another good news which took place on Monday the 20th September ’21 at [a village] of Kaligonj Thana- District Satkhira where He won 67 no. of new souls for His Kingdom. The whole day was raining but before the dark – believers were coming to receive Him as their Savior through the Holy Baptism though they were accepted by the blessing of the Holy Spirit before. It was also a big blessing upon [our organization] and wanted to rejoice with you as He loves and caring us through your every day’s prayers. Hope it will continue for us as He called us to implement His great commission in Bangladesh and hope so.

Sincerely yours

Darpan and Rina

September 18th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Greetings. Tomorrow morning I will Start my journey for Dhaka and in the dark I will reach to my family. Pray for me and for the fields where Lord is going to bless us and He would be glorify. So, pray us.

Rina* and my son already reached. Pray for our old parents whom needs more Care at this stage and hope so.

September 15th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

“Now I am staying in a leader home and tomorrow we will visit new areas. So pray for His works in future and hope so.”

September 14th: 

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

“Pray for our parents, mostly they are sick, so need your prayers which is our main power in Lord.

There is another information and request to you to pray because coming 20th September ’21 another Baptism program will take place in Satkhira in a new House church. We believe 70 or over believers will come to Him as they changed and surrendered themselves to Jesus. So praise the Lord. I am visiting a lot of places as much as He wanted to use me. So, pray for my outreach work with missionaries and hope for it.

I would like to share a Very good news that in our Dinajpur area the Lord has provided 104 no. of new believers as they changed themselves in Him, repenting their sins and today they accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Before few minutes I was connected to Elisha* [field leader] very hardly. So, PRAISE the Lord.”

September 13th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

I am now at my native village but my second Bro. who took my mom to his home. So, I want to go and will visit [that town]. So, pray for our team members.

September 11th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Greetings and thanks for the news you provided. Thank you so much for your endeavor to getting financial support for the people whom have suffered and also still been suffering for Lord and thanks God as He loves His people.

Personally I am requesting to you to pray for my mom who is counting 100 over age and she is ill, my others brothers and sister are there to taking care as we dedicated her to His hand and His will power.

Sincerely yours

Darpan* and Rina*

September 10th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

There is good news that in [area] in [village] –there will be a Holy Baptism on 13th September 2021 Monday morning and lot of people will be Baptized –we believed and praying for that. Kindly pray for the victory day.

Secondly – in [district] also –there will be Baptism in this same month and most probably 18th September 2021. So, pray for both programs and hope so.

I would like to share that very personally I wanted to go to my native village to see or look after my mom who has been suffering ill and maybe I wanted to leave for 13th and will be back to [my city] on 19th or soon. So, I will report after 20th September on Baptism or other necessities of work. So, if possible – kindly consider me for a few days and hope so.

September 7th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Holy Baptism Program took place on 5th Sept. Sunday morning but Praise the Lord that He blessed us providing only for 12 men and women at [site] though we had a target of over  50 new souls for the Lord. Due the Hindu & Muslim extremists works, our plan could not be fulfilled as the Satan made trouble to defend the work. The Baptism program was started nicely and believers was started to come but the pond owner is a Muslim whom came with Hindu people not to continue it as it was for own fishing pond. So, give thanks that at least Lord provided us only 12 new souls which are so great and these 12 will multiply over this village we believed so.

We are praying with self confidence that the rest of the people will come to the Lord if we can be able to take them to another place due the pond’s water availability. Pray for the Hindu and Muslim whom are neglecting His work, not provide their fishing pond to this work and wanted to see the whole villagers to come to Lord once day and hope so.

Sincerely Yours

Darpan and Rina

September 5th:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Greetings and believe that everyone is well by His Jesus name and that you very much for your prayers for my safety on journey and other works. I come back safely to Dhaka.

We able able to meet up the cow conflict with a widow Mrs. Mishita* and this is okay with her according to our plan. Also we able to visit our preaching centers where Lord is going to bless and this month there will be a Holy Baptism in a cluster villager where Muslim, Hindu and also lot of tribal people are living. So, pray for them.

It is an another good news that tomorrow morning there will be a Holy Baptism program at [village]. It was taking preparation long before but due to some Hindu extremist this was slowly advancing and this slow or patience brought a good news. So, pray for the pastor and his wife, also his son. Tomorrow morning at 8:00 am if the weather is ok for us and then there will be a victory we believed so.

Another field also have some promising news and if He wants –there are more blessing may come to this month and so pray for Bangladesh.

Yours in His love

Darpan and Rina

September 2nd:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Greetings. Emergency I am going to [city] to visit our Center. Also kindly remember us as Lord is going to bless where Asit* has been serving. Same to Abeer* and hope so.

The emergency is to meet up a conflict about a cow which one provided for income generating programmes.

August 30th: 

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

I would like to share a request that we need your prayers as the Holy Spirit is moving through our preaching centers, getting touches. So we need more prayers. Kindly remember our missionaries and the thirstiest souls that we could provide holy baptism and we hope so.

August 25th: 

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Praise the Lord that COVID-19 pandemic attacking average is reducing slowly day to day. So, we need more prayers and hope so.

August 4th: 

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Very sad news which is that our Jamalpur field where Partner Raj* has been serving and where Co-worker Prakash* who died yesterday evening attacked by the Covid-19 and today we got the information when I was sharing the confirmation of their fact and heard this very sad news. 

August 3rd:

Pastor Darpan*, Bangladesh

Greetings in Jesus name and thanks for the message including the all blessing He has kept touched and cares through HB. We are always thankful.

I myself with my wife Rina* sorry for the delay in sharing with you the report of the relief program of COVID-19 and Cyclone Yaas – [people] were ruined and it has been devastating –people were suffering a lot of crisis.

As I appealed to you for [help during] the pestilence and demolishing of the said people and called you to stand beside the COVID-19 and Yaas victimized, you responded, feeling this crisis into your heart and provided a big amount by the touch of the Holy Spirit. Our organization in Bangladesh has accomplished [the work] in the last month in June 2021 through the COVID-19 duration.  So, we are thankful to you and HB so, praise the Lord.

Sincerely Yours