Food Distribution During COVID-19

As of the Spring of 2021, the virus is at its most deadly moment in South Asia. Learn how to pray here.

For many in South Asia and around the world, the other top concern during localized lockdowns is being unable to pay for or access food. Our leaders in South Asia have been organizing safe food distributions.

In Harvest Bridge’s work we have always specifically supported those who have done much with little, those who understand and respond to the needs of their communities, and are committed to demonstrating the love of Jesus in the hardest of circumstances. Our brothers and sisters in South Asia have been hard at work helping people. In 2020, well over 21,000 people received life-saving food supplies. With your help, they can serve thousands more.

We have a network of hundreds of trusted local pastors, missionaries, and leaders, many of whom have carried out effective disaster relief projects over the years. We work with those who know their communities’ needs best. They are ideally positioned to deploy limited resources most effectively – whether food, personal protective equipment, clean water, or other lifesaving necessities. 

To give perspective, in Myanmar it costs about $100 to feed a family of five for one month. In Nepal, India, and Bangladesh it’s about $50 per family.

On average, it costs $10-$20 to provide nutritious food to an individual for a full month. This is with all costs included – transportation, storage, safe distribution methods, etc.

A gift of $100 can provide life saving food to between 5 and 10 people.

A gift of $1000 can help between 50-100 men, women, and children.

Your support of any amount makes a major impact in the hands of local leaders who are experienced in disaster relief, understand their local needs and resources, and are committed to helping the most vulnerable. Feeding the hungry is just one of the many ways they are responding to the COVID-19 crisis.

You can give below, or send a check to:

Harvest Bridge

P.O. Box 284

Grove City, PA 16127