Myanmar (Burma) Coup Updates

In the early hours of Monday, February 1st, the Myanmar (Burma) military staged a coup and seized power after detaining Aung San Suu Kyi and other democratically elected leaders. Both of our country directors – Pastors Pan* and Thang* – and other pastors were concerned that this would happen, as the military-backed party had been claiming the election would be fraudulent even before it was held on November 8th, 2020. After the election, they continued making these allegations without evidence of widespread fraud. Now the military has arrested Aung San Suu Kyi and has declared a state of emergency for a year, seizing control of the country.

Pastor Pan and many other pastors have begun holding small prayer fellowships three days a week, where they pray together and share information which is then spread to their wider communities. Many pastors and Christians are becoming leaders in the peaceful resistance to this brutal military dictatorship. As Pastor Pan has said, this is not about fighting for one leader – Aung San Suu Kyi – it is for the sake of saving the lives of Muslims, Christians, and many ethnic minorities who are at great risk, and also for the sake of their children’s future. 

Below, you will find updated messages from our two directors in the country, Pastors Pan and Thang, about the ongoing coup. 

We are able to continue sending funds, and now more than ever, your support is needed. Give here.

You can send a word of encouragement that will be translated and passed on to believers throughout the country. We especially would love encouragement for young people, as they will bear the long-term brunt of this coup.  [email protected]

Several notes – 

1. Some messages have been shortened or people and place names redacted, so as not to share identifying details.

2. Messages begin with the most recent date and move backwards. 

3. Messages from Pan are marked with a “P” and messages from Thang with a “T”. Pan lives in a more rural part of the country, and therefore has slightly more open communication, as major cities will bear the early brunt of military crackdowns. Pastor Thang, on the other hand, lives in a major city. So, we have received many more messages from Pan within the first two weeks of the coup.  

4. We are sharing the messages we are receiving from our leaders as we receive them. In such a time of uncertainty, not all of the information they are gathering will turn out to be accurate. However, so far most of what they have found out from local sources have been confirmed by international news organizations within days. They also share their opinions on how the world should respond, and they may change those opinions based on how the coup continues to unfold. We feel it is important to share as much as we can directly from the citizens of Myanmar in this moment, with no filter on their words (as long as it is safe to do so). Not all of their messages will include explanations of what they are referring to. To follow the whole situation more closely in the news, we recommend Frontier Myanmar as well as NPR and BBC Asia. 

5. As this continues, our commitment to coming alongside the men and women we support in Myanmar will continue. It will certainly look different, but as always, our focus is to come alongside believers reaching their own people for Christ in the most effective ways possible. 

*Names changed for safety


Friday night (Myanmar Time), July 29, 2022:

P –

The price of rice has skyrocketed to more than 90,000 Kyats for a bag of rice, while the price in some townships is reaching up to 100,000 Kyats for a bag of rice in Yangon – the largest city of Myanmar.

“It is a visible sign that the country is being plunged into a total collapse, and everything is out of control at the moment,” a local businessman in Yangon city tells Chindwin news….



Junta executes Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zeya Thaw and other two

Monday morning (Myanmar Time), July 25, 2022:

P –
Myanmar military junta announced on Monday it has executed democracy activist Ko Jimmy, 53, and Ko Phyo Zeya Thaw, 41, and other two during the weekend. They were sentenced to death in January by a military tribunal under Myanmar’s overbroad counter-terrorism Law for masterminding and involving in anti-regime armed struggle and activities. Before the hangings they were allowed to meet with their families on Friday.   So sad about this.   Thank you for your prayers. I have no words to describe how bad the Junta regime is.  

Sunday night (Myanmar Time), July 24, 2022:

P –

This is to inform you that we are well and kept safe by His grace. We had a wonderful service this morning at the Lord’s house and our children were also able to join their Sunday School class. We heard many guns shooting last night but we have had a wonderful time this morning at our church.

The situation of our country is more worsened politically and economically. Now we are facing shortages of medicines and shortage of gas supply. In Yangon, the main public transportation has been stopped day before yesterday due the shortages of gas. Many big companies have left our country and more and more people became jobless. Tensions between the Junta regime and the PDF are higher and higher. More and more villages were burned and many people are displacing their homes and villages. Our state is the worst state among the 14 divisions and states. The PDF are also stronger and they are able to control some areas in the state.

But the good news is that the ASEAN convoy is promised to meet with Aung San Suh Kyi by the Junta leader when he makes his third trip to Myanmar and this will be ahead of the UN assembly meeting which will be held in September. Also, we the people of Myanmar welcome the ICJ decision on the Junta regime. It is our prayer that the justice will be done.         In the ground in our mission filed, many people are struggling and facing shortage of food ever before. Two of our partners have an urgent request for the need of the daily need for their people.  Please join them in prayer for this need that the Lord will provide. Their estimate projects are as follows;

Partner 1: 41 families x Ks. 75,000 = Ks. 3,075,000
Partner 2: 45 families x Ks. 78,500 = Ks. 3,532,500
Total – Ks. 6,607,500 @$3,287

Monday night (Myanmar Time), July 18, 2022:

P –
What a wonderful Lord, we have and serve! As I handover the money to the lawyer, he and his team are trying their best and the pastor and his family members were released just now about at 5:30 pm and they are now at home. But the Lawyer asked the pastor family to move to the safer place for their security for sometime, as soon as possible. We will continue to help them as they plan to move for a safer place by tomorrow. I praise the Lord for answering our prayers. What the pastor told me on the phone was he agreed and signed not to connect with the PDF. Right now, whatever they say is a law and the people must confessed to what they accused. We can’t even stand for our rights and defend even the laws.

What he continue told me was: ‘I saw three dead bodies and there were 2 men and one lady who were tortured very badly throughout the night. We didn’t see them in persons but I heard their cry.’

Sunday Morning (Myanmar Time), July 17, 2022:

P –
It is very sad to learn that a pastor and his family members who serves as a senior pastor at one of the greatest Baptist church in my city have been arrested this morning which alarms the pastors and the Christian workers, according to the local news.

We know each other.

The reason I know now is that the military simply accused them that they have a connection with the PDF. They asked now a huge of money so that they will be released.

We are now working with one lawyer who is close to military and we will have to pay for her also.

Till now, nobody was allowed to meet them physically.   It’s becoming a common problem in our city. 

Because of what’s happening, pastors and Christian workers are worried. There is no way right now the pdf can protect us from such things except helping the people who want to go for safer place before the people are at the hands of the military.  

Thursday Night (Myanmar Time), July 15, 2022:

P –
Just now around 6:30 to 7:15, the fighting was so closed to us. But the Lord has kept us safe and we are Ok. Please continue to pray for us.


Thursday Night (Myanmar Time), July 7, 2022:

T – 
Thank you so much for all help and support. It has been always a blessing and encouraging for us to receive all the support and prayers. Our partners are very much thankful for the support and help, indeed I pass your greetings to and prayer with message to them. They are very much thankful for your special concern and message too.
I will also be sending the acknowledgement tomorrow. Yesterday is the due date for my assignment, I am really busy because most of the books reading assignments I could not get through ebooks. Everything is new for me. I am also blessed and motivated as I read some of the reading assignments.
By God’s grace we are keeping safe, even though everything become so expensive and high cost, God is good to us through HB especially to you all for your special concern and prayers.
Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.
We also start our Bible seminary this month. I go there two day Monday and today, Thursday.

On behalf of our family and friends I send our love and greeting to you all.
With many thank
Your sincerely

Wednesday Morning (Myanmar Time), July 6, 2022:

P –
The school is running very well and the children are also improving a lot.

Tuesday Morning (Myanmar Time), June 28, 2022:

T –
Thank you very much for all the prayer and support. Which I have collected.
I will be able to give to our missionaries, and send your prayers and greeting to them.
So far we are doing good in [location] but in other places many are still suffering and schools are closed. We have no idea about the future but believe and trust that our God knows what is the best for us. Even though we felt very uncertainty and hard due to the present crisis.
Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.
With many thanks
Your sincerely

Sunday Morning (Myanmar Time), June 19, 2022:

P – We are now preparing to go to the Church for which we are grateful.

Tuesday Night (Myanmar Time), June 7, 2022:

P – KG – Grade VIII have returned and started already their home school classes. Praise the Lord! We have got good teachers who love the Lord and have a great concern for our children also.

T – Thank you so much for your prayers.
By God’s grace we are doing good. At present in our city everything become so calm, but in other places schools are still close and many are suffering. Yes, at the end with long prayer we decided and send them. Thank you for all the prayer. Please kindly keep praying for us.

Tuesday Night (Myanmar Time), June 7, 2022:

P – The situation is here is somehow better these days. The children didn’t return to the school but have returned to the home tuition/home school. Our city is one the most dangerous places to admit them to the school. Thank you all for your prayers.


Thank you so much for all your sincerely concern and prayers. It has been always a blessing and encouraging for us.
Thank you very much for your prayers, in spite of the present situation at the end we hardly decided to send them to school after long long prayers. As you also have been praying for us. To be honest, their is no option if we are not sending them back to school unless, we send to private school. We may hire someone for teaching but it will not be recognised by the present leader and the other party. So it hard for us. Still today many parents are not admits their children, because if there is anything happens or change, the other party will not accept or recognise the students who are in the school at present. But our prayer is that if there is anything happens or change, they will graciously understand, our difficulty and situation, indeed will allow to continue our schooling. Because we have no choice.
Please kindly keep remember us in prayer for their safety and study.
With many thanks


Monday Night (Myanmar Time), May 30, 2022:

P – 27 children and they all will start their classes by tomorrow, Jun 1st. So, a total need per month for KG – Grade IV will be 1,350,000 MMK.

I also have found teachers for Grade V – VIII (middle school) and they will also start their classes on June 7th and their tuition fees will be 65,000 per child. We have 15 middle school students and a total amount per month will be Ks. 975,000 MMK.

For grades IX – X (High school), so far, we couldn’t find any teachers who can teach all round subjects.

Please pray that the Lord will provides.

Friday Morning (Myanmar Time), May 20, 2022:

T – Thank you so much for all the prayer and help. Even though life has been difficult and uncertain, by God’s grace through all your prayers and support we are doing good and keepings safe.

It has been always our prayer and hope for change very soon but it seem very slow indeed we are very much thankful for the support of your leader as they met, which is one of the strong encourage for our people and expectations for help.
Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.
We all send our love and greeting to you all with thank.
Your sincerely
Thang and family

Thursday Morning (Myanmar Time), May 12, 2022:

T – Thank you very much for all the prayer. By God’s grace we are doing good and keepings safe, but in many places still people are struggling and finding hard. Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.

Saturday Morning (Myanmar Time), May 7, 2022:

T – Yes, we are in great need of prayers for our freedom and change.
The public schools will be open very soon and still many students are not going to school under their leadership, but we are praying and hoping to send our children because it will be three years if we don’t send.
So kindly keep remember us in prayer for the right decision, we are always hoping change, but it seem very slow.
With many thank
Your sincerely


Friday Morning (Myanmar Time), May 6, 2022:

T – Thank you so much for your special concern and prayers. By God’s grace through all your prayers we are doing good. But we have the electric power cut off more than before, four hours come and about 10 hours cut off.
Still houses has been burn and people flee from their safety.
Please kindly keep remember us in prayer
With many thanks

Sunday Morning (Myanmar Time), May 1, 2022:

P – The following partners have mentioned the needs and have requested funds to help the poor people in their mission fields. They said that many of the people are out of works because of the fighting. Many people are badly affected and greatly struggling for their daily food. There is no one to help as they are crying for their daily food. (We want to help 32, 35, and 27 families respectively)
Are there any funds available to help these poor families? Pray that the Lord will provide.

We praise God that we had a good rest last night and now we are heading to church.
In His Love,
Bro. Pan 

P – About 95,000 MMK is estimated for each family. That means 8,930,000 MMK is required for 94 families. This will be about $4,916 and this will last one month for each family.

This will include the basic food such as rice, cooking oil and beans etc.,

T – Thank you so much for your special concern and prayers. By God’s grace I am able to travel and get my ordination in spite of the present situation. indeed, life has been uncertain and fearful, God is good to hear and answer our prayer. Today I just got back home safe.
Thank you very much for your special and support.
With many thank
Your sincerely
Thang and family


Saturday Morning (Myanmar Time), April 29, 2022:

P – Last night at 8:00 to 9 o’clock, there was a heavy fighting took placed again in our area. A 60 mm hits one of the houses and one man died immediately and 2 of his family members (including a 5-month-old baby) injured seriously. This house is just about 70 meters far from our home.

We praise God for His protection. We area still safe.


Friday Morning (Myanmar Time), April 29, 2022:

T – Thank you for your prayers. Yes, they know so far nothing happened, my brother use to stay in the village but the rest of the family are till away. Many people stay and many people also flee.
Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.

P – We are safe and doing well. We have come back home already.

Wednesday Monday Morning (Myanmar Time), April 20, 2022:

T – Thank you for all the prayer and greatly concern with all the support.
I have one good new to share. By God’s grace I will ordained on the 24th April. If it is God willing I will be traveling on the 21st April to [location] and come back on the 30th April. I would definitely be thankful if you could kindly remember in prayer. As you know it is not safe to travel nowadays.

T – Thank you for your prayers. Yes, they know so far nothing happened, my brother use to stay in the village but the rest of the family are till away. Many people stay and many people also flee.
Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.

Tuesday Morning (Myanmar Time), April 19, 2022:

Greetings to you all in the risen name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you so much for your special concern and prayers because God is answering our prayers. Even though my family are not returning yet they are doing good and safe. But they are still afraid to return. Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.
Your sincerely
Thang and family

Monday Morning (Myanmar Time), April 18, 2022:

P – We stayed safe and had a good rest throughout the night.

Sunday Morning (Myanmar Time), April 17, 2022:

P – I am so glad to inform you that 2 days continuously no fighting nearby our home and we had a good rest. We are now preparing for Easter service at our Church.


Friday Morning (Myanmar Time), April 15, 2022:

P – We moved to other place not so far from our home. Because we are so closed to military base which always attacked by the pdf.

It is about 12 km from our home and we think it a safer place because the location is far from the army based.

P – Total civilians killed since the coup till yesterday was 1756. according to the DVB news. What a sad it was. We also heard a little sound of gunfire last night but it is far from our home as well as where we located now.   We had a good rest last night also.

Friday Morning (Myanmar Time), April 15, 2022:

P – Last night fighting hits a house just about 20 yards from our home. The mother was seriously injured and now she is in the hospital. She is my church member.

We plan to replace (relocate) in a safer place.

Thursday Night (Myanmar Time), April 14, 2022:

P – The situation worsened here. We feel that we are in a battle ground.

According to the news, very sad that 4 pdf have killed so far in today’s fight.   Just only in [our location]. The battle place is just five minute walk from our home.   The main office is just nearby us and the military camp there since the coup. The PDF attack them since yesterday.   No need to force the civilians to be involved in the pdf, many, many young men and women have been involving in the pdf by their decision. But the problem is, they don’t have enough weapons.   Some of our children want to be involved (in the PDF) including my eldest son. I didn’t allow them.   T – Thank you so much for all the prayer.
Even though our families are not forced to leave, but if they don’t leave and if they are found by them (the army), they will be arrested or even killed. Therefore they leave.
Yes, some of them they all leave.  It is hard.  

Wednesday Night (Myanmar Time), April 13, 2022:

T – Urgent prayer requests. Today in my village near [Pan’s village] fighting is going on from 10am to 2pm two people died and all the villagers leave for safety, even two of my brothers, two sister and my mother do leave, leaving everything behind.
Please kindly keep remember us in prayer for safety of their lives and their home, if not they usually burn the whole village if there is fighting.

T – Thank you so much for your special concern and prayers.
Yes, I am able to speak with them (my family). They are now in another village which is about 20 miles.
Please kindly keep remember us in prayer with many thanks.

T – So far it is okay, I am able to speak with my brother they are safe but not returned yet.
In [our city] we have heard more often fire especially in evening.
It seem no body is going out for the the water festival.
Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer.

P – A heavy fighting took placed at P**** village just 14 km from [our location] about 2 hours long and at least 4 civilians were killed and many of them fled for their safety. This village is Bro. Thang’s native village. In the afternoon around 4:40 fighting again in my place. It is now 7:00 pm but we didn’t even have our dinner. We are still in a room with all of our children and asking God for His protection. Thank you for your continued prayers.

In Christ

P – Since the military burned houses and seized their properties, many people have no choice except this to fight against the Junta. That is why the pdf is stronger and stronger.

We are sad to learn that 5 civilians and 10 pdf have been killed in today’s fighting.


Tuesday Morning (Myanmar Time), April 12, 2022:

P – We are hearing a very heavy bomb explosions 4 times continuously since 3:30 am here.

(3 hours later)
We didn’t hear again after 5:30. That was the last I heard.

Monday Night (Myanmar Time), April 11, 2022:

P – We are doing good and safe. Since this morning, there has been no news about fighting over city till now. Thank you all for your prayers which keeps us safe.

Sunday Night (Myanmar Time), April 10, 2022:

P – We were about to start our evening prayer meeting but the fighting was so serious and so close to us. We just gathered together in one place and watched for the situation right now.

Saturday Night (Myanmar Time), April 9, 2022:

P – Today, the downtown is silent and no more gunfire in the afternoon. But its’ surrounding villages were badly attacked with heavy weapons. According to the news, at least 5 civilians were killed and many others injured. We are so worried and listening what’s gonna happen tonight. Your prayers and our shield and our safety. Thank you so much for all of your prayers.

Saturday Morning (Myanmar Time), April 9, 2022:

P – Fighting started again early this morning.
It seems it will continue longer than before according to the news.
There are both bombings and gunfire, but mostly gunfire. Pray for safety – it is the most important thing for us.

(1 hour later)
P – Looks like the situation is good and we heard less sounds of gunfire.

Friday Night (Myanmar Time), April 8, 2022:

P – The PDF are winning but the problem is what the military do to the innocent people when there is fighting. Even yesterday, one tricycle driver was shot dead.

P – I tried my best not wanting to show my wife fear in my face.

P – Heavy fighting continues. We are in the house. The children are fearful

P – It seems the situation has calmed down now. We heard no more sounds a little while ago.


Thursday Night (Myanmar Time), April 8, 2022:

P – My wife and I went into the city and came back home about 5:00pm. On the way back to our home in the downtown town, we didn’t notice any thing and we were inside the battle field and there was heavy fighting. We didn’t know where to move and and we stood on the road. After a few seconds, one of the PDFs has shown me by his hands to turn right back. I immediately turned my car and drove back very quickly. The Lord has saved us and we reached home safely. Now the fighting continues inside the downtown with heavy weapons. Please continue to pray for our safety.


Friday night (Myanmar time), March 18, 2022:   T – Today I am able to send some of the missionaries partners and will also do the other on Monday. They are also sending their thanks for the support. Your sincerely   Thang*   Thursday night (Myanmar time), March 17, 2022:     T – Thank you so much for your help. I just received the support and help and get back home now. I will be able to send tomorrow to our missionaries partners because they are also in difficult, it will be greatly a blessing and help for them too as we are. On behalf of our missionaries partners I would like to thank to you, to HB as well as to the donors. With many thanks Your sincerely Thang   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), March 16, 2022:     T – Thank you so much for your message and all the support. It has been greatly a blessing and relief for us since we have been suffering from Covid19 and the present situation. Lives have been greatly difficult and hard due to the raising of the price of everything. our God is good for us all the time through HB and other donors as well as supporters. We all send our love and thanks.   Your sincerely Thang*   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), March 9th, 2022:   T – Yes, due to gas or petrol everything become expensive   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), March 8th, 2022:   T – Thank you very much for all the concern and prayer. By God’s grace we are doing good, but we only have 4 or 5 hours electric power in a day. And everything become so high in price due to the crisis. One litre of petrol was cost MMK 2200 now, before it was 550 MMK. Because of petrol everything become so expensive.     Tuesday night (Myanmar time), March 1st, 2022:   T – Warmest greetings to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ.   I hope and trust that you are doing good, by God’s grace we are also doing good but our electric power is cut off more than 10 hour in a day.   Regarding our women support, one of the woman called Daw Lah Myint died yesterday with heart attack. She has been faithful Christian becoming alone in her family.   The funeral will be held tomorrow. Please kindly remember her husband, and 3 children.   With many thanks Your sincerely Thang   P – We are ok. Bro. Thang* contacted me. Thank you for the concern. I think this is because of my internet access problem, my signal doestn’t work properly.     Sunday night (Myanmar time), February 27th, 2022:   P – The military kept over 80 children (under aged 5) as hostages at Zimapin township, Sagaing division. Please pray for these innocent children for their safety and soon release. We began to hear bombs and gun-firing tonight again in our city.   P – According to the news, these children are kept as hostage or as their shield. That means they will not release these children until they think, they are safe from the PDF.   Thursday night (Myanmar time), February 24th, 2022:   T – Thank you for all your prayers. By God’s grace we are all recover. Indeed, we are free to go around but not in public, yes if there is no other things we stay at home.   Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer.   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), February 23rd, 2022:   T – Thank you so much for your message and concern. Yes, by God’s grace we are now doing good, we all have been sick, it seem that we are suffering from Omicron because of the symptoms, even many people do suffer the same things, feel cold, itching throat, and fever. But not serious like Covid19. Thank you for your prayers and help. We all send our love and greeting Your sincerely Thang   Thursday night (Myanmar time), February 10th, 2022:   T – Thank you so much for all your help and hardworking not only for our children and missionaries but for my study which I have been praying for long time ago.   Yes, if there is any possibility I am hoping to start. If there is no more options. Yes, I think I have done everything that they require.   Please kindly thank to Linworth church especially to Pastor Brent of course to you for all your prayers and concern. As well as to HB, Dan, Andrew, Dr. Tim and Dr. Van too.   It seem that Omicron is spreading and affecting many people now. Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.   T – Thank you so much for your special concern and prayers.   I just received an email from […] assistant. I will ask her tomorrow.   Indeed, many people have been sick not like Covid19, I have been not well since yesterday, itching throat, I felt myself that I have fever but thank God that there is no fever. So far I know many people do suffer the same things.   Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer.   T – Thank you so much indeed without all your concern it would be so difficult for me. Thank you also for your prayers I am doing better now but my wife is getting tired not feeling good. Even two of our children too.   Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer.   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), February 1st, 2022:   T – Thank you so much for all the blessings and great concern.   It has been always a blessing for us to know that HB have been not only praying but also for the support and help. On behalf of our missionaries partners we would love to thanks for all help and support.   We are in need of prayer for changes and safety. With many thanks   T – Thank you for your quick response. We do still have power cut off everyday, and very weak internet connection.   Yes, if there is no problems for you it is okay with me at 8pm [for the call].   Thursday night (Myanmar time), January 27th, 2022:

P – Because of the Covid 19 virus, the whole city will be lockdown again.   I learned that there has not yet been a tester for Omicron virus. Just they know is Covid 19. The infection is more quicker than the past virus that is why it is believed to be the Omicron virus and it is so serious also who are affected with it.

  T – Thank you for your special concern and prayers. By God’s grace we are doing good.   Yes, it has been a blessing for us to finish [the book], through all your help.   I hope to do printing very soon. Because now [the church] has the [final] proof.   Regarding internet, so far I am able to use without VPN. But we have to be very much careful of what we write and say, I think that you remember when I say the present leader that mean everything. I am careful in using word.   It is okay for me to have zoom at any time, apart from the [date], because I am going one of my relative wedding and will be part of the service to pray for the new couple.   Thank you for all your prayer, please kindly keep remember us in prayer.    Thursday morning (Myanmar time), January 27th, 2022:   P – I think, only few people are vaccinated because the cost is very high. The cost for the vaccine is 200,000 for 2 times. I don’t know here about the plan of the vaccine being done by the Junta in [my location]. I learned that there are many healthcare programs in Yangon and Mandalay who can give vaccine for 100,000 mmk 2 times.     P – Right now, I am using at home as before. I have not heard anything else yet about the solution. I use broadband and mobile data. I have been using this method since the coup because there is no any security. If the internet is accessible without vpn, I hope I also can but as you said, the social media will be completely blocked. That would be great to have a code for the safety of our conversation. And also, I will delete the message for myself.     Wednesday night (Myanmar time), January 26th, 2022:   P – The Covid-19 virus is spreading very quickly again in [Pan’s* city & nearby city]. Pray for our safety.   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), January 25th, 2022:   P – Many of the VPN users were arrested in Yangon and Mandalay according to the local news.   Monday night (Myanmar time), January 24th, 2022:   P – Without that VPN our internet will not work. It is because of the Junta since the coup, we came to use the VPN. Since they can’t control the cyber because of the vpn, they are now releasing new rule, so that they can control it. Now also the junta is preparing to celebrate republic day like North Korea. What a said it is. If the international community delays to save the people of Myanmar, we will be in a great problem.   No, without the vpn I could not use signal or other social media. Not even email is accessible without vpn. I have not heard any news coming up with this vpn case.   The law is already enforced it. According to news, especially in Yangon and Mandalay, some people were arrested and some of them paid a fine for a hundred thousand mmk.   I have no any idea of using the internet right now. I will update you if there is any develop news concerning thus case.   The only way we can be connected is by a phone if the internet is not available.   We are still planning (the pastors conference). The cost must be much higher than I proposed. Things of prices have been rising everyday because the supply is cut of for Chin state due to the recent fighting. For example, one bag of rice cost was about 60000 mmk but it is about 95000 mmk in [nearby village] where we will get the supply. It has been about 10 days the carriers of goods are cutoff.   T – Thank you for your prayers and concern.   Yes, I am (using VPN for my internet connection). Next month onward it will be difficult using VPN because the present leader prohibited under electronic law which they make it more difficult. If we use we can be in jail for 3 year and 5 million fine for using.   We can access the internet without VPN. But if we use without we must be careful in what we write and say.     Saturday night (Myanmar time), January 22nd, 2022:   P – Yes, it is very good news for us. (referring to major oil and energy firms pulling out of Myanmar over “human rights abuse”)   Now, the ICJ will hold for the second time the Junta’s genocide case in the coming month. We hope to hear more good news from that also.   Friday night (Myanmar time), January 21st, 2022:   P – More than 20 times 120 mm have been fired this morning from Kalaymyo to where the pdf are based.   Things calmed down this afternoon till now.   T –  Thank you for your prayers. Yes, we are expecting change as well as it will get worse. Thank you very much for all your prayers and concern. It has been always a blessing and joy for us especially for me to be part of HB. We all are so much blessed not only physically but spiritual too.     Friday morning (Myanmar time), January 21st, 2022:    P – According to the AAPP, as of today since the coup, the Junta have killed 1,488 people and 11,651 people have been detained. What a sad it is.   Thursday night (Myanmar time), January 20th 2022:   T – Thank you so much for your prayers, we are in need of prayer for our people on behalf of, who take the responsibility. Thank you for the funds, it has been greatly a blessing for our people who are in great need of help and care. We are able to help our friends in [location 1], [location 2] and Shan State not much here as we do there because they are the one who are in need of food. Indeed, they are also thank to you and HB for the support always in their needs. Please kindly keep remember us in prayer, we are expecting change within 3/4 months but it seems very slow, we are also afraid that before it is changing many more people will die and suffer. We all send our love and greeting with many thanks.   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), January 20th 2022:   P – Thank you for all the prayers. Today, the junta using 120 mm to fight against the pdf. From the army based in [location], they are firing the expected place where the pdf are located. The sound is too loud and the whole city is scaring. Bigger weapons are used by the junta. Our lives uncertain. On the other hands, new Covid 19 cases are increasing again in our place.   Monday night (Myanmar time), January 17th 2022:   T – Thank you very for your prayers. Yes, we are in need of prayers for our people, for their safety and our freedom. It seems that things are getting worse even in [Pan’s* location] and chin state. But also in many part of our country. With many thank Yours sincerely Thang*  

Sunday night (Myanmar time), January 16th 2022

P – We feel like we are in a battle field. Pray for us

2 of my church members have been hurt in the fighting in [our location] but by God’s grace, they are not so seriously injured. I got an information just now early this morning. I have not heard any other confirmed news yet.

The women whom we visited together are doing well and the fighting place is far from their place.

Friday morning (Myanmar time), January 14th 2022

P – Thank you for your continued prayers. Since yesterday, more fighting took place in [location] even right now and the fighting place is not far from us. We heard heavy gun fires continuously.
The fire is closer to us.

Yes, we all are awake and hearing the sounds.

Now, we are getting back to our bed as it seems the situation comes down.   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), January 13th 2022:   T – Thank you so much for your prayers and concern. Yes, it has been a very hard time for many of our people.   By God’s grace we are safe. We are also warn not to go out until and unless we have a very important to do, because there can be gun fire and bomb blast in any places. Thank you for your prayers. Your sincerely Thang*   Friday night (Myanmar time) January 7, 2022:  

P – Yes, we heard no sounds of bombs and gunfire these three days in [our location] but the surrounding villages are suffering a lot because of fighting.

Our partners are also well and we have regular contact with each other. 
All of them are still in their homes and towns.

  Thursday night (Myanmar time), January 6th 2022:   T: Thank you so much for your prayers and concern by God’s grace we are doing good. We also heard bomb blast everyday, as well as our electric power is also cut off 3 to 4 hours almost everyday. Please kindly keep remember us in prayer. With many thank Your sincerely Thang*   P – Yes, we heard no sounds of bombs and gunfire these three days in [my town] but the surrounding villages are suffering a lot because if fighting.   Our partners are also well and we have a regular contact each other. All of them are still in their homes and towns.   Wednesday morning (Myanmar time), January 5th 2022:   P – Dear friends,   Happy New Year to you all…. We all had a wonderful celebration of Christmas and New Year. We look forward to claim more blessings from our God as He has given us another year for His service. We give thanks to the Lord for His well protection and provision throughout the year.   I have one special prayer request. That is the need for a Bible Conference which will he held at my native place, where almost all of the people were affected with Covid 19 Delta virus last year. Because of your help toward my people there, we have made treatments possible on time and there is no new Covid 19 positive cases right now. Praise the Lord!   I am planning to conduct a Bible Conference on February 9 – 13, 2022 at my native village. We expect not less than 150 participants. The people are so excited and have more interest to learn more about the Word of God after the Covid 19 affections. I am panning to provide lunch for the attendees for 5 days and the total need is about Ks. 2,600,000 MMK. I have now about 1,000,000 MMK promised toward this project and I still need about 1,500,000 millions (about $909). So, please join me in prayer for this need that the Lord will provide. I will be grateful if there is any way that you can help us for this project.   In His Service, Bro. Pan*   Friday night (Myanmar time), December 31st:   T: Happy New Year! Every blessing as we enter 2022 by His grace     Thursday night (Myanmar time), December 30th:   T: Wishing you a very special Happy New Year!   Thank you very much for all the prayers and great concern.   I hope and trust that you have had a very special Christmas. By God’s grace through your prayer, we are also able to celebrate only with the children since nobody, or any church, celebrates in [my location]. It has been very different and quiet this year.   Our partners are very much thankful for the support and help. They all are having a difficult time because of the present crisis, HB help has been a great help and hope for them as they receive it with joy.   On behalf of our children, partners we send our Happy New Year wishes to you.   Your sincerely Thang* Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), December 28th:   P: Thank you for your prayers. Yes, there are more violent in our city.   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), December 29th:   P: “We learned that the Burma act has passed in the US. It is a very good news for the people of Myanmar. I read in some news that says it has been passed [but now I know it has not]. Pray that this will soon be passed.   The situation looks not good here. Fighting take placed every even in inside the city these days.   I think [the military] wants people to be afraid of them so that they might win and rule over the people.   Monday morning (Myanmar time), December 27th:   T: Thank you very much for your prayers and all the support. Yes, it is terrible for us [violence on Christmas], till today many people are in fear and need prayer for their safety. Thank you so much for your hard work and help for us even your understanding. It is amazing how you would be busy looking and caring for all the partners all over the world. We keep praying for your health and fitness to do more works and visiting. With many thank Your sincerely Thang*   Sunday night (Myanmar time), December 26th:   T: I hope and trust that you have a very Happy Merry Christmas with your family as well as with the church. Here Christmas day is one of the saddest day again because many people have been kill and burn. Please keep remember us in prayer.   With many thank Your sincerely Thang*   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), December 23rd:   P: We had a good rest last night. I praise the Lord for that. I will be glad to have your questions soon. Have joyful Christmas too.   Thursday night (Myanmar time), December 23rd:    T: Thank you so much for your messages and all the help. Yesterday and today I have been collecting the support and help that you always have been helping us. Indeed I am able send some today and will be also sending tomorrow, they are very excited and happy for the great and blessed news, before Christmas. They are also thanking you and to HB for all the prayer and support. On behalf of our partners I am sending our love and thanks to you all with many thank. Your sincerely Thang*   Monday Night – Tues Morning, December 20th – 21st P: We heard more than 10 bomb blasts since 7:00 pm. We do not know where is the the exact location. Pray for our safety. Many, many houses were burned in the villages near [location]. Many people fled from their homes and stay in a jungle for their life’s safety.   Yes, in today from six villages   The fighting is nearer than nearer to us. We will not be wrong if we prepare to move. Till now the fighting continues.   P: Definitely, we will be able to contact if we move also. But I will not make this kind of decision so early. It doesn’t mean that we will surely move and I will have to act according to the situation.   Yes, we are praying for God’s wisdom. Though we hope for the best, we have to prepare for the worse.   There is no more sounds right now this morning. But we don’t see anybody yet going out in to the street.   Yes, we hope for the situation to come down.   Thank you all for your concern and prayer.   Monday Night, December 20th   T – Thank you so much for your prayers. By God’s grace we are doing good. Yes, it is true not only the internet data gone up but everything is more than double price, e.g potato before the coup 1 kg cost 800mmk but now 1 kg cost 3000mmk. We hope and pray that you all have a very special Christmas celebration and Happy New year. May our God bless you all.   With many thank Your sincerely Thang*     Friday night (Myanmar time), December 17th:   T – “Thank you so much for the wonderful blessing and news about the funds). On behalf of our missionaries and partners I would like to thank to you and HB. For all the support and help providing our needs in a great day, especially in this time of crisis and difficulties. When everything become double in price, everyone has their own difficult and lives.   As soon as I collected I will let you know.   Please kindly keep remember us in prayer, as we are approaching Christmas very soon, we will be definitely lost the precious time because of the crisis mostly many Christians will not celebrate Christmas like before. But we will be celebrating quiet Christmas that mean not in public.   With many thanks   Thang*   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), December 14th:   P – “I hope that everything is well with you. We are also doing good here at our home and we are kept safe by God’s grace.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), December 13th:   T – “Thank you so much for all your concern and prayer with all the support. By God’s grace we are doing good. Even today near by our place the chief or leader of the ward has been killed in his house; that happen almost everywhere because they are promoted by the present leader which the people are totally against. These people are working with them and against the people. That is one thing they fail till today they could not control.   It will be greatly appreciated by our partners [to receive extra funds] since they all are finding so hard and difficult due to the high cost of our daily lives. E.g before the coup one kg of potato cost mmk 900-1000 but after this it cost one kg mmk 3000. Everything become double in price.    Please kindly keep remember us in prayer. Indeed we are very much thankful to you all for your prayer and support in our great needs. With many thank Your sincerely Thang*”   P – “Why I am asking [about quarterly funds] is because we are short of funds these days because of the recent increasing prices here. I hope for your kind understanding.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), December 10th:   P – “Today is the nationwide day of silence in Myanmar. What a wonderful day for the oneness of the people of Myanmar. It was a planned day.”    Tuesday night (Myanmar time), December 7th:   P – “Yes, we are so saddened by this terrible news. This is far from us. But on this same day in Kalaymyo, a man who works in his paddy field was also burnt alive by the military. Yes, it’s so horrible. Our thoughts go with them all the time.”   Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), December 7th:   T – “We always believe that there will be change it seem very slow. The worst it that on the 5 December, the protesters are hit by the car with speed, even the news say five people are killed, many are injured. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer. With many thanks Your sincerely Thang*”   Monday night (Myanmar time), December 6th:   P – “It is a vey bad decision [to imprison Aung San Su Kyi]. There are another 9 cases remaining for Aung San Su Kyi which the Junta charges. It is 4 years in prison reduced to 2 years.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), December 5th:   T – “That is true [the military pretending things are normal], even today we have another sad news which kills around 4 people in downtown. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer. With many thanks Yours sincerely, Thang*”   Friday night (Myanmar time), December 3rd:   T – “Thank you so much for your prayers and concern.   Thank also for your help through all the translation, sure I will ask as I have been asking for your help.   I believe many churches will not celebrating and decorating. But they will have Christmas service, even present leader allow up to 100 people gathering, and they want to show the world that everything is normal but till today many church are close.   Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.   With many thank   Your sincerely   Thang*”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), December 2nd:   T – “At present we are doing good, Christians are encouraged not to decorate and celebrate Christmas this year instead of celebrate Christmas, just pray for the people and their safety even help as other needy people who suffer and lost their love one.   On behalf of our missionaries partners I am sending our love and greeting to you all.   With every blessing   T”   P – “I am delighted to give the report of the distribution of Bro. Aye Lwin’s food distribution: it was a great help for his people.   In His Service,   P”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), December 1st:   P – “Gun shootings and explosions take placed right now in [my city], not far from us.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), November 29th:   P – “It is mostly they random arrests to cause for fears to the people. The worse thing is they steal all their properties like money, precious things, food and clothes etc.   The military is becoming more violent because now the PDF are more stronger and the military is more targeting the innocent people. They also accused that all these violence are done by the PDF.”   T – “Thank you so much for your special concern and prayers.   There has been change, our electric power is cut off every day, we are just returning back the past 20 years. Which means our electric power is cut everyday about three or four ours. At the same time internet connection is very poor. Still today there are fighting going on in many places and we also heard gun fire every day in Yangon.   Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.   There is difference pdf are all over the country and get support of the people and becoming stronger. Till today most of the people are not giving the electronic bills, because by giving it will support the coup that make people not to give and that make also power cut off by the coup. We are expecting and hoping changes very soon but it seem it will take longer than our expectations.   With many thank   T”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), November 28th:   P – “We heard no sounds of gun shooting last night. But more and more people are arrested everday in [my city]. They arrest people and in the next day the family is informed to pick up the dead body.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), November 24th:   P – “Yes, we were safe and had a peacful throughout the night. We heard no sounds of gunfire last night.   I am so glad to inform you that I have received the funds today and it was Ks. 2,444,400 ($1,400). I have immediately sent to Bro. Aung* and I will give you the distribution report once it is done.   Pas. Aung* was also so much gateful for the help that he received. He said that this will be a great help for his people.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), November 22nd:   P – “Please continue to pray for Bro. Aung*’s request to provide food to the poor as the need is greater everyday, he told me again just.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), November 20th:   P – “We are doing good and safe. Thank you for your concern and prayers.   [an hour later] We heard the gun shooting last night till 11:20 pm. The PDF medical team of 10 young ladies were arrested by the military and because of that tensions are higher and there was fighting at three different places yesterday – one is in the downtown at the police station and another two nearby [my town].   Now the PDF released the news that we the people in [our town] not to go outside as fighting can take place anytime, anywhere in [town].   Of course, [the young ladies] used to provide the medical needs to the PDF. Now, their families don’t know where they have been taken.    All the young women are Christians and one of them was a Christian singer and all are from [my region]. Also they all are College graduates. I hope that they all graduated from [nearby university]. The PDF members are doctors, nurses, engineers, school teachers … all are educated persons.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), November 18th:   P – “I am disturbed by the news of Bro. Khin*. Early this morning, there was fighting near to the village where he lives. Some of the villagers fled to the other villages and some of them fled to the jungle. In the afternoon about 2:00 pm, they went back to their house since they knew that the military left the village. When they reached back to their homes, nothing was left and all of their properties were taken away by the junta military. (Solar lighting system, pigs, chicken, clothes and pots etc.,)   He asked us help to get them out of their village. I immediately responded to his request and we took him and his wife out of the village and took them to the safe place. We have paid the vehicle hired cost which was Ks. 350,000 ($197). Please pray for their continued safety and their needs. Of course, we were to provide some foods items.   It is 11:00 o’clock right now and we heard the heavy gun firing.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), November 17th:   P – “Today, there was a bomb blast at Kalaymyo airport but no one reported dead. The military block the main road in the down town and all shops were closed and we are worrying what’s going to happen at night.   Tensions between the PDF and the military are increased in [our town] and it’s surrounding area. Your continued prayer would be greatly appreciated.   In Christ,   P”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), November 16th:   T – “Greetings to you all in the precious name of Jesus Christ.   First of all, I would like to thank to the church for all the prayer and support for our missionaries and other needs.   Thank you so much for all the opportunity to share prayer requests which we are most in needs.   -First and most we would like to request to prayer for our freedom and safety.   -Second for two of our missionaries families who leave their home for safety, till they could not return.   -Third, other partners who served the Lord in different part of Myanmar’s, such as Shan state, Kayah state, and Yangon area. There are many people who leave their home even lost, they suffer from Covid19, fear, lost of home and future.   -Till today, we could not have worship service, due to Covid19 and crisis, we have no idea how long will it be, because it is so dangerous to go out unless we have very important to do.   -Please kindly pray with us for the return of our freedom and normal life.   On behalf of our missionaries partners we are sending our love and thank to you and to the church for all the support and help.   Apart from this I would like to thank to you and to HB for special concern and great help making possible for my study and greatly desires.   With many thank   T”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), November 13th:   P – “I have a regular contact with Lydia* and her community. They are so sweet to me because though they are so poor; they love the Lord. My prayers and concerns always go with them.   The 64 families who have received aids from us at Lydia’s community have greatly appreciated as Bro. Aung* and Lydia completed distributing Ks. 100,000 to each family. All of the community have moved already to the villages wherever possible.   Lydia said, “all of my people have moved to the villages and stayed in a rented house but most of them are not able to a rent a house and sleep on a street wherever possible. I am trying whatever I can do for my people all the time. Most of them are still suffering not having a place to live. On the other hands, the situation of Covid 19 and the violence are growing day by day. Many restrictions, many crisis … fearing for the military all the time. Thank you so much for the help that you sent to us through Pastor Pan was a great help but still the need for my people is still great.”   Bro. Aung said, “I am always praying for these people day and night that they will stand still be faithful in their faith in Jesus Christ.”   Thank you for standing with us all the time especially for these sweet community in times of their hardships and difficulties.   In His Service,   Bro. P   There was heavy fighting in [our town] this afternoon between 3:00 – 4:00 pm but it was far from us and we are safe by God’s grace.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), November 9th:   P – “The ex – Karen Chief minister was sentenced to prison for 75 years yesterday. She was detained since the coup in Feb. 1. What a sad it is.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), November 8th:   P – “We are doing good though there are more fighting taking place throughout the country.   The situation here at home is also good. Yes, the older children are helping the younger children to learn their lessons three hours in a day. At some classes, they will learn some bible stories also.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), November 3rd:   P – “Breaking news:   Today, fighting was happened just about 15 miles from us. Two women was shot dead by the military. From three villages, all the people fled to the jungle for the safety of their lives. The military burned three houses including one gas station and they stole many of the village’s properties. We heard the explosions from where we live. We feel scared all the time. But Our God keeps us safe till to today.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), November 2nd:   P – “We all are doing good at home. The situation here in everywhere is worse than worse. The other pastors whom we support have an urgent prayer request for food for each of their communities as they are facing food crisis very badly.   I want to share with you about the persecution news. Pastor Denpo* is one of our partners in our network who serves in [a district] in Shan state. The history goes like this; a window named – Haymar* and her son were forced them the leave their house by her husband’s bothers/relatives after she became a Christian. Haymar* losses her husband two years ago and she lived with her only son named Phyu*. Since there is no house in the village where they can live, they live in a paddy field. But this pastor and the church leaders have a regular contact with this widow and her son. The pastor said that she never gave up her faith though she faced such of persecution her life.   Now the pastor and his church leaders prayed and planned to build as small house for this widow and her son. So that they can come back to the village after the harvest. Now it is the time to harvest and they are trying to build house for them at the church owned land.   Now they have collected some materials whatever they can. Building this house will cost them about 4,600,000 MMK ($2,544.56) and what they have now is about 850,000 MMK ($470.19). So please pray for them that the Lord will provide this need for this widow and her son. Will there be any way of help available for this need? Please have them in your prayers.    In Christ,   Bro. Pan*”   Friday night (Myanmar time), October 29th:   P – “What a tragic happening in Chin state and Sagaing region. More and more troops have arrived in [my city] and many check points even in inside the city. These two regions haven targeted by the military. So, your prayers are needed for us than ever before.   At Tlantang, Chin state more than 100 houses were burned including 2 church building.   More than 200 houses were burned now and the fire still continues in Tlantang, according to the news this morning.   The PDF is about to control Chin state and Sagaing division that is why the military targets these two regions more than any other places.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), October 28th:   P – “I immediately wired the funds to Lydia* and Bro. Aung* as I received today. Since they are now living in different villages, they plan to distribute the money to the families but not in the food items since it seems it is not so convenient for Lydia and Bro. Aung. Their plan is to give Ks. 100,000 ($56) to each family and this will help about 64 families. Lydia said that on behalf of my community, I would like to say thank you so much for the help funds which is so helpful for this time.   This will be a great help for this community in this time of their hardships and difficulties.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), October 26th:   P – A report from Pas. Aung*:   “I am Aung from Mandalay area. I am grateful to you for your prayers as Pastor Pan* always shared to me. I lost my wife and faced many hardships in my life as well as we live with fears. Our future is uncertain because of the coup. But the Lord always strengthens my faith and we still have hope in Him.   This time, I want to share with you the need of the daily food in my village where I serve. Because of the violence which are going on our country, many of the people in my community including my church members have faced lots of hardships and problem. Many of them are out food since they have no work to earn money for their families.   So, it is my humble request to pray for my community that the Lord will provide the needed food before it is too late. I want to help them but I am not able to help by myself. I hope for your kind concern and prayer toward this dire need.   Thank you for joining us in prayer.   In Him, Aung”   “Pastor Pan*: Bro. Aung said that there are many families who need help but among them he has a list of 87 families who are under poverty line. Their situation seems very bad and difficult. According to Bro. Aung, the estimate cost is 97,500 MMMK per family. It is about 60 USD according to the present exchange rate and the total estimate is about $5,550. So, please pray that the Lord will soon provide this project for this community. Thank you all for your concern and prayers for these people.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), October 25th:   P – “We have distributed the aids through Pastor Tin Aye* in his mission fields at three different villages. He is one of the most effective partners we have who is faithfully serving the Lord in the villages.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), October 24th:   P – “The international community has shown their rejection on the recognition of the SAC, now the Junta seems to act more difficult for the people of Myanmar. Everyday, what they do is to hurt the people, so that the people of Myanmar will be afraid to against them.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), October 23rd:   P – “The Junta had increased more violence since the decision. Lydia* and her community made it to a different places and moved all their properties. But some of them have to come back to work there to earn money whenever works are available, she said.   I know that their lives are harder because now they will have to rent a house and since they moved to the places, they don’t have jobs to earn for their daily food. Food is the most need for these people right now.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), October 22nd:   P – “Lydia* said just now that they have started moving and will have a complete move by tomorrow on the 23rd.   Almost, all of them will stay in the village at the same place in the otherside of the river. I don’t want them to loss their sweet relationship of their community.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), October 21st:   P – “What they (Lydia* and her community) are planning right now is some will move at different villages in the otherside of the river and rent a house. It seems they will be scattering in different places and some will live with their relatives in the village. It is not possible to live in one village and each family will search for their own way.   I will have to keep a regular contact with Lydia* and her community. I am afraid that move will cause them to lose their faith.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), October 18th:   P – “Yesterday, we heard that many prisoners have been released. But it is very sad to know that many of them were re-arrested by the military. It seems they wanted to show the world that they are releasing in order to end the pressure from around world. I also learned that some of them rearrested even before they arrived their home. Very sad news.   Lydia* told me that they are fearful for the military’s order and preparing to leave the place and they will find where they can live. Let us pray for them and stand with them as their situation is very difficult.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), October 16th:    P – “Dear friends;   I have received a phone call from Lydia* who lives in the riverside slam area in Mandalay. What a sad and sorrowful news it was. She said that, “we were forced to move from our place before 23rd of this month and each family received an order letter. If we don’t move before the deadline, we will be arrested. Many polices and many armies came and forced us to sign, saying that we will move before October 23rd otherwise, all the houses will be destroyed or burnt.”   I had a talked with several of our people and they had no any idea for their future right now. One of them said to me that “We are sure that we have to move from here for our safety but we don’t know where we will live. I don’t really understand why the Junta regime discriminated us since we are such a very low people.”   Lydia* said that I and my people need your prayers, your encouragement and financial help more than ever before. Her prayer requests are as follows:   1. Pray for encouragement from the Lord as my people are so sad and full of tears 2. Pray for our good health and God’s guidance 3. Pray for our moving expenses which cost is about 150,000 ($79.80) per family 4. Pray also for our safety and God’s protection   I was shocked by this news. I and my wife immediately praying for them that the Lord will protect them from any harm and provide their urgent needs. Thank you for joining us in prayers.   Yes, all the entire community of the 115 families are in the same situation. There is no slum area in the other side of the river. They also don’t know what the reason is.   Two of the main phone lines have been shutdown just now. Only one line is working which I am using now. If I don’t reply your message, please know that I am in out of internet connection. Whenever the Junta is preparing for fighting, they used to shutdown phone lines and internet. I hope it may take sometimes as [our city] is targeted. My cellular data still works and I can still send you messages.   I am not sure about [timing] but we are afraid they will attack soon.”   Saturday morning (Myanmar time), October 16th:   T – “At present many of our people are getting ready and wearing about the present situations in case something happens, especially in Chin State. Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.   With every blessing Thang*”   Friday night (Myanmar time), October 15th:   P – “I just saw in the news that the ASEAN leaders decided the Myanmar Junta not to attend the ASEAN submit which will be held later this month. That is a very good news for the people of Myanmar.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), October 13th:  

P – “Update on Current War Development in Chin State

Clashes between the military junta forces and a combined forces of Chinland Defense Forces and Chin National Army (CNA) are happening now.

So far, CNA and CDF have killed five of the junta soldiers at the clash near Hniarlawn village, an outskirt of Hakha city, according to the spokesperson of Chin National Army (CNA).

Residents in Lungpi ward, and Hniarlawn have left their villages running into the jungle for hiding.

The military junta forces are burning Christian Church and four residential properties, looting the properties and taking rice at Rialto village. Also, the soldiers reportedly kill the animal such as pigs, goats, and hens in Rialti village, Falam Township.

At Hniarlawn, four civilians are arrested, including a minor aged 13.

  People are trying to live normal life but it is not possible since the violence grows higher everyday.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), October 11th:   P – “More and more troops are scattering in Chin state. The families of the military have been taken out of the army based in [my city] by the military air force to their headquaters. It seems the big fighting is prepared by the military. So, your continued prayers would be greatly appreciated.   They are targeting both civilians and the rebels when fighting take place.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), October 9th:   P – “News: More than 3000 troops arrived to [my city] with full equipment. These troops are targeting Chin state.   About 35 full truck load have gone to Chin state and the others still remained in [my city].   Yesterday when they went up to Chin state, at one village, they took whatever they want such as Chicken, pigs, cooking oils, pots etc.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), October 7th:   P – “3 big explosions and many gun shooting in our town just now but a little far from us. Please continue to pray.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), October 5th:    P – “I praise the Lord and am glad to inform you that Bro. Myint* also came back home from hospital with good health. I had a talk with him and he is good.”   Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), October 5th:    P – “I came to learn that the Western Union is available again in [my city].”   Monday night (Myanmar time), October 4th:   T – “Regarding the internet. I believe they will not cut off because business and marketing has to do with mobile banking. People who keep their money in the bank could not withdraw, the only they can use their money is mobile banking, and using their card in the shop to buy what they needs. This is the reason that they will not cut off the internet. If they do, there will be a great change. So, as I say many people use and buy internet data packages which cost less. With many thanks. Your sincerely Thang*”   Monday morning (Myanmar time), October 4th:   T – “It has been difficult using internet in many parts of the country. Broadband internet especially with myttel seems impossible. At present we are starting again our online class, most of our students use internet data, they just bought with package which seem not expensive or reasonable. Apart from that I have no ideas. By God’s grace we are doing good. We start our online class today again till November 2021. We send our love and thank Your sincerely Thang*”   Sunday Morning (Myanmar time), October 3rd:   P – “I praise the Lord that Bro. Cin* was also discharged yesterday. They requested us to pray for their medical expenses too.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), October 2nd:    T – “Thank you for your special concern and prayers. By God’s grace we are doing good. But today unexpectedly one of our church member has been with the Lord. He has been weak not serious, able to walk and eat, he just passed away while he was in the toilet. Most many places in Myanmar internet has been cut off. Please kindly keep remember us in prayer. For safety and health with many thank. Your sincerely Thang*”   P – “Due to the crisis and hardships that we faced here, our partners asked for food to provide to the people in each of their ministries. That makes sense to me as we all know about the situation. Please join us in payer for their needs that the Lord will provide.   Also, please pray for me and my wife that the Lord will provide our medical bills to clear soon as the due date to repay is approaching. The money was borrowed from some of my friends. Chime* who came back home from hospital yesterday continues doing well by the grace of God.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), October 1st:   P – “I am so glad to inform you that she [Chime*] has come back home.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), September 30th:   P – “Prayer request:   One of our children – Chime* felt shortness of breath this morning and we immediately took her to the hospital. The Doctor tested such as Xray, ultrasound and her heart. But everything was Ok and the doctor sent her back home and she was ok throughout the day. But just now, she was happened again and now she is hospitalized. Please pray for her complete healing.”   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), September 30th:   P – “Cin*’s wife was discharged yesterday but Bro. Cin* & Bro. Myint* are still in the hospital.   Bro. Cin and Bro. Myint are also improving.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), September 29th:   T – “Thank you very much for your prayers.   By God’s grace we are doing good, but everything is so expensive due to economic crisis, one usd = 2000 mmk. Petrol one litre 1250 mmk ($0.67) before the junta one litre 560 mmk ($0.30). Which is more than double.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), September 28th:   P – “Report from Lydia*: I am Lydia and I want to say thank you so much for providing food time to time. I really appreciated the donors and their love toward us.          Almost all of our church members were sick but we all were recovered by the grace of God. No one is able to go for work and all are suffering. Since the beginning of August, we faced lots of problem because of the flood. Most the people here looking job but the flood made us harder to get the job. Also because of the civil war, our lives are in danger and the situation here is worse than worse. So, because of all those things, the need is more than what I say. Sometimes, some of our church members have food to cook and we shared whatever we have and till today, the Lord has allowed us to live.  I praise the Lord for His provision hands.          When we heard about the food supply from Pastor Pan*, we all were so happy because most of our people are out of food. Pastor Aung* brought the food items to us and we immediately distributed to our people to 70 families. Everybody said, Praise the Lord … Amen … because of the food supply. I never saw such thankfulness among my people though they received help in the past. It shows me that the need for food is real. You made is this possible. Thank you for your concern and help in times of need. Praise the Lord for the faithful donors and their sacrificial giving. We pray for the donors and their families that the Lord will bless them in the days to come.         As we distributed food to our people, we also shared the Gospel. I also can boldly share the good news and at least 4 people boldly said, Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. The believers were also rededicated their lives to Jesus because everybody said that the Lord has answered our prayer. One man said that, because of the difficulties that he faced, he challenged the Lord, if the Lord provides food for his family, he will trust Him with all his hearts. He immediately received the answers of his prayers after three days of his prayer. This man and his family were out of food and they have no income that is why they were greatly discouraged and they were in a hopeless condition. Through the answers of his prayers, he immediately confessed Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.           Thank you again and again for your love and help toward us. I do appreciate for your partnership.   Sincerely yours, Lydia”   Monday night (Myanmar time), September 27th:   P – “I am so sad to inform you that Bro. Aung*’s wife has gone to be with the Lord. She was sick with Covid 19 for a week long.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), September 24th:   P – “I am glad to inform you that I have received the funds today safely and it was 6,206,200 MMK ($3317). We have the good exchange rate. I have immediately wired the funds to Lydia and I was informed they (Lydia and the local pastor) that they have received the funds. They are planning to distribute the food by tomorrow. I will send you some reports when I hear back from them. Thank you again for our kind burden and concern.”   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), September 23rd:   P – “Praise the Lord [for funds sent for Lydia’s needs mentioned in the update on September 22nd].”    Wednesday night (Myanmar time), September 22nd:   P – “Yes, fighting is happening in villages and small towns in [our] district everyday. But they are a bit far from us. The military used heavy weapons and all the villagers fled to jungle for safety. What we heard yesterday was there were some people who tried to help those who are in the jungle were beaten and arrested by the military.   In Thantlang, Chin State, which has more than 1,800 households, three families (28 people) remain guarded. Twenty people are from an orphanage and there are two families with Covid.   Similar news [of violence] in Kayah Sate and Magwe division.   Lydia* appealed for help as they faced lots of problems in her place. Here is her letter asking for food for her people and I also included some pictures of the present flood.   ‘I am Lydia from the Irrawaddy riverside.   In our place, many people were sick with Covid 19 and more than 10 people have died already. Almost all of our church members were sick but we all were recovered by the grace of God. No one is able to go for work and all are suffering. Since the beginning of August, we faced lots of problem because of the flood. Most of the people are looking job but the flood made us harder to get the job. Also because of the civil war, our lives are in danger and the situation here is worse than worse. So, because of all those things, the need is more than what I say. Sometimes, some of our church members have no food to cook and we shared whatever we have and till today, the Lord has allowed us to live. I praise the Lord for His provision hands.   I still remember that your have provided us help this time in last year. So, I want to ask this time also for your help before my people die. We are 47 families.    In Christ, Lydia’”   It would mainly for food. She didn’t limit the the families to 47 but according to the funds available she wants help more and more families.    1 bag of rice, 5 kg beans, 2 kg cooking oil and 3 kg Patato and 3 kg Onion. These can feed a family for nearly one month and the cost is about 95,000 MMK (about $50).    There are about 100 families [in total in the village]. We don’t have any problem in sending funds inside the country.”   Wednesday morning (Myanmar time), September 22nd:    P – “We didn’t hear any gunshot last night and I should say that the situation calmed down in [town].”  

T – “Thank you very much for giving your time to help not only financially but also through prayers.

Since last week and this I have class at [my seminary] where I have been teaching. But our internet connection is very very poor, within 50 Min I think we can use around 30 Minutes due to the internet connection.   Also, yesterday we are helding a memorial service for my brother in law after one month and half. With few people mostly from relatives.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), September 21st:    T – “Thank you very much for your kindness and all the help and support, not only us but others people who are really also having difficulty.   Our partners are also asking to me to thanks to you on behalf of them.   Now day we are also very much careful whenever we give help because this present [Junta] leader are not happy with, they want that many people will suffer and lost life, so that they can be the only helper and protectors. That’s why if they know the people who have help others they do arrest and make cause in [our area] where the fighting are going on, they can only carry one bag of rice, it is so much difficult for the people, according to their words the present leader want them to die with hungry.   So, this is one prayer too that God will help us to get freedom as soon as possible if not we will be again under their control which we have suffer for many years in the past.   Thank you very much again for all the prayer and support.   Your sincerely Thang”   Monday night (Myanmar time), September 20th:   T – “Thank you very much for your special concern and prayers. Prayer is the most important part for us as we are fully depends on God. Without God help and His mercy we would not be survive.   Indeed we are also very much thankful to you and HB for all the support not only financially but with all the concern and burden of heart. On behalf of our missionaries I would like to thanks for all the prayer and support.   With many thanks Your sincerely Thang”   P – “[Myint* and Cin* and his wife] are still in the hospital.”   Sunday morning (Myanmar time), September 19th:   P – “Yes, I believe that [the Chin people] will make a difference as being majority of Christian.   The military cut the finger of a pastor who was killed last night and stolen his marriage ring.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time) September 18th:   P – “The people of Myanmar are shocked with the recent news which was happened today around 5:00 pm in Than Tlang, Chin Sate. Because of the heavy weapons used by the military, 19 houses were burned in the downtown and one pastor who was trying to cease the fire was shot death. The number of deaths and damages are not yet confirmed.   It is very far from us. [Chin state is targeted by military at this time.] I believe this is because the Chin people stands together and became stronger. Also two great leaders if the NUG located in Chin State.   Your prayer is our strength. The world should pay attention and take strong action.    Now [attacks] happening in Hakha, the capital city of Chin state.   I believe [why the military targets Chin state] is because the Chin people stands together and became stronger. Also two great leaders of the NUG located in Chin State.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), September 17th:    P – “We have not heard any gunshots tonight. Most of the times, [fighting] is in at night.   I received the funds [you sent] safely.”   Friday afternoon (Myanmar time), September 17th:   P – “A fighting took place in our city today for half and hour but we remained stay safe by God’s grace.”   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), September 16th   P – “More and more people are killed every day from both sides. Overnight, there are gun shootings and explosions in [my town] but we are still safe by His grace. Thank you for your concern and prayers.   The internet system (which is called Mytel communication company) was totally down as its receivers were destroyed all over the country because it is said that it’s owned by the Junta leaders. I am sad that the fiber internet access that I have installed with your help was this Mytel internet. Now it is totally down. Also, they add surveillance systems to all communications companies. Now I am using the mobile data for my internet which is too expensive.   Now I came to learn another internet access service. If we buy this, they will charge for six months plus the broadband with a discount each month. So, the total cost for this internet system is Ks. 490,000 (about $270) which can be used for six months with unlimited.   I think [military defections to join civilians] will also happen in [my town].   I was informed just now that our partners Myint* and Cin* (with his wife) are being sick with Covid 19 and they are in the hospital. Please pray for their soon recovery.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), September 14th:   P – “We are good and we are not hearing any gun shootings tonight. Thank you for the concern.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), September 12th:   T – “Indeed we are greatly encourage by your prayer and concern.   We do have news every, many people leave their home for safety and still many people are also suffering.   Our are also expecting great new tomorrow from the world.   Today our vice President at [Seminary] has been with the Lord, he do suffer from Covid19, and also has Cancer. Within the last three months we lost five of our church member at [seminary] because of Covid19.   Please kindly keep remember us in prayer for our elected leader and health as well as for our safety.   With many thank Your sincerely   Thang”   Sunday morning (Myanmar time), September 12th:    P – “We are Ok.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), September 11th:   P – “We heard a very loud three explosions right now.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), September 10th:   T –  “Thank you very much for all your prayers and concern. Indeed we are worry and fear that something can happen at any time. At this time if there something happens even our neighbors can’t do anything, the only thing that we do is prayer.   Our partners in [area] leave their home almost one month by now, and are so far safe but they still has to be ready for safety. Even one of our partners in [other area], do leave and went to his brother for safety going to be two months.   Please kindly keep remember us in prayer for their safety and health. We are also very much a ware and care when we speak with one another via phone because our phone are listen.   With many thank for all the prayer and support.   Thank you so much for all the prayer and concern for our daily lives and meals. It is and will be difficult more and more until we get freedom. Many people are getting and storing food, and that make more expensive compared to the past two/three months. We will be very much thankful if you could send, because of that we can buy food and curry to keep.   Please kindly keep remember us in prayer. With many thank Your sincerely   Thang”   P – “Around at 2:00 pm today, the army based which was about 1 km from us was attacked and it took about ten minute. Between [2 cities], the fighting took place and more than 40 people including children were killed. How sadness it is.   The military uses excessive jet fighters and combat helicopters to attack one of the villages in Chin State. In [city] also, we saw helicopters flying many times today. Yes, they do air attacks now. The fighting place is opposite of bro. Htun* who has a motorbike shop. I am in contacted with him and they are ok. There will be more. More than 30 houses in [other city] area are burned by the military.   As long as the Lord allows, I will not let them [children living in the children’s home] leave because this war is all over the country. This is our decision. If I am to let them leave right now, I cannot guarentee them to arrive each of the homes safely because the problem is everywhere. I know that it [making hard decisions] is my calling. I trust the Lord will take care of us as we ask for His help.   Our fiber internet line has been down. Our mobile data still works but very slow.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), September 9th:    T – “We have heard many news about bomb blast in downtown, it seem we will be hearing this continue, please kindly keep remember us in prayer. With many thank, Your sincerely,   Thang”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), September 8th:   T – “Indeed we are also warned to get ready if something happens, but for us there is no way to go because of the children. We have been praying for this; if not we will have lost our future. We also pray for our safety and freedom with any big cause or problem. Please keep remembering us in prayer. I will write more in detail.   With many thanks, Yours sincerely,   Thang*   P – “We are safe and there is no more bad news in [our town] but everyone is with fear and are not going outside. All our partners are also safe as we keep in touched each other. Thank you all for your concern and prayers which keeps us safe till today.”   Wednesday morning (Myanmar time), September 8th:   P – “People are running here and there and prepared to store food at their home since everyone knows that the situation will get worse. We will soon be short for food. I can talk with other leaders especially [in this region] who face the same as well as who have the same children ministry. As fathers of many children, we are worried but we believe that God is in on our side.   I talked with other leaders in other states also. We had a messenger group with more than 100+ pastors and missionaries joined. We encouraged each other to pray. That’s all we can do right now. If you are to send funds, the sooner you can send would be better as we believe that the situation will get worse day by day.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), September 7th:    T – “Thank you very much for your special concern and prayers.   Yes, they declared [Civil war D-Day] which we are expecting. So far I have no idea what will happen next; it will take time. Because of Covid19 and the junta our life has been difficult – no work many people are finding hard and will be more difficult if it take longer than what we expect; at present we are asked to stay at home.    I believe internet will be cut off very soon.   Please kindly keep remember us in prayer for our freedom and safety as well as health.   Indeed today many people are out getting ready for their food to keep for the coming days. We are also bough some rice and dry curry. I will write again.   With many thanks, Yours sincerely, Thang*”   P – “Yes, it was declared [Civil war D-Day]. There was fighting also in [our city] but near by us. It is expected internet cutoffs. I don’t think we can be connected if the internet is cut off. Our prayer is to win.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), September 6th:    T – “Thank you so much for all your prayers and hard work, it has been always a blessing for us to be part of HB. Through all your prayers and support we are able to help many of our people in their great need. Covid19 is still one of the greatest fear, but it seem a little bit decreasing. Many people are still in bed because of Covid19.    By God’s grace we are doing good, in spite of the crisis, this month will be a month that we are expecting great change in a better way. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer. Indeed we are concerned and worry about the internet may cut off again very soon.   Yes, it has been our prayers to God to be changed as soon as possible if not many more people will suffer and die. In 14th Sep, UN meeting will be an especially big day for us regarding our country. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer for the change. It means we want back our normal life without fear.   We send our love and greeting to you.   With every blessing, Yours sincerely, Thang*”   Friday afternoon (Myanmar time), September 3rd:   T – “Dear friends,   Greetings to you all in the precious name of Jesus Christ.   It has been greatly a blessing for us to help many people, who are in great desperate needs in Chin State, and Kayah State, as well as in Shan State.   Not only that through the people who are suffering and in needs of oxygen we are also to help, we have finished the four and refilling them again for other people. We are also able to help pastors who have been ill and sick with Covid19.   Indeed they are very much thankful for our help. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer – especially for our country as in the upcoming, within this month our people are expecting great change. As well as for our safety and health. We are getting ready to buy food for at least two months.   On behalf of our partners and people I just send our love and greeting to you all with every blessing.   Yours sincerely, Thang*”   Friday morning (Myanmar time), September 3rd:    P – “Thank you for your continued prayers. The states that have had the internet cut are Kayah, Kachin, south Chin state and Pago division. The military is more organized for fighting but it doesn’t mean that they are stronger because many military left their duties and joined the people’s force these days. The people’s force is stronger because they are supported by the people of Myanmar.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), September 2nd:   P – “My wife and I continue doing well by the grace of God. We still need more strength as we still feel weak. The military has cut-off internet connections again in at least 4 states now. Today in our city also, the phones and internet connections were cut-off for about 3 hours but now it resumed again. The military and the PDF are fighting every day in everywhere. Continue to pray for our strength and safety. All the children are well and they are doing good.”   Monday morning (Myanmar time), August 23rd:   P – “Thank you much for your great concern and prayers. Yes, only prayer lifted us up again. Praise the Lord.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), August 22nd:   T – “Thank you very much for all your prayers and support. By God’s grace we are doing very well, but still many people are suffering and die. Indeed we are able to help people who are in needs. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer, at present many people are hoping and worry about the coming days which is ahead this month and next month, we all pray and expect to have a better life and hope. We are encouraged and advice to buy food at least for two months and radio, to get news time to time. If everything is closed down and stop.   With many thank Yours sincerely, Thang”   P –  “We continue doing well by the grace of God. Please continue to pray for our full recovery. Thank you for all the prayers you have made on our behalf. My own children as well as our orphan children also doing well by the grace of God. God is good all the time!   Continue to pray also for our safety as more and more armies are moving into the city and scattering in the area. Almost everyday, fighting took place.   Again and again, thank you for your concern and prayer toward us. Have a Blessed Sunday!”   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), August 19th:   P – “I am glad to inform you that all my blood tests were good by the grace of God. Now what I have to do is breathing exercise, lung exercise etc., Thank you all for your prayers. Please continue to pray to clear for the medical expenses as it is so high.   Here is our medical expenses: Me – Ks. 2865509 ($1,741) My wife – Ks. 2450000 ($1,488.55) Total – Ks. 5315500 ($3,229.54)   Thank you so much, for your concern and prayers.”   Wednesday morning (Myanmar time), August 18th:   P – “According to the NUG online meeting yesterday, the NUG is ready to announce shortly the D day (which means the civil war to begin). [Our town] is one of the main places where the Junta is camped. Everyday, more and more army arrived in [town] and every night there are gun shooting.   Concerning our partners in Myanmar, everyone is doing well and keep their ministry moving forward. Praise the Lord! I should say that people in the villages have life normal again but it happens only in where there is no military. I believe it [fighting] will come to the villages [when civil war starts].   In [our region] it’s [Covid rate] slowing right now since a week ago. The death rate calmed down to about 5-10 people from about 50-60 people last month.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), August 17th:   T – “Thank you very much for your special concern and prayers with all the support. We are still in need of your prayer. One of the faculty at [our seminary] has been went to the Lord, he is just 33 years of age.   By God’s grace we are doing good now with all the children, in spite of all the sickness and my brother in law who went to the Lord because of Covid 19. I just bought 40 liter oxygen through all your help to help those who are really suffering and in need. We send our love and greeting to you all with many thanks. Yours sincerely Thang*”   Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), August 17th:   P – “Thank you for your continued prayers and concerns. Yes, I am improving a lot but very slow because of my blood sugar. I am still using the Oxygen cylinder. My wife has been recovered and we need to pay for her medical expenses which is Ks. 2450000 ($1489). Please pray that the Lord will meet this need. Also continue to pray for my soon recovery and the need for my medical expenses. Please pray for this need that the Lord will provide to pay for the medical expenses of my wife. Thank you all for your prayers.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), August 10th:   T – “Thank you very much for all your prayers and greatly concern. It has been always a blessing and encouraging for us to be part of HB. Knowing that you are always with us in providing our great needs in a great time of crisis. Which is a blessing for us.”   With many thank Your sincerely T.”   Tuesday afternoon (Myanmar time), August 10th:   T – “Hi, Greetings to you all in the precious name of Jesus Christ.   Thank you very much for all your help and support especially in prayer throughout this difficult time.   I am also sick and busy with the dead of my brother in law. He was, or is, one of our missionaries supported.    This morning one of our coworker teacher at the Bible college, has went to the Lord this morning.  Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer for our safety and health, because of the change of our leaders many lives have been taken away from us, all the doctors and nurses are no longer working with them, and hospital and private clinics are closed. If we are suffering from Covid19 third wave, we just have to stay and treat ourselves at home because there is no choice. Till today many people are suffering, almost every house.   Kindly keep remember us in prayer With many thanks, Yours sincerely, Thang”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), August 8th:   P – “Because of your prayers and concern, my wife is doing well now but still needs to gain strength. I am also improving a lot but I started a new course of medicine today and it will take another 5 days. Please continue to pray for God’s complete healing upon us. Please also continue to pray for us as we will need more money as our treatment expenses are too high. We still believe that God will provide us.”   Saturday morning (Myanmar time), August 7th:   T – “Dear friends,   It is so hard and unbelievable that my brother is went to be with the Lord. Please kindly keep remember us in prayer for the comfort. Yours sincerely, Thang”   Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), August 3rd:   T – “Thank you very much for all your prayers and concern with the support.   It has been greatly encouraging and great hope for us in this time of difficulty that we all face.   We are very much deep in thanks.   Please kindly keep remember us in prayer especially for who suffer badly from Covid19 third wave even my brother in law is still using oxygen.   With many thank Your sincerely Thang”   Saturday morning (Myanmar time), July 31st:    T – “Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for your special concern and love. By God’s grace through all your prayers and concern I am doing good. But at present my brother in law is suffering very bad for his oxygen level it is about 50-60.   If you could help us to get oxygen, one oxygen concentrator. Because we have very difficult and hard time to get oxygen. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer – still many people are suffering from oxygen.   We send our love and greeting with many thanks, Yours sincerely, Thang”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), July 29th:   P – “I’m glad to inform you that the new concentrator arrived just home safely and will be used immediately by one pastor. Thank you for everything you have done for us. Thank you for your prayers for me and my wife. We are making slow process, but we are in His hands of moving forward to the recovery dates.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), July 26th:   T – Sorry for not replying your message. I am really weak and could not check my messages. I could not sit long just laying on my bed. By God’s grace no more fever but tired and weak. Please kindly keep remember me for my strength.   Almost every house suffer. Thank you very much for your special concern and prayers. Regarding oxygen, there are two options. One is to buy refilling one and another is with the electronic one without refilling, but that cost more than the refilling one.   Because the present [military] leaders are hoping and expecting that many people will go to their hospital. But since no one trust anymore, no one goes there – instead, staying at home and doing by ourselves for safety. That causes them to control oxygen refilling centers and they no longer allow the public to refill and that causes many lives to be taken.   If there is anything possible, it will be a great help and hope for many of our people.   With many thanks, Yours sincerely, Thang   Sunday afternoon (Myanmar time), July 25th:   P – I have not heard back from Thang* since I contacted last night.   Thank you to all the donors, cheerful givers, who are saving lives today and bringing glory and honor to our God in this dark and hopeless nation, Myanmar. Today, we have picked up new one Concentrator and I will let you know as I pick up another new one.   The children are getting well and noboby in the bed becuase of this sickness and my wife and I also improves a lot because of your prayers.   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), July 22nd:   P – Thank you for all the funds. I am so glad to inform you that I have picked up the funds. I will cooperate to make an order with our [Young Adult] Group and let you know as the Oxygen Concentrators arrive. Thank you so much, these will help especially pastors, missionaries as many of the pastors are not in a position to afford. May the Lord bless you and all the donors. Amen!   Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), July 20th:   P – “The shortage of oxygen is so real. The more we get oxygen, the more we can saves lives. But the oxygen cost is skyrocket and of course we can purchase slowly by slowly.   20L Concentrator – ks. 17,00,000 ($1035). It will take three days.   40L cylinder – ks. 520,000 mmk ($316).     The concentrator is best to have because it needs no refill.”   Monday morning (Myanmar time), July 19th:   P – “My youth pastor went to glory two days back (Covid). Pray for his family.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), July 16th:  

T “Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer for our health. I, myself, and my wife are still weak. It seems every house suffers from flu and Covid.

  With many thanks, Yours sincerely, Thang”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), July 14th:   T – “Thank you very much for your special concern and love.   Yes, it is heart breaking for our people, due to the crisis and Covid which takes many of our love ones into glory and many people are also suffering. Since February till today more than 76 pastors died because of lack of oxygen. Indeed most of our children also suffer from seasonal flu. Myself, my wife and my daughter also got sick this morning. By God’s grace we are able to go to fever clinic and get some medicine and now we all are getting better. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer for our health and safety.   With many thanks, Yours sincerely Thang”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), July 13th:   T – “Thank you very much for your concern and love with all the prayer. By God’s grace we are doing good, but we have heard that many people died every day and many people are also suffering because of lack of oxygen. We are like a sheep without shepherd. Please kindly remember us in prayer for our safety from the crisis and Covid19 third wave.    With many thanks, Your sincerely, Thang”   Friday night (Myanmar time), July 9th:    P – “All the cylinders have arrived today. The 10 bottles of 10 cylinders have been handed over to my church’s volunteer group and I have kept 2 bottles of 15L cylinders for my wife at home. Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. My wife responds to oxygen well.”   Friday morning (Myanmar time), July 9th:   T – “We are in great need of your prayer as before. Covid third wave kill many of our pastors more than 50 as well as many people died and many people suffer badly, nothing to do just stay at home with oxygen many people also died because of lack of oxygen. Even in my village almost everyday people died. Because of the raining season many people are also get flu even our children has been sick one after another. Thank to our God that they are getting better and doing good. This Covid third wave is very short people suffer just 3 or 4 days only. Thank you very much for your prayers. Yours sincerely, Thang”   P – “My wife and I have tested positive. My wife request oxgygen since his oxygen level is 88%.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), July 7th:   P – “My wife and I got sick and loss taste and smell. Please pray.   Concerning the oxygen, it is hard to get around the country. It takes longer than I think. Now I am glad to inform you that last night ten bottles of 40 L cylinders and the concentrator have arrived. I will update you when the 10L cylinders arrived. My church volunteer group picked up the cylinders and brought them to the patients immediately. The need for oxygen is great especially for the city where we live. We are expecting the 10L also will arrive soon. Definitely, they are of a great help to our people here. Thank you for your generosity.”  

Tuesday night (Myanmar time), July 6th:

T – “I am able to make a phone call to our missionaries partners and my former students who do church planting in Mindat and Loikaw who also leave their home for safety because of the crisis. I ask to them what is their most need at present they all say to me that the most needs is rice, food not other things. Since they just leave their home without any thing.

I am very much please and thankful to our God for the help of HB that we are going to give something of what they are really in need. I will be sending some help to buy food or rice today.

Yes, we are bit by Covid19 third wave which even kill around 30 pastors and many people are suffering at present. Please kindly remember us in prayer.
With many thank

Yours sincerely,

P – “We continue to pray for the needs of my native village. By God’s grace, they are doing very well.   Please continue to pray for us. The death rates are rising up to 43 people only in today. Some of our children are feeling better but more and more children are getting sick.”   Sunday morning (Myanmar time), July 4th:    P – Your prayers would be greatly appreciated for our children as their fever couldn’t not come down. Also there is no doctors where we can take them to as all clinics are closed due to the quick spread of the virus. We greatly need God’s healing hand upon our children. Thank you for joining us in prayer.   This is the final expenditure for our oxygen:   1. 5L Concentrator – Ks. 1,374,000 ($835)    2. 40 L + Flow meter – 10 bottles x Ks. 220,000 = 2,200,000 ($1337)   3. 15 L cylinder (One set) – 10 bottles x Ks. 155,000 = Ks. 1,550,000 ($942)   4. 10 L cylinder (One set) – 10 bottles x Ks. 135,000 = Ks. 1,350,000 ($820)   5. All total transportation cost – Ks. 107,000 ($65)   Total amount – Ks. 6,571,000 ($3994)   The total amount I received from you was Ks. 6,825,000 ($4148) in Myanmar currency and I will use Ks. 254,000 ($155) for our children’s medical expenses. Our children are also affected one to another and now more are getting sick. [60 children living in children’s home, plus Pastor Pan’s own four children] Please pray for their soon complete healing.   I have purchased 8 bottles of 5L oxygen cylinders which are available in my city and I have immediately handed over to my Church’s volunteer group as the oxygen is urgently needed to the patients. I praise the Lord that we have got at least some to meet the immediate need.    Now I ordered the 5L contractor in Yangon as it not available even in Mandalay and it will take about a week since there is no regular buses running because of the problems in Myanmar. The 15 L and 10 L cylinders are ordered in Mandalay and it will take several days to arrive to us. I will update you as they arrive.    Please continue to pray to get more help for us the need in our country is so great. Also please continue to pray for God’s provision so that we can meet the needs on time at my native village.    Once again, thank you for standing with us faithfully to meet the urgent needs for my people here. Together, we can save lives before more of our loved ones are passed away.    In Christ, Bro. Pan   Saturday night (Myanmar time), July 3rd:   P – “Fighting takes places near to our home right now. We are hiding inside the toilets.   We are still hiding. Our children are with great fear and crying like anything. Thank you for your prayers!   It looks the situation calms down. I will send our children to bed. Thank you all for your concern. We are safe by God’s grace.”     Saturday afternoon (Myanmar time), July 3rd:   P – “Your prayers would be greatly appreciated for our children as their fever couldn’t come down. Also there is no doctors where we can take them to as all clinics are closed due to the quick spread of the virus. We greatly need God’s healing hand upon our children. Thank you for joining us in prayer.”   Friday morning (Myanmar time), July 2nd:   P – Thank you for this good news ($5000 being sent for oxygen & medicine). This would be great help. Thank you again for your concern. I will order from Mandalay. It will take 2 or 3 days. What I would do is after I buy the oxygen, I will handover to my church’s volunteer group, so that the oxygen will reach to the patients on time. I hope I will get at least 30-45 different types of bottled oxygen. e.g. 10 L, 15 L, 40 L, etc.    Thursday night (Myanmar time), July 1st:   P – “Breaking news in my city:   The death rates as well as the new cases of Covid are rising up day by day. Many of the people died due to lack of oxygen cylinder, the volunteer group said. They also that, if it continues like this for the next one or two weeks, there will not be enough volunteer workers to afford this work since we don’t see the government is taking any responsibility for the people.   The cemetery authority announced today that nearly 400 dead bodies were buried during only in the month of June including 21 pastors and 4 RC fathers (note: 90% are expectedly died with of Covid 19). They said that the death rates in the city would be normally 30 – 50 in a month before the month of June this year. It never happened in our history. What a sad month it was in such a small city.   We urgently request you again to pray for meeting the needs of oxygen before more of our loved ones are passed away. I also would like to ask you to pray for my native village needs. By God’s grace, the treatment went very well in my native village and they are improving a lot.   Your continued prayers for our safety during this hard time would be greatly appreciated.   In His Service,   Bro. P.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), June 26th:   P – “The situation gets worsened here in my city and surrounding villages.     Due to the outbreak (3rd wave) of this deadly virus (Covid 19) here, we are in a very helpless situation. Out of the numerous things we are in need of, what we need just right now is a constant supply of oxygen for our patients. We do not have nearly enough, our hospital here does not facilitate to refill the oxygen since the coup. So the charity organizations don’t have ability to produce and supply the oxygen. Oxygen tanks must be refilled in a neighboring city (about 12 drives). We don’t have a functioning government to see to our desperate needs. Many patients and families are not in a position to buy tier own oxygen tanks and have it refilled regularly. Unless we have more tanks for the immediate replacement for the ones getting refilled, with patients in critical condition on the rapid rise we will surely face the horror of losing many more loved ones. According to the news, more than (170) people died with Covid 19 within the last 20 days. Now many more new cases are rising up and almost all of my church members’ families have been suffering this deadly virus here. Pray for us. 15 Ltrs one cost is – Ks. 155,000 ($94.16).   I know that I have many requests but we are not in a position to afford for this urgent need by ourselves. My church has purchased 15 Lrs tanks but it is not enough even for my church members. There are no other places where we can hire the oxygen tank here. The news also said that many people died due to lack of Oxygen.   Last night, our children (7 of them got fever) and by God’s grace, they feeling Ok right now. They are taking medicines regularly.  Your prayers would be greatly appreciated for our family’s good health and the other dire needs.   In Christ, Bro. P.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), June 24th:   P – “Today’s situation in my city. More than 10 people died today because of Covid 19 including 2 great pastors. Continue to pray for our safety.   The military also detained five teenagers and their families don’t know were they are taken. They went and asked to the police office and military office but they were not told anything about their children. It is very sad.   As of 8:00 pm news just now, here, 17 people died with Covid including three pastors.”   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), June 24th:   P – “Yesterday, the medical team at my native village started working to test the people at the village. They have tested 124 people and 79 were found tested positive. They will continue testing about 30 more people by today and there are still more people are sick on bed. Since lack of the test kits, it seems they cannot make tests of all the sick people who are in bed. They also have started giving a little treatment to the positive patients.   Thank you so much for your continued prayer for my native village.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), June 22nd:   P – “The fighting is bad and still going on here. Of course our partners are still safe by God’s grace. Thank you for your prayers. The Covid 19 third wave has been spreading widely and more and more people have died every day. Even in today, 2 couple pastors have died. The military is not doing anything for the people instead they hurt more and more innocent people here.”   Monday afternoon (Myanmar time), June 21st:   P “The situation is worsened in my native village. I had discussed with one volunteer medical team. They are willing to go there if I can provide the cost for medicines and test kits. He estimated that for at least for 120 people and may be more also. The estimate cost is as follows;   1. To purchase medicines + Ks. 5,800,000 2. 150 test kits x Ks. 25000 = Ks. 375,000 Total needs = Ks. 5,875,000 about $4092   The medical team can’t provide the above needs but they are willing to give service to my native village people if we can provide the above needs.   As I tried to raise funds, I have received 650,000 MMK donations. That means the need is Ks. 5,525,000 (3,356.85 USD). Please pray for this urgent need that the Lord will provide to save lives in my native village.   What we are doing now is, we lockdown the whole the village and provide some first aids medications. This is what we can do right now. I will appreciate for your special consideration on this urgent need.   In Christ, Bro. P.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), June 17th:   P – “URGENT APPEAL FOR COVID 19 RESPONSE: There is a small beautiful mountain village in northern part of Chin sate, Myanmar where I was born and grown up and it stands at the boundary of India and Myanmar. The people are day to day workers and depend on their daily income. Since the coup in Feb. 1st, their lives are harder and face lots of problems in their daily living. The hardships and the difficulties are growing rapidly since it is a very poor area as no one provides any help toward this village.   In the beginning of June 2021, the people in this village have been suffering from Covid 19 virus and 5 people have died already. There are about 70 families living in this village and now 90% of the people are affected with this virus. It is very sad to learn that there are no doctors and no nurses who can give treatment to the Covid 19 patients. Also since they are so poor, they can’t afford to purchase any medicine even for themselves. What a sorrowful time for the people of this village.   We are now taking the steps to work with those who have the same burden with us to help these helpless people, otherwise there is no hope for their future lives. Please pray and give your kind attention to these needy people before it is too late. ‘Together we can save lives in this particular village.’ We will be glad to answer if you have any questions…”   Monday morning (Myanmar time), June 14th:   T – “Thank you very much for your special concern and prayers. Our God is good all the time through HB in providing our needs especially in this time of difficulty and crisis. We received the news of early support this month which gives a great joy and happiness, making sure that we will be able to provide and give to the great need of ourselves and our people who suffer badly and leave their home for safety. Indeed I have a phone call from our partners near Loikaw; they have to left their home near the boarder of Thailand. And they came back, not in their home, but near where they are safe. Thank you very much for all your prayers and concerns with all the support.   With many thanks, Your sincerely, Thang*”   Friday night (Myanmar time), June 11th:    P – “Myanmar Breaking News: Today, some people brought humanitarian aids to the refugees in Kayah state which is the most worse place fighting taking place since a month ago. But on the way, it was very sad that the military detained the humanitarian workers and burned everything they brought including the van as shown in the pictures.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), June 9th:    T – “Greetings to you all in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for your special concern and love. Yes, we indeed need your prayer more than before, many people died and leave their home for safety, but suffer badly from the rain, lack of food and medicine. Even in many places there is a bomb blast; we are warned not to go in public, we have been praying and expecting changes very soon, but it seems very slow.”   Wednesday morning (Myanmar time), June 9th:    P – “This is a great challenging time for the people of Myanmar because of the Coup as well as the Covid 19 crisis. Our lives seem to be harder day by day. Those hardships limit all our incomes as all jobs have been closed. Due to the losing of all jobs, we, the people of Myanmar, are in need of help for our daily food as many of the people depend on their day to day wages. Now the UN estimated that more than 1.5 million people in Myanmar are facing hunger because of the coup. Also the international aids are blocked by the Junta leaders right now. So to give help for the physical needs of the poor is to help grow their spiritual lives in Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for every possible way you think to help us in this time of hardships and difficulties.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), June 6th:    P – “It is very sad that we closed our church service again this Sunday due to the C-19. I don’t know how long this will take? Now many people are suffering from Covid 19 and within the last three days, four pastors have died in Cikha, Chin state because of the Covid 19 where Bro. Lan* and his family live. This new wave is connected to India, the news said.   Here in [our town], new positive cases are rising up and many of them died due to lack of hospital workers and equipment and treatment. A home stay order is announced in almost all cities in the Chin state. Very limited hospital workers are doing what they can do and we are afraid that this could be out of control. Many charity workers want to be involved in this particular work to take care of the Covid 19 patients but many charity organizations stop doing it because they are afraid of the military.   Last night, the military shot the Roman Catholic church more than ten times here [in our town], but no one got injured and nobody knows what they are shooting at. Not only that – 12 young men which they saw on the street yesterday were detained and their families don’t know where they were taken to. In the night time, they enter the house wherever they want and take away whatever they want. Last week, one of the biggest supplies [in town] was seized and the military took away more than 250 bags of rice. Not only that – they have beaten the owner of the supply and their workers very badly. We live with fear every day and night.   Now, the NUG (PDF) warned the people of Myanmar to have enough food for at least for three months. It sounds like the civil war is coming soon. Also there will soon be lack of supplies because even the good carriers are afraid to service to [our town] from any cities. We are so worried for our future but we can’t do anything to change all these situations but we believe that our GOD is in control of everything in our lives.   Your prayers and your continued support will be greatly appreciated.   In His Service, Bro. Pan”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), June 2nd:    P – “Hospitals are still closed due to CDM. The only private hospital that opened was closed at 5:00 pm today as many of the nurse and doctors are tested positive. Covid 19 cases are rising again here. Please continue to pray.   Now is full of gun shoot around the city.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), June 1st:    P – “I decided to keep the children at home [from school]. Today, no more explosions till now.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), May 31st:    P – “There are 6 explosions in [our town], around at 2:00 pm and there is fighting at [a] village just about 15 km far from here. The entire village has fled to the Jungle for their safety. Since 2:00 pm in the afternoon, everybody stays at home and no one is on the street.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), May 28th:   P – “There was a big fighting between the military and the PDF just about 5 km from [our town] since 4:00 pm to around 8:00 pm. Of course, for us, it is safe by God’s grace.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), May 27th:   T – “Thank you very much for your special concern and love. Yes, it has been greatly appreciated and I thank you on behalf of my people, for your special concern and love. I do receive a great new and blessed hope from news of the relief which will be a great help to many people who suffer badly.   It has been a big problem for me without a proper internet connection. I used wi-fi before, but I stopped now due to the junta because it it is one of their businesses. I have to try another one [with HB’s support].    Yes, it is hard and unthinkable or unbearable for us, what they [Junta] does. I hope you remember in Loikaw our partners are suffering badly, one of our partners suffers more than the others. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer for our safety and freedom.   With many thanks, Your sincerely, Thang”   Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), May 25th:    P – “Last month, the Universities were opened and now all closed already because there is no student. Just now, two explosions have happened in two different schools in Kalay. There is not a single student but there are some teachers who are in non-CDM (who are supporting the military regime). I heard that the teachers are afraid and run away from the school. The unarmed protestors are so brave against the Junta and I believe that the people will not be silent until freedom is restored. Nobody got injured or death. I have great respect for the protestors.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), May 24th:   T – “Greetings to you all in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for all your prayers and concerned. Indeed, we are greatly encouraged by all your prayers and support.   At present we need your prayer support for our partners in Kayah State, in Loikaw and surrounding. As the same with Mindat, my former students are asking for prayer support and help. If we can help, they would be greatly appreciated and thankful because many of them are now living in the forest. They have difficulty with food and shelter, I am very much worried for them since the raining season is starting.   Even in Kayah State our partners are also asking for help and prayers. If we have fund we will be able to give to them. Yesterday near Loikaw a Roman Catholic church is set on fire and four people died who took shelter in the church. For many of us there is no safety unless God helps us from these people, because they don’t care about who you are and what you are, but they do care for their business and power. So, we are in great need of your prayer for safety and freedom.   Even today they reopen the state school, so far many parents are not admitting their children, we also have a very hard time to decide, to admit or not to admit, since we are in the transition period. To be honest, we don’t want to admit because that means to support what they do, because we want to be part of the people until we get freedom.   With many thanks, Yours sincerely, Thang”   Monday afternoon (Myanmar time), May 24th:    P – “It is very sad that two churches have been attacked and the offerings have been taken away by the Junta (one in Insein, Yangon and another one in Loikaw). The district court house was burned here in town yesterday morning which was very close to us. There is fighting between the Junta and the unarmed protesters in almost every city.   It is a hard time for me to decide. Now the Junta is trying to open schools without having proper guidelines for the pandemic. Also no parents want to send their children to school under this dictatorship. Also bombs have blasted in schools throughout the country. Even here in town, two explosions have happened today and one school was burned last week. We are in this situation. Today is the first admission day here for students. We heard that less than 1% of students were admitted to the school in our city. Many schools do not have even a single admission today. Please pray for me to have the right decision.”   Monday morning (Myanmar time), May 24th:    P – “Still the military is active but no fighting took place at the moment in our city. Yes, it is still mainly unarmed protestors against the military.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), May 23rd:    T – “Greetings to you all in the precious name of Jesus Christ. I have difficulty with my WiFi and it is also hard to be out of contact with you and other friends. It has been greatly appreciated and I thank you for the prayer and encourage from HB. I will pass it to other friends and partners.   Yes, it has been a very hard time for the people; in many places many people leave their home for safety, living in the forest. Even some of my former students from Mindat are asking to remember them in prayer for their safety and freedom; they are also pastoring among their people. Even in Kayah State, near our partners, there has been a big fire between them. By God’s grace the people are being safe and taking over their enemies. Please kindly keep remembering us in your prayer. We are also warned by what they call Generation Z to be careful whenever we go and come. It has been believed that Generation Z will take part in protecting the people.   Please kindly give our love and thanks for prayers and support.   With many thanks, Yours sincerely, Thang*”   Friday morning (Myanmar time), May 21st:   P – “Thank you for such an encouragement prayers. The military are more and more in every corner of the city more than before.”   Wednesday morning (Myanmar time), May 19th:   P – “Thank you for your continued prayers. Almost every night, we have heard gun shootings in our town. We are safe by His grace. Of course, we can go here and there before 12 noon but we have to be very careful when we go out. I hope you have heard about the Mindat town attack. It was heartbreaking. The water pipe lines are cut off and the people in Mindat have moved to the jungle including children and old age. The military used RPG and some chemical weapons. In Kanpalet town, the military entered the town, took away all bags of rice which was stored for the Covid 19 patient. Here in [our city] also, they entered some of the house and asked for money. One news that I heard was in the night time, the military entered the house and demanded 10 million MMK ($6000) but that family paid just 7 million ($4300) otherwise they will be killed. We are in such a situation. All of your prayers are greatly appreciated.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), May 16th:   T – “Thank you very much for all your prayers and the prayer of others friends. We always need your prayers for safety of the people especially in Mindat one of the cities in Chin state. The coup took over yesterday, under heavy attack. Many people do suffer and leave their city into the forest for their safety. We have a few number of pastor friends who are my former students. They are asking to us to remember in prayer.   I think in the outside world everything may look normal but in reality life becomes more and more difficult due to lack of money. Many people could not get their money from the banks, they have to get up early in the morning around 2:00 am even in some places they just sleep in line and wait to get around $130 for a week. Most of the banks allow only 20 people in a day, and in the case of machine via ATM they allow up to 80 people. So, that makes it very hard for the people. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer.   With many thanks Your sincerely, Thang*”   Friday night (Myanmar time), May 14th:   P – “Today, after 4 o’clock in the afternoon, there were full of army in our city again and no one is going on the street. The whole city is silent and everyone stayed at home with fear. Just now also there was a very big explosion and I heard it was near to the hotel in the middle of town. Please continue to pray for safety.”   Monday morning (Myanmar time), May 10th:  T – “Greetings to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for your special concern and prayers, by God’s grace we are doing good, indeed we heard gunfire almost everyday. At the same time our electric power is out every day some times 5 hours.   Regarding schooling, yes it is hard to make decision, because it may take almost the whole year, but we earnestly pray to our God to restore the power to elected leaders soon. Many people are saying that they will not send their children to school. If it is only our children we will not send but by God’s grace through all your kindly help and support we are able to look after children. So, we are deeply concerned for them, if we don’t send it will be two years. So, please kindly remember in prayer, indeed we will make the final decision, not the children. With many thanks.”   Friday morning (Myanmar time), May 7th:   P – “Since we the people are helpless for the past month, we still have hopes on the NUG and PDF for the current fight.”   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), May 6th:   P – “The military wants to accuse the people of setting of the bombs. But everyone knows that these are done by them.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), May 5th:    P – “The G7 is also on our side according to their meeting yesterday.    I don’t know how many bombs been exploded in the last 24 hours in almost all cities, but 2 were quite quaking and close to us. But we are safe by His grace.”   T – “It is true there were bombs today. It seems we have everyday bombings which has been used before by them, to treat people badly. But we are use to that. One was near Dagon university in the bus, and the other is near UN office.   This fight takes longer than we expected. Please keep remembering us in prayer. For us we are going to have a big decision regarding schooling. They announced already that the school will be reopened in June, but the people are saying not to send their children in school under the junta leadership. Until we get freedom. So, it will be and it is difficult for us to know what to do. Please kindly remember us in your prayer.”   Wednesday morning (Myanmar time), May 5th:    P – “I heard that the US steps forward with the NUG in Myanmar. We wonder what kinds of news do you have in your country concerning Myanmar.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), May 3rd:   T – “We are doing good. We have two news – one is the people side and the other is the other side (military). The military side says to stay home and everything is normal, when there is no way and no safety.    They start to reopen the banks with very limited numbers of people who can withdraw their money with less than usd 259 which is around mmk 500,000. In a week in order to get that you have to get up very early and wait in the bank. There are many people who waited just for their money. No one is putting money in the bank just withdrawing every day.   Please keep remembering us in prayer, it seems it will take longer than we expected. No one is willing to give up because we have been under for many years as well as we also experienced and under the value of human life within the past 5 years. Thanks for your prayers.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), May 2nd:   P – “Now the people are so angry and try to defend themselves. Even right now, in Hakha fighting is going on between the military and the people. Of course, we the people still have a hope.”   Sunday morning (Myanmar time), May 2nd:    P – “Just now, 20 minute ago, one orphanage home in Yangon has been seized by the military. Very sad.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), May 1st:   P – “May 2nd, we are warned not to go outside by the leaders of the people. It seems there might be fighting in different cities. Please pray continuously.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), April 28th:   T – “Thank you very much for your special concern and prayers. By God’s grace we are doing good. So far I know our partners in Lashio and Loikaw are very much worried for their safety because of the fightings. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer.”   P – “The funds for food was a great help for our pastors, as well as for our children’s home. But as you know we have taken more children early this year to our care; we will soon face food shortage at our home before the next quarter funds come. Please pray.”   Wednesday morning (Myanmar time), April 28th:   P – “The situation has calmed down here in our city but fighting took place in almost every city. More and more people are detained and tortured at night. Thank you for your continued prayers.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), April 25th:   T – “We are more united, but it seems that it will take long time, we are so much concerned for the lives of our people. Thank you for all the prayers.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), April 23rd:   T – “We are also having great expectations within this month for change, but everything is in God’s hand, please keep remembering us in prayer.”   Wednesday morning (Myanmar time), April 21st:   P – “There has been a break in military attacks here in [my town]. My opinion is some actions will come from the US and international community to take action to the Myanmar military.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), April 20th:   P – “Now we heard shooting again. But still far from us.”   T – “Thank you very much for your prayers and concern. It has been always a blessing and joy for us to be part of HB. Lives are uncertain but we have hope in God and in our newly appointed government. We still hear gun fire, even many people are arrested day and night. Please kindly keep remember us in prayer.”   Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), April 20th:   P – “Thank you for your constant prayer. We are ok right now.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), April 17th:    P – “I have installed an internet access at my home now. Thanks for your help. I can access from my home now. Pray that this will not be cut off again. This will allow me to access 9:00 am to 12 midnight everyday.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), April 15th:    P – “Sharing breaking news:   ‘In Myanmar civilians are – being charged 20,000 MMK ($15 USD) for wearing black masks – being charged 20,000 MMK or arrested for wearing black clothes (Because young protesters usually wear black clothes and masks, I suppose). That is just so RIDICULOUS ! Then, on the public streets, the polices/soldiers would stop us (stop our car, stop our motorcycle, stop our walk) and check our phones. They will check our photos, check our Facebook accounts and if they found us sharing or posting any news related to the coup, they will arrest us. If they don’t find any, they will still take our phones. If we ask for our phone back, they threaten us with their guns and physically hurt us. So, a lot of people leave their phones at home and now they are charging 30,000 MMK ($22 USD) for not carrying a phone. This is the only kind of democracy the military can offer!’”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), April 14th:   T – “Thank you very much for your prayers and concern. Also thank you very much for [supporting churches], not only for their financial support and help, but above all, the concerns and prayer which we need most all times. I think here in Myanmar prayer seems more important due to life difficulty that we always have and face. Of course we all need to pray for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), April 12th:    T – “Greetings to you in the risen name of our Lord Jesus Christ.   Yes, we need prayer and God to protect our people from fear and death. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer for our people. This is our prayer: that without losing life and injury we need peace and freedom given from our Lord.   Thank you very much for all your prayers and special concerns. It has been always a great joy to receive your messages in spite of the suffering and fear that we have, knowing that you and other believers are praying for us in this time of difficulty and crisis.   By God’s grace we are doing good in our home. But they [the military] changed the way they do it, that means instead of shooting, just arresting people. Yesterday one person has committed suicide according to them, which is not what happened. That is one of the ways they act. We need your prayer for safety.   We do sleep, but try to be sensitive if there is any noise and thing that we hear, just wake up and look if we are not in deep sleep.   The main problem is that is does not depend on a particular person, it [kidnapping] can happen to anyone. If it is happen, there is no law and court that you can appear in. We are still under martial law 7 pm to 5 am. No one is allowed to be outside or in the street.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), April 9th:   T – “Greetings to you in the risen name of our Lord Jesus Christ.   We indeed need your prayer for my home town. Many people are leaving their homes for their lives to go to other villages for safety because of the shooting.   Thank you very much for your prayers and all the support.”   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), April 8th   P – “More attacks took place. But we are safe by God’s grace. 28 dead in our town since the coup. Now 37 people seriously injured because of yesterday’s attack.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), April 7th   P – “Today 11 people died, many injured and many are detained in my town. We are safe.”   Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), April 6th:    P – “We are safe by God’s grace. No new developments.   Just only FTTH line is open. Mobile data as well as broadband wifi were totally cut off until further notice. The FFTH line is also just 9:00 am to 12 midnight. We are afraid to go outside and I am far from internet access. My neighbor’s one is cut off and I have to visit my friend’s house a little far from my home.   Many many people are leaving to India from here.”   T – “Thank you very much for all your prayers and concern. We are so much pleased and thankful to you and to HB for all the support and help and, above all, the prayer support. Yes, we need your prayer and God’s mercy and protection. It has been a very quiet day since they shoot and arrest. But the people will not stop because of our future and the future of next generation. So, it will be a very hard time and difficult for our people. If God does not shorten and give freedom many lives will be lost. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer.   Yes, we are in great need of help from another country, indeed our people are always hoping and having great expectations from the States. Who knows, US can help us in many ways.   I think our people will not give up because our future will get worse. Because we have suffered and lost our hope and future for many years. We were just getting a little light since the past 5 years. So, it will take so long. Soon or later we will get victory. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer. As you have been supporting us, God hears our prayers. Thank you so much for bearing with us.”   Friday night (Myanmar time), April 2nd:   T – “Thank you very much for all the prayer and support. It has been always a blessing to me and to us for your special concern. Thank you for sending all the prayer and concerns of others, which is great and encouraging for us. As the Psalmist says, “My help comes from the Lord”. So, we strongly and earnestly pray to God to save us and give us freedom before many people die. Thank you so much for your prayers.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), March 31st:   P – “According to the DVB news, the death toll reached 521 people. They seized people and are above the law and using machine guns to shoot the peaceful protestors. Even in the day before yesterday in my town, the military used the RPG to kill our people. What a very sorrowful day it was. What a fearful day it was. Now, many people are moving from here to Manipur and Mizoram India for refuge. Also, everyone is afraid to go to work and many people are suffering for their daily foods. We will soon be facing a great famine if the international community is delayed to take action on the Junta dictatorship.   Now we are expecting the UN Security Council and the Quad (US, Australia, India and Japan) to take action soon otherwise we will not have a country. All the government administrations are stopped; no one wants to serve under the Military Junta. The political leaders, school teachers and doctors are detained and put on serious cases.   All the hospitals, all the clinics as well as all the government offices are closed. On the other hand, people are dying with Covid 19 virus. What a terrible situation our lives are here in Myanmar. We hear the shooting every night and we can’t sleep properly.   The only hope we have is our GOD because we believe that He can save us from the hands of the guilty men. I appreciate your continued prayers.   In His Great Service, Bro. Pan”   Monday morning (Myanmar time), March 29th:   P- “The dead bodies have arrived back and one of them was the Director of Justice for Women in our town.   Concerning Bro. Li, I have not heard more news yet because I learned that his phone was also stolen by the police.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), March 28th:   P – “All are in danger. Please pray.   Four persons died in my town today and more than 50 people injured. They all are Christians. I know one of them very well. The body is still in hands of army.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), March 27th:   P – “Today’s breaking news: Heart breaking images of a one-year-old baby in Thamine, Yangon, who was shot in the eye with a rubber bullet as he was playing by the armed forces today (Mar 27). As of 5:30 pm, 107 have been killed across the country. Even the ambulances were shot and the workers have been arrested. We were hiding for about 2 hours inside our house because the shooting was very near to us.   As of 8:00 pm just now, the death toll of today reached to 161 people according to the local news. Today is the highest death rate since Feb. 1. Total 430 dead since Feb. 1.   Urgent prayer request: Bro. Li* was beaten by the police at home just now because he gave drinking water to the protesters today. I tried to call his phone, but it was off. I tried to get details about his health condition and will let you know again. He was a very good man. Since his head is beaten I am afraid that his brain will be effected.    I got a little news on Bro. Li and he was taken to the hospital by Charity workers. His wife and children ran from their house and stayed at a safe place.”   T – “Thank you very much for all your prayers, we still need your prayer more than before; today itself many people died, even 7 years of age died. Please kindly keep remembering us in prayer. Yours sincerely, Thang”   Friday evening (Myanmar time), March 26th:    T – “It has been always a blessing and encouraging for us to receive your message time to time. We need your prayer support for God to answer our prayers and have mercy upon us. By God’s grace we have food for a while but we need your prayer support since we have no idea how long will it be, if it is so long we will definitely suffer because every things is coming up and expensive, most of the shop stock has gone no transport, no import.Please kindly keep remembering us in your prayer.”    P – “Please pray! There is an order to force all the men to serve in the military, those who are ten years old and above. Some of our missionaries were affected with by this order, they were hiding in the jungle. Of course, they are now safe. Many of our missionaries are affected by this order in there. They want to do all over the country but they started in some of the regions.   Our lives are more dangerous and uncertain. Six of pastors are affected. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated for these men and their families. They are safe so far. Some of them returned home before dark and some still stay in the jungle.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), March 24th:   T – “Greetings to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for your special concern and prayers as well as the prayer and love of other friends who have been praying for us in our difficult times and days. Please kindly give our love and thank to other friends whose have been praying for us.   It has been greatly quiet and silent, as today is known as Silent Strike, or protest, by staying at home. All shops and markets has been closed. Australia embassy warn people here in Myanmar to buy food at least for two weeks. So, we are always and all the time advised to get ready in case of war. Please keep remembering us in your prayer for our safety since we are always worried and careful for our daily lives.”   Tuesday night (Myanmar time), March 23rd:   P – “Thank you for your prayer. Now many families have been moving to India from my town because many people believe that my town will be the main battle ground. But we in our home believed that God will protect us and keep us safe until the end. Again, thank you for your prayer.   India is one day journey from here to cross border. Still, as of today, I heard that India does not accept refugee but with the help of the people they were kept safe. One good thing is, in Manipur there are lots of our ethnic people. We speak the same language. The people in this ethnic group in India residence are a great helper for these people.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), March 22nd:    T – “Greetings to you in the wonderful and loving name of Jesus Christ.   Thank you very much for your prayers and concern. In spite of many difficulties that we have every day we are doing very well through your prayers.    Yes, we still need your prayer for safety of our lives. It seems they are more cruel in treating the people. If there is something against them they will just shoot. It becomes worse in many places and till today many people die. Please kindly remember us in prayer for all our daily needs. In Yangon downtown they just destroy many cars.   Thank you very much for all the prayer. With many thanks. Yours sincerely.”   Friday morning (Myanmar time), March 19th:    T – “Thank you very much for all your kind and special concern for our people and us to help us in prayer with the greatest concerns and love. What we need most at present is God’s protection and mercy as well as safety.   Please kindly give our love and thank to friends in Christ Jesus, who have been praying for us. I will pass it on to our partners – they will also be thankful.    Our mobile internet data is cut off.”   Thursday night (Myanmar time), March 18th:   P – “The situation calmed down today but all shops are still not opened yet.   We don’t know about the Covid 19 situation at all since the Junta doesn’t take any responsibility. People died and it is suspected Covid 19.” Thursday morning (Myanmar time), March 18th   P – “I am glad, I can still access the internet.”     Wednesday night (Myanmar time), March 17th:   P – “All the media have been canceled from today onward. All the socials were closed so that the international community will not know what’s happening inside the country. We can still communicate by phone all over the country.   Not only 2, but 4 dead now.   We feel that we are in danger. We feel that we are in a battle field.   We heard that from tomorrow onwards, all the internet access will be cut off including the cable internet. They don’t give any time frame for how long.”   Wednesday afternoon (Myanmar time), March 17th:   P – “2 young men shot dead in my city. At 1:00 pm onwards, everyone stayed at home because shooting takes placed everywhere. Our lives are in danger and unsafe. Thanks for your prayers.”   Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), March 16th:   T – “Thank you very much for your special concern and prayers. Yes, everyday, our lives are in danger. Where there is no king, people do whatever they want, as Judges said.   Many people are giving their lives for freedom and justice.   Our mobile internet has been cut off since yesterday; it seems it will be two or three days more. Indeed we are very much worried and concerned about the lives of the people because during the internet cut off, many things can happen or people die. Please kindly keep remembering us in your prayer.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), March 15th:   P – “The whole country’s internet was turned off – it was a very sad day. All the mobile data internet access are cut off by the Junta until further noticed. But only the fiber internet access is available. Upon my request my neighbor shared his fiber internet wifi and I could somehow access it.   According to our local news, 275 dead people confirmed just 1 hour ago. 275 dead since the beginning.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), March 14th:   P – “Right now in [in my town], they are firing more than 100 times. Please pray for our safety. For today, just only in Hlai Thazar, Yangon, 31+ dead confirmed.   We are hearing the shooting but not that much near to us.”   Saturday night (Myanmar time), March 13th:   P – “I have a regular communication with our partners. They all are safe and continue all their ministry as much as they can. For most of our partners, they serve and live in small villages and for them it’s more safer than those who are in the cities.    All night, we close our doors as the dark comes and listen to what’s happening around us. We live with full of fear and our future is uncertain. All of your prayer are greatly appreciated.    Our local news confirmed that more than 260 families have been fled to India and Thailand as refugees. It is a hard time to live here especially big families like us.”   Thursday morning (Myanmar time), March 11th:   P – “They all were not murdered but most of them are out of contact and their families couldn’t contact them. Some of the girls were sexually abused and beaten to death.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), March 10th:   P – “Of course, the UN process is a long process. But I don’t believe the UN will take action unless China and Russia stand with the people of Myanmar.   The situation gets worse here. I hope you read on the news. Many news were pending. Just only in today, more than 400 people are arrested in Yangon. They arrested people in the night and the next morning there families were informed to collect the dead body.”   Monday night (Myanmar time), March 8th:   T – “We need your prayer more than before, for the safety of our people who have been trapped – the whole city is alarmed and worried for their safety. There has not been a major change in the last few days, but now some of the people have been trapped since after noon and they are not able to go home, about 100 trapped by military. People are out in the street even though they could not help, but to show their concern and burden for them as well as their love. We need your prayer for the safety of the people who have been trapped, that they will go home safe.”   Sunday night (Myanmar time), March 7th:   P – “It looks like our request to UN R2P fails to protect us. But we still trust the God of Israel to protect us and lead us in a brighter way. We greatly appreciative of all the prayers you all made for us. Please convey my best regards to our prayer partners there.”


Friday night (Myanmar time), March 5th:    P – “Electricity has been shut off in much of the country. Of course, we don’t have electricity at our home yet.”   T – “Yes, the electricity is shut off. We do also have air fighters fly over Mandalay. We still need your prayer for safety of the people and freedom for those who have been arrested without any cause. Thank you for your concern and prayers.”   Wednesday night (Myanmar time), March 3rd:   T – “Please keep remembering us in prayer. Even today 52 people gave their lives, so sad and so much crying. Indeed many are injured. Today is black Wednesday. Thanks for your prayers.”   P – “Very sad day again. We lost 52 people today. Yangon – 6, Dawei – 4, Myeik – 5, Bago – 2, Mandalay – 10, Mawlamyine – 2, Pakkoku – 1, Nay PyiTaw – 1, Htan Talan – 1, Taung Twin Gyi – 1, Myingyan – 2, Monywa – 6, Salin – 1. #BLACKWEDNESDAY   Things have not improved. The situation is worsened. Just now also the one who was shot yesterday passed away. Right now, the military is hurting people in the main road. Entering in the house, beating without asking anything and arresting them.”

Tuesday night (Myanmar time), March 2nd:   T – “Thank you very much for your messages from believers in US, which are so encouraging for our partners, and for me too knowing that you all have been praying earnestly for our people and their safety, as well as for freedom. I strongly believe and trust that the Lord will answer our cry and prayer and give His mercy.”  

P – “Today in my town, the military fired on the peaceful protesters and more than 15 were wounded and 5 of them were hurt very badly and they are in comas. We are safe by His grace and thank you for your continued prayers.”

Monday night (Myanmar time), March 1st: 

P – Some of the news said that General Min Aung Hlaing and another three main Junta leaders flew to China on Saturday night. The Bangkok post also confirmed this news.”

Monday morning (Myanmar time), March 1st: 

P – “As of Feb. 28, the military regime has arrested 1132 people.”

Sunday night (Myanmar time), February 28th:

P – “Very sad news; 23 people were killed and many injured.”

Wednesday night (Myanmar time), February 24th:

P – “Lydia* has come back and they are ok right now.”

T – “I do hear from our partners; they are all having the same problems even among their church members because no work due to the protest. We need your prayers for all our partners in different parts of Myanmar.

There is nothing we can do, just cry to God to save our people from the difficulty that we all face and will face in the coming days. Please keep remembering us in your prayer for our freedom.

Right now there is not open persecution, but you can’t speak out about what is right or wrong – about injustice. We are under pressure all the time. It is like eternal hell – suffering all the pain all the time, but no end through death. Suffering is constant. There was a break from this pressure for several years, but now, under the coup, the pressure is back. At night time we have to stay awake. We need to stay awake to watch. We need to be very attentive in the night and sound the alarm if anything happens. Constantly we are watching our words and actions. It is suffocating. 

All the protestors are in the street and then they clean everything up. They are very respectful. The young generation is very powerful and humble and wise. I am very impressed with them, and motivated by them. I am praying for these protestors to not be harmed and be able to have peaceful rest. 

We need all your prayer to stay firm in our faith and to be wise and to be humble and to forgive all the time and understand all the time. But we are not losers. We overcome everything in Christ. But we always must obey the Lord.”

Monday night (Myanmar time), February 22nd: 

P – “More and more people are coming out for demonstration in my town. No one is harmed here and it is peaceful here today. But banks are still closed and only a few ATM machines are functioning.

Sunday morning (Myanmar time), February 21st: 

T – “Thank you for all the prayer, till today many people are arrested and injured. We are still alarmed and fearful. Please keep on remembering us in your prayer. Within a few more days I think many people will suffer – due to the protest all offices and banks are closed with no service and no work. We have no idea how long will it be. Till today we are taking care of our quarter/ward under the leadership of the people who live here and we take responsibility. Please keep on remembering us in your prayers with many thanks.”

Saturday night (Myanmar time), February 20th: 

P – “Today, the military shot dead 2 people and 21 people were seriously injured.

It happened near to Lydia’s* place [in Mandalay] and she and her family fled to another village for safety. She said that most of the community left to the other side of the river.

Just now the RFA news confirmed that 35 people injured and 7 people died.”

Wednesday night (Myanmar time), February 17th:

P – “More and more government workers are participating in the CDM including the International and Domestic airline aviation. Attentions are higher and higher and more and more people have come out to the street though the police and army were so stuck to their duties. Aung San Suu Kyi was accused with three cases which all the World leaders have strongly condemned. Banks are still closed except the Junta owned bank. The Junta owned bank called Myawady Bank was open today and all customers who came to the bank went just to withdraw their money from the bank. They closed the bank at 12:00 noon because they are afraid that they will lose all their customers.

The Chinese troops are mixing with the Myanmar Military. The Junta leaders said that the Chinese troops came to help our cyber system. It shows that there are Chinese troops on the ground already.

The Junta leaders said that they will take one year and conduct a new election. No one believes that and that’s why people are strongly standing against them because we have experienced their acts in the past 30+ years. What the people of Myanmar are saying is if we lose this time, we will never get back a civilian government or democracy. Definitely, the Military will continue on their path to win and rule over us. If they lose their power they will immediately have to face the ICC which they already have a case against them. They are very much afraid of that. On the other hand, they don’t care for international condemnations on their activities unless the the UN troops or the US Army take action on them. I want to call upon the UN troops or the US Army to come and save the people of Myanmar before many lives are lost.

Very disturbing news: ‘Counterfeit banknotes from Chinese bank have arrived in Myanmar. According to a report from the Central Bank of China, 5,000/10,000 tonnes of counterfeit goods were produced in China because the military council did not have the money to pay the salaries of its employees.’

The Myanmar Military announced that China is not helping them. But just before 3 hours, there was a great problem between the Military and the protesters at the main train station in Mandalay. There were more than 60 gun shots happening, confirmed by the RFA. No detailed news has come out yet but the situation seems so worse. The people there confirmed that there were many Chinese speaking gunmen among them.

Five popular artists who participated in the CDM have been arrested by the Military just before 1 hour which was confirmed by the MRTV news. Now 427 people were arrested according to the news. They released their names as well.

You may not hear me again until 9:00 am tomorrow. I still have another 10 minute before they block the internet.”

Tuesday morning (Myanmar time), February 16th

P – “The internet was blocked 12 am to 9 am this morning again. Internet will be cut out from 1AM to 9AM everyday.

Cyber security law has been enforced (Announced on MRTV 8PM News). It’ll be stated in the newspaper tomorrow. Note: They’re amending the existing E Transaction Law to look like their Proposed Cyber Law Draft since amendment does not need public reviews.

It is said that there are more than 50,000 Chinese troops and there are another hundred thousands Chinese troops on the border line to guard the Junta leaders. Many people believed this would happen soon. We couldn’t sleep in the night and we are full of fear.”

T – “We believe Chinese troops are here in my city. We are in great danger. If something went wrong, they will not have compassion and concern upon the people since they are not from here. So, we the people are encouraging one another to be careful and sensitive as well as wise. Please keep on remembering us in your prayer. With many thanks.”

Monday evening (Myanmar time), February 15th:

P – “Many Chinese troops have come to Myanmar last night by planes to help the Junta leaders. Very sad. Today, we have seen many Chinese army on duty in Yangon and Naypyidaw.”

Monday morning (Myanmar time), February 15th:

T – “The most important need is prayers and safety because all government, university students, teachers, nurses and doctors, engineers, and company workers are involved in CDM [Civil Disobedience Movement] and protest. These people’s lives are uncertain and they are also urged to move from where they live. Please pray for all these people and their safety. Thank you for your great concerns and prayers because the prayers of the righteous are fervent and powerful. It has been always a blessing and encouragement for us that we know that HB, as well as the church, are with us spiritually and mentally.”

P – “We have been back online after 8 hours ban. 

Two MAI (Myanmar Airways International) flights made six round trips from Yangon to Kunming last night…There is no flight list for these planes at Mingaladon Airport or Kunming Airport. What makes it even more suspicious is that when these planes take off and land, the radar is turned off and the airport is connected to an air traffic control tower. Radar disappears near Yangon Airport and near Kunming Airport. However, the radar path can sometimes be seen as evidence. This is what happens during the time when the internet is blocked. Many people believe that the Junta leaders’ families have fled to China. Min Aung Hlaing’s family had fled already to Russia and Thailand on Feb. 2. 

The Chinese Xinhua confirmed that the US drone entered into the Myanmar air space [still a rumour]. That gives a great warning to the Junta Leaders. These Junta leaders are not afraid of the UN council since China and Russia are on their side with veto power. But they are always afraid of US. Whenever the US decides to do things, the US really does. Also, as we know the US is always concerned for human rights for the whole world and freedom of the people. It will be a great help.”

Sunday night (Myanmar time), February 14th:

T – “We are in a great need of your prayer. As I have said, we are always alarmed, especially in night time. Please kindly remember us in your prayer for our lives and our people.

My family and I just went one day to the protests. According to the news, our internet will be cut off at 1:00 am very soon. We are urged to be awake the whole night because army released thousands of criminal prisoners to cause problems in every township. We have seen an increase in danger because they arrest people at night. Thank you for everything and your prayer with the great concern.”

P – “Update Feb. 14: Internet will be shut down from 1 am to 9 am (electricity also) tomorrow at the same time. 

There are lots of light tanks, many police cars and water cannon trucks on Yangon’s main roads this evening, and over 20,000 prisoners were released during these days and they had been threatening for two straight nights in Yangon and Mandalay. We are feeling upset and unsafe.

I believe the military can shut down internet still, but because of the international pressure they still allow access.”

Sunday morning (Myanmar time), February 14th:

P – “It’s Feb. 14, 00:12 already and we are still able to access our internet.

Thank God our internet connection doesn’t fail till now [5 am].”

Saturday night (Myanmar time), February 13th:

T – “Thank you very much for your prayers and concern. We really need your prayer for safety. At present, everybody is afraid of people who have been released from prison causing problems everywhere. Even in our street we all are taking security turns for the whole night. Please pray for our people.”

P – “The protesters are continuing and the situation is worsened. The Military used their arms and shot the peaceful protesters and more and more democratic elected leaders are arrested day by day.

It is worse in my town now also since the military couldn’t stop the peaceful demonstrators and they are using what they have. There was a man who was hired to fire on the [redacted for safety] town. He said that he was given Ks. 500,000 [$350]. He also admitted that he was given two injections at his neck and after the injections he could only think how to destroy the [redacted] town. He was found and arrested by the peaceful demonstrators and he is under the control of our people. Our people don’t want to submit him to the hands of the police because they know that he will be released if he was submitted to hands of the police. He was one of the men who was released on Feb 12 from the jail and he also said that there are many people like him throughout Myanmar. This is a very dangerous situation.

This has been shared from a fellow civilian and has been circulated on Feb 13 at 2:30 am:

‘There have been threats to our lives in our neighborhood in the past three hours. As announced on the military government TV channels, more than 20,000 prisoners have been released early morning on February 12. Those prisoners were intentionally sent into the different parts of the cities and towns all over the country almost at the same time with the only intention being to threaten the peoples’ lives in different neighborhoods late the same night. They were dropped off in small vehicles and they also brought some tools to set fires. Some of them used motorbikes and rode on different roads to cause trouble to people. Therefore, people in the same neighborhood have been gathering in small groups in their quarters to guard all our houses, our families and our lives. There have been a lot of live updates on Facebook telling each other that this is happening in most parts of the country. There have been some footages of the drones in some locations where they started those threats. Their plan is definitely to create big lies to the world that people are gathering late at night to violate. Actually they are setting them up so as for them to have a stupid excuse for their coup. This is what is happening in Myanmar and our lives are now at risk. We need immediate and serious actions to be taken on this situation.’

This is from a circulation from protestors:

‘The moves the military successfully used against the protesters in 1988 are coming back.

They release prisoners with criminal cases. After intoxicating them, they make them mix in with the crowd and cause violence. At night, the intoxicated thugs will move freely, without restrictions from the 144 law (The curfew). They’ll make false alarms and bang ironware. They’ll all give different answers during interrogations by the locals. They’ll attack random people among the crowds. The cops will come only when people are dead, or severely injured. They’ll destroy houses and shops. They’ll break into warehouses. They’ll rob rice shops and stores. They’ll poison water supplies. They’ll sacrifice about 5 cops and blame it on the citizens. They’ll spread rumours that lawlessness is spreading. Then, soldiers will take over in all cities, and they’ll patrol the streets and kidnap people.

The military will kidnap some leaders of the protest. They’ll break the spirits of teachers and other bureaucratic staff. They’ll make them choose between giving up their jobs and licenses, and promotion. They’ll kidnap members of parliament. They’ll kidnap and torture members of the opposition parties. They’ll make them choose between denouncing their party and quitting it, and long prison sentences and oppressions on their family members. They’ll make announcements and press conferences saying that party has connections with armed insurgent organizations, and made deals with foreign powers. They’ll sue the party for state treason. Then, they’ll announce that the party has been abolished. They’ll arrest anyone who possesses that party’s symbols. They’ll write a new constitution, this time with the PR system. They’ll hold a new election without NLD participation.’

Myanmar, my country, right now is like zombie movies. We have to stay in fear when the sun goes down and the dark comes. Police and soldiers are arresting people by force at night. The criminals – intentionally released from prison – are causing violence in the dark. Our only hope is serious action from UN Human Rights Council and international community.”

Friday night (Myanmar time), February 12th:

P – “Update for today: Myanmar Military & police have been conducting illegal arrest with armed forces without warrants every late night & now it has been over 220 political activists, elected government leaders, Union Election Committee members, and civil servants, such as teachers and doctors who are doing civil disobedience movements, etc.”

Friday morning (Myanmar time), February 12th: 

P – “According to news this morning, more and more people were arrested throughout the night by the Junta leaders.”

Thursday night (Myanmar time), February 11th:

P – “Breaking News: Internet line will be cut off for 14 days from Feb 14 to Feb 28 in Myanmar. Very sad. I call everyone to speak out on our behalf to international leaders. We are in a very dangerous situation. If it is shutdown, it will not be possible to communicate. There is no way to get other connectivity. We are not sure yet if the phone line will be shut down or not. Previously, only local calls are available, though the phone was opened. If the phone lines are working, I still don’t think we can communicate by phone. I am sure that international calls will be cut off. Many people believe that during this time the Military will hurt the people and will do whatever they want to the people since they can’t control the people right now. Till now, 174 political leaders have been arrested and some other protester leaders. They also began to arrest the government workers who participated in the demonstration.

More updates: Just now about 8:00 pm, the military is forcing a move of government workers such as health workers, school teachers, bankers, municipal workers, tax workers, etc., those who are involved in the Civil Disobedience Movement. Most of the head leaders are arrested and the rest of the people are forced to move by the Military from where they live since these workers are housed freely by the government. Some of the workers are housed by the government. Not all government workers, but those who are transferring from another place are given first priority. Now some of the charity organizations are taking care of them as they move out. These people are in a serious condition and need a great help for their housing and their daily food. They were not allowed to take any of their property also. This is a very serious situation.”

Thursday morning (Myanmar time), February 11th: 

P – “According to the news, more than 10 state officers – NLD political leaders – have been arrested last night. Their families didn’t know where they are and they can’t contact them.

I have seen Biden announced sanctions. That was very encouraging news. The people of Myanmar are encouraged to know that the US stands with us. But this kind of sanctions will not hurt the military, as they aren’t afraid of it. Because China is always with the military.

Now the NLD, as well as the demonstrators are calling on UN for a concern. This Saturday the 47 countries of the UN Human Right’s Council will have a meeting on the military coup in Myanmar. Of course, now also India is watching the military activities very closely. This news came out after Biden had a talk with the Indian Prime minister.

[On preference of name of Burma vs. Myanmar] Actually, the US always used Burma. Here in Yangon, the US embassy still uses the word Burma not Myanmar. I think, we all prefer Myanmar. Why we called it Myanmar is because there are many tribes living together. That is why we call it Myanmar. The original name of the Burmese is Burma. If we use this word, it focuses only on one tribe, which is Burma. When we call it Myanmar, it focuses on the fact that many tribes who live in Myanmar belong to this country. This question is asked frequently even by the citizens of Myanmar.

The lawyer who defended the case of Aung San Suu Kyi and our president has been arrested just now.”

Wednesday night (Myanmar time), February 10th:

P – “Today more and more protesters marched peacefully in all cities. Thankfully, many police, lawyers, artists and charity organizations and all the departments of the government workers have been involved. We have also seen the military and armed forces with full weapons. We are also glad to learn that the US, UN and the other countries have been condemning very strongly the activities of the Military Coup. We pray that all these things will result in a good way. 

There is a need for help for the protesters. Since they have no time to go for jobs and they can’t make money for their family. Especially in Yangon, we have seen some people donating to some families, those who are fully involved in this activity. We believe that this will take time and there will be a great need for the people. 

According the FB news, many of the cyber experts have arrived last night from China and we are afraid that there will be internet limitations. We have heard today that Aung San Su Kyi and our President’s FB accounts were hacked and released fake news. Some of high ranking members of the NLD warned the people to not believe that fake news.

There are organizations that can give direct help to protesters in a secrete way but not publicly. We will not be able to help all, but there are leaders who work tirelessly. These are the people we want to focus on. Also there are some Christians who participated in this activity and these are also who we want to focus on helping.”

Wednesday morning (Myanmar time), February 10th:

P – “We believe the world could do something to the Junta leaders.

This morning, the Junta leaders are blocking all the main roads. We can’t go here and there freely. The food supplies are available right now with the same price as before. But we are in shortage of food at our home since we have taken many new children recently.”

Tuesday evening (Myanmar time), February 9th:

P – “Demonstrators have been continuing. One college student has been shot dead and another four were injured seriously in Naypidaw. In my town, many people come and there are lots of armed forces around the city. The situation has worsened. Please continue to pray for us.”

Monday evening (Myanmar time), February 8th:

P – “Many, many people came out on the street today in every city. It is estimated that nearly 1.5 million are marching. All government offices are closed including the banks because everyone participated in the Civil Disobedience Campaign. The Junta has announced curfew from 8:00 pm – 4:00 am and it effects from today onward. Though the demonstrators peacefully marched, the police and military are watching to fire. The tension of the people is higher, and on the other hand the Military is launching the fire cannon and many people were hurt very badly. There is not a single plan for the pandemic by these Junta leaders. Our mentality is badly hurt and we are in a danger situation. Now many army people are changing their uniforms and wearing the police uniforms so that the international community cannot blame the military being involved in this activity.”

Sunday evening (Myanmar time), February 7th:

P – “We have just re-accessed the internet after 39 hours banned. I don’t know how long they will open. Thank you for your prayers. All phone lines and internet will soon be closed again according to the news. I and my family as well as the orphan children are safe but our future is uncertain. On the other hand, the Covid 19 positive cases are rising up here in our town. Thank you for your continued prayers. Demonstrators have come out to the street in all cities to condemn the Military activities. Firing order has begun. It is worse.

The military will shoot the demonstrators. I hope that there will be some changes/ accomplishments because of all the people involved in these demonstrations. But I think this will take time.

I believe the junta re-opened the internet because there are many pressures from around the world. We cannot communicate with other parts of the world when internet is shut down. But we can communicate locally this time. On Feb. 1, phone lines were shut down and we could not communicate even locally. We are not able to get news when the internet is shut down. Thank you so much for their [churches] prayers for us.

I hope that there must be changes because the way the Junta acted was shameful before the world. Let the US stand with us this time to save Myanmar. I believe if the US troops are sent to Myanmar, they will immediately stop what they are doing. The Junta will not be able to go against the US troops. If these kind of actions will not be taken, the Junta will act as they are. I wish the US troops or the UN troops will be sent to Myanmar immediately before many people lose their lives here. Otherwise, they will shoot people and kill as they did in 1988 since they control all the weapons.

One good news is that there are some armed forces and police forces who do not agree with it. They are on the civilian’s side. This is according to the local news. We have learned through FB that some have been resigned from their military service. But they are in danger and they don’t want the news widely spread out. I talked with [the pastors who do some ministry with soldiers] and they can’t get into the army base. The military base is totally shutdown from all communications from outsiders. Some will side with the people. Especially the military Christians would be on our side.

The biggest hospital here in my town was closed because the health staff are involved in civil disobedience campaign. Many health workers have also resigned because they said that they don’t want to serve under the Junta. Some patients were sent back home and some were transferred to military hospital.”

Friday afternoon (Myanmar time), February 5th: 

P – “The members of the Government are being arrested one by one.”

Friday morning (Myanmar time), February 5th:

P – “I was 14 years old when the Junta took over control in 1988. I have been experiencing how painful it was to survive under the dictatorship rule. I do not feel safe and free even right now.

In my town, we don’t see much police and army around us but in Yangon, Naypidaw and Mandalay, there they are full of Army and Police with full weapons roaming here and there. They don’t care for a small city like my town; if they take over control of those main cities, they can easily control over the whole of Myanmar. At my town, things move as normal so far, but everyone is with fear and uncertainty.

Now we cannot talk openly about our government as some of the people who were involved in the civil disobedience campaign and young activists have been arrested. The Health Organization has started the Civil Disobedience Campaign, refusing to work under the new appointed leaders. The one worse thing is the Covid 19 vaccination has been blocked by the new leadership.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

I have talked with Pastor Thang and he is safe and he is still in his home town. He will be going down to Yangon on Monday.

We have not heard yet about the new plans for Covid 19 by the new leaders. Definitely, it will hurt more people and more people are in need of food since many businesses are not running right now or will close permanently. Please pray for us and if funds are available and if you can send us, this would be a great help for our people here who are poor and suffering because of Covid 19 and this new leaders’ pressure.”

Thursday morning (Myanmar time), February 4th:

P – “Morning news: The Junta leaders announced that Facebook will be blocked for three days in Myanmar and anyone who opposes the new administration will be arrested immediately.

I have not heard more arrests so far in my place. Things are worse in the bigger cities. Everyone is silent in my place and scared for the future. Our pastors have not been facing any problems so far and they are doing well.”

Wednesday evening (Myanmar time), February 3rd:

P – “As of today, we are sad to hear that the president and our state counselor have been charged to be in prison. Some of the senators have been released and asked to leave and to go back to their homes by the new government. The banks are operating as before. But nobody can predict whether it will continue or not. It seems the international pressure will not work because China is on the military’s side. China it seems used their veto in the UN council. We also read that the military started beating some of the government workers in Yangon division. Also the internet was blocked for six hours in Yangon, but it’s good in my place. 

We are discouraged mentally, and our hope to have a civil government is still far away here. But we put our trust in God, that He will do the best for us. Thank you all for your prayers.”

Tuesday evening (Myanmar time), February 2nd, a day and a half after the coup:

P – “The worst news [about the coup] is that the Buddhist organizations agreed with the military, because what they have always been trying for is to make Myanmar a Buddhist country. Christians will suffer more and more.

Today onward, the Myanmar health organizations have started a civil disobedience campaign, as they don’t want to serve under these new appointed leaders. We are in a very hopeless situation. We need your prayers. The Covid-19 vaccination is also terminated by the new leader. Also, the vaccine carrier plane was sent back by the new leader.

I heard that the Military Junta leader visited some churches in Yangon, but nobody knows what they are doing. There is not any news released by them. Everyone is effected very badly. We are in fear about our future. The banks are open today – Let’s see how they will operate. We believe there will be great problems. Those struggling for food will of course be affected. We believe that there will be a shortage of food because the new leaders shut down companies. My children feel very bad, and they fear because the military is roaming here and there.

I was told that at midnight the internet and phone lines will be blocked again. But let’s see… Thank you for the prayers. We don’t see anyone taking immediate action internationally for this to be reversed. Unless international action is taken, there is no way for us, the people of Myanmar, to reverse this. I will share updates whenever I can.”

Monday evening (Myanmar time), February 1st, half a day after the coup: 

P – “Since midnight, we cannot access any phone or internet. All are shut down. We do not know any news yet. Thanks for your prayers. The arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi is very sad. I do not know if the internet will continue to be blocked, as it has opened just now. Even right now, our internet connections are very slow.”