Praying Over 2021

Next month we will publish our 2020 Annual Report, reflecting on all God has done with your partnership in this extraordinary past year. This month, we look forward to 2021 prayerfully. Below, we share a few prayer requests from pastors and missionaries. These reflect the nature of similar prayer requests throughout our network in South Asia.


“I have to appeal for one very important prayer request. That is the need for our people here in Myanmar. Because of the Covid-19 virus, many people suffered and died. On the other hand, the government ordered lockdowns everywhere. So, people are so much struggling. Please pray for the urgent needs of our people.” ~ Kap*

“Pray as I hope to to start a couple of new churches in the next year. I hope to see more new disciples of Jesus Christ in the next year.” ~ Pastor Zam*


“We are planning in the next six months to have football tournaments and other sports ministry activities for our youth in the region. Pray for us to receive the needed permission to start the football tournaments and other sports ministry activities. Pray for more youths to accept the Lord and become an example before their friends and families. Please pray that all the financial needs of the sports ministry will be met.” ~ Tshering*

“I want to visit many places, reach new souls, and even motivate the ones who have been weak or far away from God. I want to help my church members become stronger in their faith and spirit. Please pray for me to be stronger in spirit, as I feel I have just started doing God’s work and I have much more to accomplish in the name of the Jesus. Please pray for me as I suffer from migraines most of the time, and it is very terrible sometimes. Pray that I do not get sick as usual, so that I can keep on visiting people and sharing the Gospel.” ~ Ruth*


“Pray as I save children from human traffickers and share the love of Christ among the families I am meeting. The traffickers do not want us to do this recovery and rescue work. They threatened me several times. This threat is always on our shoulders and keeping our life risky.” ~ Chara*

“Pray as I have a plan to serve in my preaching centres and other areas to renew His program by sharing the Gospel and keeping the people in touch with His Word. Also, pray to recover the loss of education due to Covid-19, as the children are becoming reluctant to learn. I would like to share with them the joy in Christ.” ~ Babul*


“Pray as our goal for the next six months will be strengthening the existing believers.” ~ Pastor Jairaj*

“I am praying for the village where I am living and serving the Lord. I want to bring the whole village to Christ. I want to reach all the youth of our village through skill development projects and spiritual programs. We are praying and preparing for seven brothers and sisters who are supposed to have water baptism this month.” ~ Pastor Joshua*

“Pray as I plan in the next six months to win and baptize more than 20 people with my team, to start two more Sunday schools, and to share the Gospel with at least 1,000 people.” ~ Annal*

Andaman Islands

“Pray as we plan to bring at least 20 families to the church by encouraging the believers to go for evangelism and each bring one new family within three months.” ~ Pastor Joshua*

“Pray for me to do God’s ministry faithfully and fulfill the vision which God gave me, a burden for lost souls. Pray for God to use me powerfully, filling me with His gift of the Holy Spirit, and to equip me to help the poor, widows, handicapped, needy and elderly people. Pray for me to start prayer groups, house churches and churches in various different places in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.” ~ Pastor John*


“My main personal prayer requests are for the health of my family and I, for good weather since our crops have been destroyed by the extreme rainfall, and for all of us to stay strong and faithful at all times.” ~ Krishna*

“Pray as I hope to start a women’s fellowship with the women who can attend. I want to reach the unreached people for God’s Kingdom in any way that I can, even though the lockdown may continue.” ~ Bina*

“Pray for me to be able to serve God among the people from all areas (even those with no internet access), and to safely be able to praise God among a big crowd in the next six months. I hope to share the Gospel through online ministry and to be able to conduct other programs through any platform, so that I can accomplish the mission I have been given.” ~ Abiral*

Thank you for your prayers and generous support, which continue to make this vital work possible! You can also download our monthly prayer calendar to pray throughout the year.

With thankful hearts,

The Harvest Bridge Team