Positioned for Such a Time as This

We know this is a trying time. If you are not in a position to give financially, we understand. Please know you are not in this alone – Many South Asian believers are praying fervently for the US right now, and specifically the supporters of Harvest Bridge.

We want to join you in prayer. If you would like to share prayer requests to believers in South Asia, please send them to [email protected]. This is not a one-way bridge. 


In Harvest Bridge’s work we have always specifically supported those who have done much with little, those who understand and respond to the needs of their communities, and are committed to demonstrating the love of Jesus in the hardest of circumstances. We exist to be a bridge between you – believers in the US – and believers in South Asia.

In a time when travel is vastly restricted and local expertise is essential in addressing urgent needs, Harvest Bridge is optimally positioned to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. 

The men and women you support haven’t waited for additional funding to spring into action. 

Even while they struggle themselves, they’ve organized programs to safely get food into the hands of the most needy. They’ve been quick to identify who is being overlooked in receiving government aid because of racial, caste, or religious biases. They’ve conveyed accurate information from the World Health Organization to their communities. 

The ripple effects of COVID-19 continue to bring tragedy. 

Where we work, people are suffering as economies and supply chains shut down, healthcare systems struggle to cope, and misinformation runs rampant. Due to bureaucracy and corruption, many vulnerable people cannot obtain food and other necessities. In many cases, minority religious groups and low-caste people have been passed over for help. Others in remote places need to purchase necessities before government assistance reaches them. Some can’t get help because they lack the proper documentation needed to receive rations.

It has never been more important to respond quickly. 

We have a network of hundreds of trusted local pastors, missionaries, and leaders, many of whom have carried out effective disaster relief projects over the years. We work with those who know their communities’ needs best. They are ideally positioned to deploy limited resources most effectively – whether food, personal protective equipment, clean water, or other lifesaving necessities. 

Our brothers and sisters in South Asia are already hard at work helping people. With your help, they can serve thousands more.

Your support where needed most will equip our missionaries to respond as Christ’s hands and feet to the most pressing needs in their communities.

We are praying for you. And we thank God for you. 

Peace in Christ, 

The Harvest Bridge Team