Our Next Chapter

At the end of this year, I will complete my work at Harvest Bridge and retire, to write and speak about Christian ministry. This is not a change in plans, but something I intended to do from the beginning. 

In 2007, I received a clear calling to start and establish Harvest Bridge. Now, I have an equally clear leading to entrust Harvest Bridge with others to pursue this new direction. 

Thankfully, very little will change at Harvest Bridge because our key partners in Asia will remain the same, and our U.S. team is well prepared to lead.

My confidence in the future of Harvest Bridge is based on God’s faithfulness. Harvest Bridge began with the prayers of faithful, fruitful missionaries in Asia who had reached the limit to what they could accomplish on their own, and asked God for help. Today, these missionaries tell us that Harvest Bridge and its donors are the answer to their prayers.

Harvest Bridge exists for these dedicated Asian Christians, who otherwise could not communicate well with Western supporters because they lack the necessary knowledge of English, technical skills, and scale of projects. We tell their stories and connect them with the resources they need to reap the great harvest before them. 

These Asian missionaries – more than our US team – are the core of our organization. 

They are people like Derek – whom some of you met recently – who leads a team of 51 missionaries in Bangladesh that baptized about 900 new believers last year. They are people like James, who planted over 20 churches in India and was beaten for his faith before helping us start Harvest Bridge. They are people like Faith* in Pakistan, who started more than a dozen women’s Bible studies in Muslim homes. 

We are the bridge through which Western Christians can be inspired by and invest in the work of these and other outstanding builders of God’s kingdom.

The early years of Harvest Bridge were exhilarating but difficult. By 2011, the demands became unmanageable and it was my turn to ask God for help!

God heard my prayers and sent Kate and Andrew. Remarkably, I did not recruit them. By God’s providence, they heard about our fledgling organization and came to my office unexpectedly, with exactly the skill sets that Harvest Bridge needed. They have been working with me ever since, first as volunteers and then full-time. 

Kate, as Director of Mobilization, and Andrew, as Director of International Partnerships, are not merely employees; they have been my partners in building Harvest Bridge from a tiny startup into a widely respected nonprofit. We have faced every challenge and taken hold of every opportunity together. They are gifted on both sides of our “bridge” – from the remotest corners of Asia to metropolitan megachurches in the US. There is almost nothing that I can do for Harvest Bridge that they cannot do as well, or better.

In summary, Harvest Bridge is in excellent hands. 

Stateside, we not only have Kate and Andrew, but a strong, committed Board and talented volunteers, some of which are qualified to become future staff members. Overseas, we have the same outstanding mission leaders and missionaries.

Although I will retire from Harvest Bridge on December 31st, I remain enthusiastic about this ministry. I will continue supporting its work, and strongly encourage you to do likewise, so that Harvest Bridge’s ministry can continue to flourish. 

Harvest Bridge has a very compelling mission, clear evidence of God’s blessing, and amazingly committed and gifted missionaries!

Thank you for your indispensable role as our partners in this holy adventure!

In Christ,

Tim M., President 

*Name changed for security