The Heart Behind The Harvest

Church planting, poverty alleviation, pastor training, disaster relief, education. 

Whether you’ve been supporting Harvest Bridge for years or have just begun learning about us, you probably know we are involved in all these things. At first glance, it can appear that doing so much in so many places might hinder our focus.

However, we have only one goal: 

To equip South Asian Christians to serve their communities more effectively. With our assistance, people and communities in South Asia are transformed by the love of Christ.

Harvest Bridge does not create local ministries, but equips ministries that already have proven themselves to be effective. We work with those who have done much with little. 

These men and women not only know their communities best, but also know what it means to give up everything to follow Jesus, and can say it is worth it.

Harvest Bridge began in 2008 and has since grown to partner with over 250 indigenous pastors and missionaries in eight countries. Through them, thousands more have received pastor training, disaster relief assistance, support for sustainable development and education programs, and more.

Our work covers Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Tibet. Three major religions, scores of languages, and numerous ancient cultures are represented in these countries. 

This is why our ministry programs vary by country; in addition to a range of physical needs and resources, the spiritual needs and cultural contexts are different as well. Our goal, however, is always the same.

While our Asian partners minister in ways appropriate to the needs and traditions of their regions, our U.S. operations need to accommodate U.S. traditions as well. One of these traditions is year-end giving. In the U.S., about 30% of annual giving occurs in December. We are so thankful for those gifts and for the work they enable us to do!

The challenge for us is to fund ministry needs spread throughout the year, especially in late summer and fall when nonprofit giving hits a low point.

If you haven’t given recently, would you consider a gift to our Where Needed Most fund? This allows us to stand alongside our Asian brothers and sisters in Christ in a season when support for their work can be scarce.

“Our God is so good to us. He answered our prayers and blessed our ministry beyond our expectation. Through our prayers and ministry efforts, many sick people have been healed and found salvation. We have started Bible studies and formed home-cell groups, so that the new believers will have more chances to learn the word of God. Thank you for your support of our ministry!” ~ Church planter in Myanmar