Five Reasons

Whenever we have the opportunity, Harvest Bridge seeks to partner with other established organizations on a range of projects. 

For example, we work with The Voice of the Martyrs to meet the needs of our many persecuted pastors and missionaries. We’ve partnered with UMCOR, World Relief and Samaritan’s Purse on disaster relief and community development projects. We work with Global Commission Partners to provide modest levels of monthly support for our national missionaries. 

These organizations have trusted us with their finances and resources. Why? Here are five reasons. 

Reason #5: We focus where we are most needed.

We work in countries where Christians are tiny minorities and extreme poverty is widespread. We work in South Asia, mainly in areas where less than 2% of the population is Christian and where humanitarian needs are great.

These are places where local Christian ministries face the greatest challenges with the fewest resources.

Reason #4: We work through indigenous ministries, with accountability.

HB does not compete with local churches, but empowers them. Local ministries and missionaries are intimately familiar with local conditions and speak local languages.

Our partners have invested their lives. 

Many have been beaten for their faith or lost their jobs. Some have been imprisoned, tortured or had churches burned down. Yet they have planted churches, established ministries in the slums, and proven themselves faithful.

We regard monitoring as an ongoing activity rather than just an occasional checkup. We have national and regional coordinators who know our partners and see them often. We have a network where problems can be detected and resolved before they grow. 

Reason #3: HB is an unbeatable value.

We have extremely low overhead, thanks to our hardworking volunteers and industrious Asian partners. By leveraging local resources, we can accomplish your missionary and humanitarian objectives for a tiny fraction of the cost. 

Our partners are men and women who have proven they can build effective ministries in difficult places with little outside help. We co-invest with these people. 

For the cost of sending four foreign missionaries, we come alongside over 250 national missionaries!

Reason #2: Our partners’ work speaks for itself.

In areas with persecution, our partners openly take a stand for Christ. Where we work, Christians are denied good jobs, pastors are beaten, and churches are burned.

In spite of poverty and persecution, our partners are on the front-lines – sacrificing to help the poor, sharing the Gospel in word and deed. 

In 2015 alone, they baptized over 5600 men and women!

Reason #1: This is God’s work!

Harvest Bridge was the answer to a prayer.

By God’s grace but with few worldly resources, we grew in eight years into an organization that has trained thousands of pastors, educated hundreds of children, and helps over 250 missionaries to unreached people groups in eight countries!

God continues to bear witness to our missionaries by working through them in remarkable ways. 

Join us through prayer and giving!