A Journey Through The Himalayas

2 AM, southeastern Nepal. A car carrying three sleepless occupants cruises toward Kathmandu, the country’s capital. The passengers, myself and an Indian Harvest Bridge partner, had just visited church planters in Bangladesh, Bhutan and northern India, checking on projects and gathering reports from their ministries. We intended to do the same in Nepal, but our flight was cancelled due to heavy fog. Scrambling for an alternative, we hired a cab driver and set out on the 390-mile drive from Nepal’s southeastern border to its capital city.

Despite starting our journey at 4 PM the previous day,  we had yet to reach the foothills of the Himalayas. As we drove across flat lowlands on a rough road, I contemplated the difficulty our driver would face in navigating hairpin turns under the cover of darkness. Before confronting the hills, however, an unexpected challenge arose.

As we passed through a small village, the only vehicle in sight,  a drunk man stumbled onto the road about a hundred yards ahead. This was no careless act; our headlights revealed a cold determination in his eyes. As our driver hit the brakes, the man staggered directly toward us, intent on throwing himself into the car. Evidently, our driver was familiar with such encounters; he slowed down to precisely the speed necessary to swerve around.

My heart breaks for the man. What hopelessness, what despair, drove him to this desperate suicide attempt? How many times had he tried it? Is he still alive? Memories like this vividly remind me why Harvest Bridge exists. Ultimately, it is not about programs or numbers, but individuals. It is not only about providing material help – which Jesus called “the food that perishes” (John 6:27) – but about ministering to the deep needs of the soul.

By God’s grace, Harvest Bridge’s Asian partners are ministering to the deep needs of many souls, helping the lost encounter Jesus and find freedom from hopelessness and despair. Recently, in the Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan, 34-year old Kumar* was delivered from his drug and alcohol addiction following the prayers of HB church planter Levi* and members of his congregation. Kumar is growing in the faith, and his whole family has been baptized. 

In southern India, Prakash*, an organized crime ring leader, was badly injured in an automobile accident, which opened the door for him to hear and believe the Gospel. Though Prakash’s injuries restrain his mobility, his countenance reveals hopefulness as he studies the Bible daily and encounters the living God on its pages. 

Through your prayers and support, you play an essential role in bringing healing in the lives of people like the man we encountered that night.With your help, stories like Kumar’s and Prakash’s continue to be written and the Good News goes forth to those who have never had the opportunity to hear it. Please consider investing in this transformative work with regular support Where Needed Most, if you aren’t currently doing so. We thank God for your partnership!

Andrew David,

Director of International Partnerships

* Names changed for safety.