But I Trust In Your Unfailing Love

How long, O Lord? ~ Psalm 13:1

Immediately prior to starting work with Harvest Bridge, I lived in South Asia for a year. Far away from the expat communities found in large cities, I was culturally immersed in the rural community where I conducted research.

This experience changed me deeply, in ways I am only beginning to process 16 months after returning home. 

There have been seasons when I could’ve burst into tears at any moment, without any clear reason. In other seasons, I was unable to “feel” much of anything. Looking back, heartbreak over the brokenness I observed and experienced in South Asia has influenced both types of seasons.

Harvest Bridge’s partners serve God in some of the world’s most difficult contexts; so it is not surprising that they, too, routinely wrestle with the world’s brokenness. 

They frequently confront manifestations of our fallen world, including being persecuted for their faith.

Examples abound. Recently, a pastor we work with in Myanmar was falsely accused of human trafficking because he helped send a girl from a church he planted to attend a better school in a nearby town.

In Pakistan, several of our partners faced such intense opposition from multiple sources that they were forced to go into hiding. 

In the last few months, several of our missionaries in Bangladesh were beaten or stoned for sharing the Gospel.

These are my brothers and sisters in Christ. If you follow Jesus, they are your brothers and sisters as well.

Jesus promised that those who follow Him would suffer, but it is still natural for us to question why.

How long will my enemy triumph over me? ~Psalm 13:2

This side of eternity, we aren’t promised answers. However, God promises something better: to be with His people always (Matthew 28:20). 

When Christ returns to bring this age to an end, all will be made right. Until then, in mysterious ways, God uses suffering and persecution to advance His kingdom.

Sunday, November 6th is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Let us remember to pray for our persecuted brethren – not only on November 6th, but every day.

To stand with Harvest Bridge as we help our persecuted family advance God’s kingdom, please consider giving Where Needed Most. 

Your support is crucial at this time of year, when charitable giving traditionally decreases.

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for He has been good to me. ~ Psalm 13:5-6

In Christ,

Andrew David

Director of International Partnerships